On coronavirus testing, President Trump called it a ‘double edged sword’ and asked his officials to ““slow the testing down, please." Dr. Kavita Patel says for half of the country, “We’re still doing the same number of tests and we’re still finding a higher degree of cases.”» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Trump Says He Asked 'To Slow Testing Down' For Coronavirus Because Of Increased Cases | MSNBC
That noise from his base, didn’t necessarily sound like their normal cries of support. It almost sounded like dissent…
i think they’re losing heart
Most of them were probably paid to be there
Grievance in the sense of shared VICTIM-HOOD! A cult like following, who apparently believe that he is the “chosen one” which in turn makes them somehow immune from this virus. LOL!
@may wilson It is not true that Trump helped the vets. Obama put that in motion and Trump claimed it in “error.”
Trump just admitted on live TV his negligence contributing to the deaths of 120,000 + Americans. He is the stupidest elected leader ever to hold office.
When was this?
Matthew Murphy don’t forget Putin.
The Tweatles what’s so wrong with that? Love is blind.
@The Tweatles so what if they support LGBT?
Connan all the way! I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
Even if he was joking, this was sick….in more ways than one.
@frictionRx9 too bad it was the far right wing terrorists groups! Not one liberal there for the looting!
@Marilyn Reallon lol you believe everything this biased media feeds you don’t ya
Nathan – do you have any belief that trump has a sense of humor?
so if a woman doesnt have a pregnancy test she isnt pregnant?
@The Ropes of Renovation I understood what he meant.
@The Tweatles
I’m guessing you support the death penalty. I hope your not one of those GODLESS EVANGELICALS.
*Brazil’s Parliament Breaks Into Hospital Claiming 5k Coronavirus Patients, 200 Dead and It’s Empty!*
@9000ck “pregnancies aren’t a deadly infectious disease” This is completely FALSE. The world is overpopulated and needs to be cullled. Your opinion is irrellevant. The herd MUST be thined. Abortions are not enough.
Connan all the way! I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
Trump tricks his kool-aid guzzling cult into believing that he’s going to be tough on China, he then turns around and drops to his knees at President Xi’s feet, sobbing, blubbering, groveling, and pleading with him to do whatever he can to help him get reelected.
This is the same so called tuff guy that used brute force on peaceful protesting American citizens just so he could have a 5 minute photo op. Utterly disgusting
@43 44 46 a no we didnt forget bruh
@43 44 46 a no we didnt forget ……your comments are of the Jackals who wish the USA to be made into a land of poverty. Your laziness proceeds you along with your trouble making ways.
@uubuuh They are Traitors between Mitches Russian backed Aluminum Co. in Kentucky and his shady wife Mos Li Dungs Red Chinese shipping issues. Major Prison Time for those conspiring against U.S.A.
@Ralph and Theo Are you referring to the rioters or the peaceful protesters? Because they’re two drastically different groups.
These are the same people who would jump out of a plane with no parachute if he told them it was a covid cure
It is obvious that Donald has never been tested for the syphilis he has.
@Peter Bills The best thing about Biden is he is not Trump. The next most important thing is that he knows first hand about suffering loss and he CARES!
There are many causes of madness, syphilis is one of them.
@Peter Bills Sweetie,Hillary ran in 2016,this is 2020…speaking of dementia,have you seen a doctor?
Your name says it all. Go back in mommys’ basement and take another toke before your shift at Burger Kng(if you even work).
Connan all the way! I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
I see a lot of blue in there. He should take that as an omen.
Yea that was a bad choice of venue lol I mean , blue seats ffs!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY Watch and learn! Joe will lead the way! You just let him take care of the kids while you’re busy watching this ‘real news’
A blackhole of stupidity in that place.
@dawn J Trump wanted to make America Great again, he just never said it’d be by killing of his loyal cult members.
@dawn J Except that the “collective” intelligence of Americans is no greater or lesser than any other country.
I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
Conman all the way
Coming up: Trump orders fire crews to stay in their stations because whenever they go out, they tend to find fires, and homes and businesses are seriously damaged. Clearly, blame must be fairly apportioned to the fire crews – if you don’t have fire crews, fires will dramatically decrease. Makes perfect, bigly sense.
@john emeigh Oh dear. Not even able to troll properly, eh? Not quite bearing enough intellectual wattage to light a small garage, eh? Poor you.
@john emeigh so was donnie dementia’s spew
thats the point
@The Tweatles You obviously are a bigot and a troll. No one cares what you lowlifes post.
@john emeigh Get a real job
Spanky is just mad he couldn’t even fill a small arena for his first pity party in months. So he’s going to take it out on everyone.
I’m honestly glad enough people had the common sense to not go to that Petri dish. I think most stayed away when they realized they’d have to sign away their right to not sue when they get sick in the Petri dish.

Corn pop was a BAD dude! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY
@MzARavenLunatic These are Spanky humpers we’re talking about….Common sense isn’t even a slight part of their DNA.
It most likely came down to 2 things. 1: They see the rising spikes and are starting to at least acknowledge the virus Spanky would have them believe is gone. These creatures only really acknowledge things when they directly affect them, as they are starting to now.
2: They need money to travel and eat and stay for the rally…They most likely simply don’t have the disposable income available right now
Signing away their right to sue most likely never even entered the equation. That would mean they would have actually read and understood the fine print and we all know that simply isn’t the case with these folks.
Trump speaks, his followers and supporters listen and BELIEVE.
@Toronto Citizen I guess your morally superior to a peon like me..
Jibbzer Nation I don’t think that you are a peon. I think that you have been lied to by right wing media outlets like Fox.
Why don’t you ask your slave master’s propaganda media to show the full video of what the President said? Then that way you don’t look so stupid making false claims off false information.
@Toronto Citizen I saw the rally live this is not something I heard from Fox news. I am starting to think your just trolling me anyways.. Then again after reading everyone here claiming Trump meant it seriously I can only wonder who is being lied to by media…
Connan all the way! I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
Cadet Bonespurs has always been against testing of all types. That is why he has fought tooth and nail to keep his school records hidden from public view. Testing is very bad in Trump world….just like the truth is his enemy….testing is his enemy.
Well said. I never thought that we’d see a day when the Trained Dedicated Public Servants; and the Expert Doctors at CDC on the front lines become ENEMY #1
Absolutely Ridiculous!
Every president conceals his college records. Barack Obama concealed his attendance at Occidental and nobody there even knew him or what he was studying there.
Trump shows yet again he dont care who dies of Covid cause he is ok, and he thinks the American People are mugs who will give him another 4 years in the White house.
…which they will…
I wouldn’t be surprised if they or the Electoral College give them to him.
after this vid! oh yeah I will! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY
Trump has his new reality show, it’s called The Biggest Loser!
Check out this CSPAN, its called To catch a Predator! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY
Connan all the way! I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
We need to test as many people as possible so we know who has the virus.
Trump’s idiotic statement proves he’s unfit to run the country.
No matter what test you gave to Trump, he’d fail it.
No testing, no cases.
No doctor, no sickness.
-WH daily testing ! Why?
Trump: I love stupid people.
Bone spurs whines about testing while he gets tested every day. Can’t fix stupid.
Don’t forget everyone in the WH too. Biggest hypocrite of all time

Trump logic: Stop counting and there will be no deaths.
Trump show that there is no limit to his stupidity.
@Sou Say Upset? I think it is very funny seeing so many stupid people falling for the propaganda media tactics again. I think it is funny when people are so lazy they do not take the time to go watch the full video, or do any research. But I do think it is sad that the left only has hatred, racism, and terrorism going for it.
I heard this and thought why would he say that??? Well he lies and claims he defeated the covid19 of course he would want the testing to stop,, his presidency comes first built upon champion of covid-19…
Conman all the way
Yahto TV your mad
@MVP #1 Just like I keep saying. Go watch the full video. Go see everything Trump about the subject. Go see Trump trolling and people having a laugh. Better yet why are people too stupid to get what Trump is saying? So the left keep talking about the US numbers vs. other countries. But when Trump talks about testing and the numbers the propaganda media goes to spinning and the slaves fall for it.