Trump says he doesn’t know Proud Boys after name-checking them at debate

When asked about his remarks during the first 2020 presidential debate telling right-wing extremist group the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by," President Donald Trump claimed he didn't know the group. CNN's Kate Bolduan and Kaitlan Collins break down the President's comments.

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Trump says he doesn't know Proud Boys after name-checking them at debate


    1. And ANTIFA according to Joe Biden is “an idea ” Just like riots according to Nadler “is a myth”. BLM Attacking, burning, looting, and destroying innocent people’s neighborhoods, businesses just like criminal cowards do. Joe Biden won’t denounce any criminals when they work for the demonrats.

    1. Has BLM explained why they have removed the destruction of the nuclear family (in favor of villages…) from their Charter? They did it quietly last week so we know that those racist marxists were getting push back.

    2. @G34 Should I fill it with racist marxist ideas like yours? Or is BLM only for losers who cant hold a job and want a revolution to hid their personal failures? Maybe I can fill it with your significant other. Being a marxist I am sure you wouldn’t mind her experiencing some third wave feminist empowerment at my hands. You know how much chicks love MAGA guys (forbidden fruit and all). Let me know little guy.

    1. I know, i want some whatever he’s having.
      President of the USA baby …………
      It’s good to be king.
      TRUMP 2020 BABY

    2. @G Porter Has BLM explained why they have removed the destruction of the nuclear family (in favor of villages…) from their Charter? They did it quietly last week so we know that those racist marxists were getting push back.

    1. The reason we vote for Trump is we want more high paid jobs, no violence and no racists, lets make America as the best country in the world!

  1. He played the trump card again of selective memory. “I dont know who they are”. Yet he brags about how intelligent he is.

    1. @cwillfrommd And I love how the best the T?rump trolls can come up with are third grade attempts at insults. so sad….

    2. That implies there is evidence he was already aware of them in the past specifically. Do you have a link to such evidence? Intelligence also has nothing to do with memory.

    3. He Did Not Lie…He Does Not Know Any Of Them…Yet The Democrats Hang Out With BLM And The Antifa Criminals And Let Them Out Of Jail.

    1. @David Rabinowitz
      The terrorist organizations Antifa and BLM,which are linked to the U.S Democratic party,they did had caused economic damages of more than billions of dollars plus with their lootings and their destructions that they did caused against business empires.

    2. @Tempest Raider Note how, from StinkFinger on down, NO Democrats have said A THING about the billions of dollars loss, all caused by their beloved BLM. They should be ASHAMED.

    1. And ANTIFA according to Joe Biden is “an idea ” Just like riots according to Nadler “is a myth”. BLM Attacking, burning, looting, and destroying innocent people’s neighborhoods, businesses just like criminal cowards do. Joe Biden won’t denounce any criminals when they work for the demonrats.

    2. He didn’t mess up. He knew exactly what he is doing. He got us talking about proud boys instead of his policy to dismantle and defund every single things that makes America America..

    3. @Woohoo not true outside groups are mainly responsible for looting and burning some are linked to white nationalist groups. To say this is a one sided ONLY issue is just showing how ignorant and closed off from reality you are. People are taking advantage of a situation and really doing some bad stuff that dosnt contributed positively the event like peaceful protest.

  2. Whenever anyone that he associates with ends up doing something bad, he’ll pull the old, “I never affiliated with these people and have no idea who they are.”

    1. So could you tell me how many of the black people shot in Chicago last week were killed by the proud boys? Maybe you can tell me how many cities the proud boys burned and looted? Perhaps you can tell me how many police officers the Proud boys shot? So what is it that they are doing that is bad? So when the head of the Toronto chapter of BLM said white people are genetically defective and evil, can you show me a similar statement that the leader of the Proud boys made? So when a leader of BLM in Chicago said looting was justified, and it was just a down payment for reparations, can you show me a similar thing the proud boys have said to incite destroying property?

    2. Kinda like Biden saying antifa is a myth while you can donate to that myth through actblue which donates to the democrat party

    3. @John truth WHAT are you even RAMBLING ABOUT? Try to focus
      on facts, then complete your thoughts. You seem as scattered as StinkFinger. Hope you can somehow bring a cogent argument to the forum.

  3. 🤣🤣🤣
    Funny how for someone who knows more than scientist, Generals etc, suddenly doesn’t know who David Duke, or the ‘,proud boys” is?

    1. uppgrayyed lmao the real question is what do you know about it? If i google anything nowadays everything is fake news. So you tell me where can I find the info without being fake news? Lmao I got time to research you know… coronavirus times. Lol

    2. The Proud Boys are a group led by an Afro/Cuban Hispanic, have POC throughout the group, and are just conservatives who oppose the far left. How do you not know who they are? You talk big enough.

    3. ​@takecare A Look, if you are a complete financial failure in life I totally understand your support for the BLM marxists. I wouldn’t be able to stomach their racism, but perhaps your professors subjected you to more thorough brainwashing. However, if you have any job prospects, you are simply shooting yourself in the foot. You do not need a socialist revolution to cover your personal and professional failings. Stop hiding behind these vile racists and make something of yourself. You could achieve great things if you but tried. Stop being a useful idiot and learn real history. You know, like how the Native Americans had black slaves with them on the trail of tears. Or how the Mongols slaughtered more humans than people except for the Maoist and Stalinist communists. Those folks make the scary white supremacists (all 734 of them) look pretty tame. History is complex- do not let the racist BLM marxists fool you into thinking you are not valuable. Get off your knees, stop chanting creepy scientology-esque anti-racist mantras, and see BLM for what it is – an organization unremittingly dedicated to the destruction of the country you call home.

  4. “ I know you lie- cause your lips are moving! Tell me do you think I’m dumb? I may be young… but I ain’t stupid… talkin round in circles with your tounge!”

    1. And ANTIFA according to Joe Biden is “an idea ” Just like riots according to Nadler “is a myth”. BLM Attacking, burning, looting, and destroying innocent people’s neighborhoods, businesses just like criminal cowards do. Joe Biden won’t denounce any criminals when they work for the demonrats.

    1. CNN fell for his stupid trap. He said he didn’t know who proud boys are(obviously a lie), cnn reported on it and now people who had no idea about who proud boys are and what they stand for are now looking into them/researching them. CNN just became a recruiting tool/free advertisement for proud boys.. Membership is now going to jump because of them. Thanks, good job.(sarcasm) #biden2020

  5. “They have to stand down” to me that is not an objection to white supremecy, It’s like telling your friends to not light any crosses on fire for a while????

  6. “SENILE Biden was wrong when he said that the Trump administration made no effort to get U.S. medical experts into China.”

  7. So, the sharpie monster doesn’t know what the ProudBoys are. He doesn’t know what QAnons are. For the people that he doesn’t know, he sure puts a lot of his support behind them.

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