President Donald Trump said he recently "aced" a cognitive test, but the White House has yet to say which test and when he took it. This comes as Trump's poll numbers are dropping amid the coronavirus pandemic. CNN's Jeremy Diamond reports.
#Trump #CNN #News
Lucky for him that bone spurs don’t stop you recognising a picture of a cow
Or a Camel

What does that even mean
Y’all say anything and pass it off as humor
It’s kind of adorable how Donny Trump is so surprised yet proud to have “proof” that he’s “all there”.
What proof ?.
If Biden takes all he’ll get is a participation trophy.
Biden won’t be able to identify that Camel, LMAO. He’ll say it’s a horse with a hump.
William Royer
Good point. There’s no actual “proof”.
That’s just what the cognitive doctors told trump to make him go away.
He had someone else take the Test for Him, like He’s done in the past.
synicle0723 show me the proof you donkey
Yup just like he aced his SAT
Maybe he took the free test online then he got some canned results like “Congratulations! We are so surprised!!!
“Which one is the doggie, President Trump?”
“THERE! I found it!” (Aced!!!)
Biden flunked that question
@P Hollywood hahahaha hahahaha

so did you!
How about having a contest with Biden comparing who knows how to effectively govern a public office.
Oh that’s definitely must watch TV
@Clifton Fameree uh……so if Trump exposed Hillary, why did she win the popular vote?
Rob C you’re a moron, dementia joe doesn’t even know what office he is running for loser!
TheKidFromCleveland because there are allot of sheep in California and New York!
I’d give anything to see how he does on “Are you Smarter Than a Fifth Grader.”
George Masters
Handsy grabby creepy senile uncle Joey is not smart than a 5 grader.
@J dawg * smarter (you dope)
J dawg First off “Handsy” and “Grabby” are not words. Second, one usually places commas between a list of adjectives (those are describing words). Third, one would usually capitalize “Uncle.” Fourth, you forgot to add “er” to “smart.” Fifth, your supposed to spell out the word “fiifth.” Not use “5.” You know I teach fourth graders and half of them can write better than you (seriously). I guess I have a better understanding of Trump supporters now, so thank you for that. Sixth and most importantly, get bent.
@J dawg and neither are you apparently. SMARTER not Smart. If you’re gonna roast someone on the subject of intelligence. You had better make sure your own comment is sound first.
“Simple memory and mental tasks.” Hooray! I’m a sTAboL JeAniOs!
Do you think dementia joe could pass it?
Trump was asked to spell his name and “cat.” Then he misspelled Melania’s name on his Demographic page.
None None trump doesn’t write his websites, he pays people to do so. I think if you got a cognitive test you would score None None
Meaning he had a stroke, when he went to Walter Reed and they were checking to see if his cognitive function was damaged.
Which quite evidently, it was.
Spot on,
Good point, coild also be the reason he had trouble walking down that ramp and why he struggled to raise a glass of water ???
Trump: “Your campaign of terror, murder, and mayhem will not be TOLERITED…”
Cognitive test revealed.
Has any president ever released their cognitive test?
If you want to talk about how people pronounce words I’m guessing you would never want a real black president, that would just be turrible
Learn to spell. I’m guessing you didn’t ACE any test.
He probably paid someone to take his cognitive test, like he did with the SAT.
Dementia Joe would probably have a heart attack being tested
He basically took a test for people with Alzheimer’s
. Questions include – subtract 7 from 100. They also have you draw a clock. I think his claims about what the doctor said was bs! Probably trying to get people’s mind off revelations that he paid someone to take his SAT test. What a coward!
King Sharpie frees Roger “I’m not bad,I just drawn that way”, rabid, America is number uno
The entire trump administration is a fu*king joke to American democracy. The most corrupted administration in American history along with the Republican Crime Party who sucks up to him.
Big blue wave coming in November. Hopefully it’s more like a blue tsunami
al i saw i have some freind they hangout

if they hangout will they get sick
i am sad my freinds doesn’t hangout with me
Biden fails a cognitive test with flying colors.
What a bum…can identify a “camel” and thinks he’s a genius ….
Biden fails a cognitive test with flying colors.
WH can’t give details of the test. It’s like the tax story: the validity of the test is under investigation
Michel Arsenault—-It is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test . You should be able to access the gist of it on line . It is a screening test for those who might have dementia or a mental decline for some other reason .
“I aced it, Mommy!” (Trump is as smart as a kindergartener.)
We all know Joe isnt fit enough for the presidential seat.
ASAP Çhrønøß I swear a toddler would do better than any clown thats running for president
Still better than biden
ASAP Çhrønøß <~~
Ok doofus
Chris Dehart <~~
At least he knows what the President can do.
You pitiful little troll.
Notice you don’t try defending the idiot. Only half-a$$ed jabs at Biden whom Republicans like Graham thinks is a great person.
You don’t know
You’re likely a troll but others will read his and laugh at the stupidity like the world laughs at our current Clown-in-Chief.
He’ll be a punchline for centuries and it’s the fault of morons like you (troll or not, loser either way).
I’m pretty sure he tells people whenever he takes a dump. And then does that weird smug face thing he does.
He has the air accordion thing DOWN, every time he talks. As shown in the first part of this video:
Trump just commuted Roger Stone’s sentence moments ago, proving that he’s very cognitive of saving his cronies and his own azz by abusing his position.