CNN's Don Lemon responds to President Trump saying he made Juneteenth, the holiday that commemorates the end of slavery, famous.
#CNN #News
CNN's Don Lemon responds to President Trump saying he made Juneteenth, the holiday that commemorates the end of slavery, famous.
#CNN #News
The president is insane! He’s a mess
The old saying goes show me your friends,and I will show you your future.
Reminds me of when he said “I haven’t heard of a category five hurricane, but I knew of the term”

@Michael Green oh he said that, he also implored if he could nuke one… in bloody earnest. He was so serious and so sad it wasn’t possible.
Reminds me of when he said “they say windmills can give you cancer” I don’t know how much more I can take!
Tadek W
He should at least see the movie “Twister” the main character became obsessed with chasing hurricanes because of a category 5 hurricane happened when she was a young child
He thought Fredrick Douglass was still alive…
@Jose V Jesus is alive.
Not astute
Yea he said some shot about him like in the present it was weird af
Carlo – Truth!

I couldn’t have said it better
like you hahaha
If anyone EVER spent time in Texas, trust me they know.
I grew up in Texas, been here all my 67 years, I know!
I grew up in Wisconsin, and I knew of it.
Delaware here. First state, home of Joe Biden. Known about it my entire life.
When Trump says “Nobody Knew” or “Who Knew”, it means ” I didn’t know” or “I didn’t think”.
He surrounds himself with people who are like him. That’s why he thinks nobody knew.
Just because HE’S a dumbass and had no clue.
@Marci LK
In his white supremacist world, they don’t know any African American history. And haven’t bothered to learn.
And, his supporters.
Yup, 100 fucking percent. The same way he says things “some people say” or some people tell me” nobody has said any of those things to him, it’s himself talking to himself or him making scenarios up in his head lmao
Remember he thought Fredrick Douglass was in the room.
“some” systemic racism is = to being a “little” pregnant.
@lokis Mischief

like being pregnsnt of an arm and a leg
Love it!
Most areas where the shooting of unarmed blacks happen in majority minority Police Departments so what do you propose Discriminating against white people? that’s very unconstitutional and does not solve anything
If you want racism to go away, stop talking about it. Morgan Freeman
I’m sorry
I have no intelligent response for his dumb “taking credit for” moment.
Now what he did make famous is “Bone Spurs.” Matter of fact he made “Bone Spurs” famous 5x.
He sure did because I knew nothing about bone spurs
Thinking Trump didn’t need the bone spurs as an excuse, the y could have kept him out for lack of intelligence. Bonnie Robinson
This is the stupidest president I’ve seen in my life time and I lived through seven.
Steve L Amen!!!
R. McBride

@Poker Face
High five. Same here. Born during Eisenhower, Kennedy inaugurated when l was seven. He’s the most stupid President in history.
I’m on number 11 and yep, he’s the most ignorant person in charge I have seen
@R. McBride trump would lose on game show Are you smarter than a 5th grader.

The great, late Poet Laureate of the U.S, Howard Nemerov wrote: “a smile is halfway to a snarl.”
All foulness is due to nazi Steve Miller. Juneteenth is on most calendars and Tulsa massacre is huge knowledge in Black history.
You want to know about history, so, you ask a security guard, not a historian?
Mario Stinger really the guy will not take advice from the top Scientist in the world in a Pandemic.
He didn’t know the U.K. had atomic weapon, according to Bolton’s book.
Its like not know U.K got Nukes,Finland belong to Russia ect.
Trump polled melania and she said “whattt aaaaaa juneee teethhh?”
‘i hear Frederick Douglas has been doing amazing things……”’
He said FRED DOUGLASS. I guess they play golf together.