President Donald Trump says infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci wants to "play all sides of the equation" when it comes to reopening schools.
#CNN #News
Trump says Fauci ‘wants to play all sides of the equation’

President Donald Trump says infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci wants to "play all sides of the equation" when it comes to reopening schools.
#CNN #News
You mean like announcing guidelines for the country, and then praising the people who broke them?
I don’t remember any guidelines taking away our constitutional right to protest. Wash hands, social distance, wear mask
William H Music 2020 true
@William H Music 2020 Go away, troll. You are too stupid to understand that Trump’s people are the dumb ones.
Satan has no interest in helping you. And Donald Trump is an anti-Christ, which is anyone who is POSSESSED by “satan” (which is the selfish human EGO). The biblical “tribulations” have begun. That’s the bad news. If you want the Good News – including the answer to the coronavirus – you’ll have to investigate my YouTube channel (just a “click” away). The churches have it all WRONG and are NOT giving you the GOOD NEWS…..they are giving you an irrational, man-made story that says “you are a dirty sinner,” and an insane god had you to kill his only son so that you are “saved.” WHEN GOD SAYS GOOD NEWS HE MEANS GOOD NEWS! And God is NOT an insane schizophrenic! The ‘tribulations” have begun. And a teacher and prophet of God has spoken in these so-called “end times.”
Yeah I mean it’s like he was listening to Dr. Fauci when he told everyone not to wear mask
Trump is exposing his simple mind when he criticizes Dr Fauci.
@Michael Lowrey Typical ignorant American who can’t see beyond the American bubble he lives in.
@Grant Houle settle down grant
Thing are getting better.
Don’t be such a Karen
@Grant Houle ” Opinion” start there.
@Kyle # Trump is an incompetent, clueless moron. I thank God I don’t live in the United States with a “leader” like that. You really do need to raise the bar. Just a tad. #opinion
Fauci is a simple mind when he said stupid stuff like this
At least Anthony Fauci has a brain. Trump passed on the brains for a train.
Dr Fakie ants u Dead

Dr FRAUD I mean Fauci ain’t no good look up PLANDEMIC YouTube keep taking it down
Trump will definitely be re-elected.
i met Don John in the 1980’s and he was a sharp guy back then…he’s changed…his dad died of Alzheimer’s just seven years older than trump is now…clearly a crazy old man thats lost his marbles … i would vote for a monkey over trumpty dumpty
@William H Music 2020 yes and your not gay

On May 12, 2020, Trump tweeted this gem.
“Remember this, every Governor who has sky high approval on their handling of the Coronavirus, and I am happy for them all, could in no way have gotten those numbers, or had that success, without me!!!”
This is what the deranged ramblings of a narcissistic sociopath looks like.
So one day man-baby says he has total authority, and the next day, he says he takes no responsibility, and now he wants to take credit for governor’s high approval ratings.
35% unemployment

Everything Trump touches dies.
Trump baby: Trump portrayed by a baby
@Bovine One truth butt hurts


please go get your facts right. We’re barely catching up on testing. S Korea did so much testing and contact tracing they lost only about 250 people. We’re testing too late. By the time they had tested a million, we had tested about 2000.
Unknown Driller : He absolutely is not miss quoting. You’ve obviously had your nose stuck in Fox News
@Anige Myers what country tests more per capita? yes I have a friend that tested positive. quarantine for 2 months now ok. but… no job and very little savings
If anything the death toll is higher..Believe Me!
Donnie Draftdodger your name is dumb
@Unknown Driller pay your mom some rent would ya?
@Unknown Driller the name is kind of catchy. Say it a few timer donnie the draftdodger donnie the draftdodger
“Playing both sides of the equation” is how you solve the equation, otherwise it’s not an equation.
Trump is playing 4D Math.
He plays both sided because he is a coward and doesn’t want blame! And I’m talking about your leader not the Doctor!
A teacher and prophet of God speaks: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” Absolute Truth is BINARY. A “one” or a “zero.” A Go(o)d or a (d)evil. You can’t serve two masters. You serve Truth or you serve SELFISHNESS, which is what EVIL is. And we are witnessing the insanity of evil on a massive scale. Satan has no interest in helping you. And Donald Trump is an anti-Christ, which is anyone who is POSSESSED by “satan” (which is the selfish human EGO). The biblical “tribulations” have begun. That’s the bad news. If you want the Good News – including the answer to the coronavirus – you’ll have to investigate my YouTube channel (just a “click” away). The “conservative” Republicans have it all wrong, as they worship anti-Christ and Evil. And the churches have it all WRONG, because they are NOT giving you the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ…..They are giving you an irrational, man-made story that says “you are a dirty sinner,” and an insane god had you to kill his only son so that you are “saved.” WHEN GOD SAYS GOOD NEWS HE MEANS GOOD NEWS! And God is NOT an insane schizophrenic! The ‘tribulations” have begun. And a teacher and prophet of God has spoken in these so-called “end times.” Amen.
William H Music 2020 me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
Nonya Bizness He suggested that the wall should be painted black. But I digress too.
Unlike Trump who claims to know everything, scientists admit what they don’t know.
@Chike John Best US president? By what standards are you making that claim? Because over 200 political scholars rank him the worst.
@Kyle # Sure, some things Trump has done might be considered successes, but by and large he has failed the US and turned a once great nation into the world’s laughingstock. And let’s not kid ourselves here–oftentimes Trump lays claim for successes that largely had nothing to do with him, such as the economy which was already on an upswing when he took over from Obama. Other times he creates problems of his own making and then later claims responsibility for solving the issue.
@Goya Solidar Your comments are a joke. You must be blind and stupid. Go vote for Joe Biden.
Yeah Fauci said not to wear a mask
Goya Solidar they are same people like you who don’t like him but believe what you wish ok not everyone will like him
Trump clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
@No Name Nothing wrong with him that a spell in an asylum couldn’t subdue.
Robert Schlesinger I just graduated from my state school with a bachelors in science and applying to med schools currently. You REALLY wanna die on the hill of you being more intelligent than me?
35% unemployment

Everything Trump touches dies.
Trump baby: Trump portrayed by a baby
It’s his “metrics” *points to head
Clearly he knows what he is doing right guys? It’s all a hoax by the fake lamestream news and Chyna CNN. It’s only 85,000 dead American in the middle of 5th Avenue.
Do I ask CHY-NA?
Because that’s how science works. You can’t create a cure by throwing a tantrum.
“I love stupid people and stupid people love me.”
– Cheeto Von Tweeto
@William H Music 2020 – . . .and your point is?
@Mike Meyer –
watch Dr. Mikovich….then you’ll know :
@trumputin bonespurs Yes, trump was know for wanting girls 30 yrs younger than he.
Biggus, you don’t have to be stupid to lack wisdom. And here’s a message from a teacher and prophet of God: Donald Trump is an anti-Christ, which is anyone who is POSSESSED by “satan” (which is the selfish human EGO). And the biblical “tribulations” have begun. That’s the bad news. If you want the Good News – including the answer to the coronavirus – you’ll have to investigate my YouTube channel (just a “click” away). The “conservative” Republicans have it all wrong, as they worship anti-Christ and Evil (selfish ignorance). And the churches have it all WRONG, because they are NOT giving you the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ…..They are giving you an irrational, man-made story that says “you are a dirty sinner,” and an insane god had you to kill his only son so that you are “saved.” WHEN GOD SAYS GOOD NEWS HE MEANS GOOD NEWS! And God is NOT an insane schizophrenic! The ‘tribulations” have begun. And a teacher and prophet of God has spoken in these so-called “end times.” Amen.
America’s version of the ‘Dead Parrot Sketch’. Where Trump runs the pet shop.
Only if I get to watch.
Oh PLEASE, PLEASE say that Trump is playing the Dead Parrot & that he’s going to use method acting.

45 is a
@red Buoy – Ahaha, the “Dead Parrot Sketch.” Genius reference. I love that sketch.
Please don’t compare Monty Python to this Idiot in Chief, the Parrot Sketch. John Cleese is my hero. Please stay safe! I mean this with all the Dark Humor I can muster. And if need be, “I’ll bite your leg off.”
He wants to fire Fauci so bad…but he knows he can’t because it would be bad for him politically.
Trump is happy to let you and your kids die in favour of the business interests of his funders and backers.
Yeah I also have 4 cousins that are kids that live in Lynchburg I’m afraid that they might get infected by virus
on next dark winter
I wonder If good’ol Donnie is going to count tombstones in his election
How can we expect a racist to rise to this occasion. His whole strategy is about divide, find an enemy. He’s not capable.
“Racist” is just one negative trait of an anti-Christ. There are many more. Because, the life-blood of an anti-Christ is FEAR and HATE. Donald Trump is an anti-Christ, which is anyone who is possessed by satan (the selfish human EGO). That’s the bad news. If you want the Good News – including the answer to the coronavirus – you’ll have to investigate my YouTube channel (just a “click” away). The churches have it all WRONG and are NOT giving you the GOOD NEWS…..they are giving you an irrational, man-made story that says “you are a dirty sinner,” and an insane god had you to kill his only son so that you are “saved.” WHEN GOD SAYS GOOD NEWS HE MEANS GOOD NEWS! And God is NOT an insane schizophrenic! The ‘tribulations” have begun. And a teacher and prophet of God has spoken in these so-called “end times.”
Is it really a bad thing to be racist? I don’t think so. I think it’s nothing wrong with wanting to uphold your own. I agree he isn’t capable to be President though?
Once again 45 is dumb he all about starting a fight when someone don’t agree with his lies.
Trump: drink bleach!
Fauci:( a top health expert in the us),
Trump: his answer is unacceptable
Also this…
Please, take the time and do a background check on Fucci.
Another day of Trump accusing others of the things he is blatantly doing.
Disinfectant Donny, doesn’t care if you, your parents, grandparents, children or siblings die from corvid 19. He wants to rush everyone back to work in factories, warehouses, farms, office buildings, gyms, salons and barbershop, etc for his “numbers” and the stock market.As his Republican cohorts force states to remove stay at home orders, hundreds of thousands will die. And the ORANGE IMBECIL will take no responsibility.
Science has no “sides”.