The president, while offering no new details on how to combat the spread of the coronavirus, says the virus is receding despite the fact the number of confirmed cases just topped 4.7 million. Aired on 8/3/2020.
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Trump Says COVID-19 Is Receding (It Isn't), Still Has No National Plan | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
If he’s re-elected he still won’t have a plan for the next 4 years and we’ll all be dead.
That’s exactly what I just said 3 weeks ago
That’s exactly what I just said 3 weeks ago
@connie baldwin and we all know herd immunity doesn’t work…just ask the Swedish ppl
I’ve come to the conclusion this is his plan. To destroy the United States.
@Janet Clough No we won’t because sniffy already sold us too China he and B rock has already figured this out
Trump Talk Translated:
“Many People have told me” = Voices inside my head
“A lot of people don’t know” = I just learned
“Believe me” = I just lied
“In Fact” = I’m about to lie
“He’s a great guy” = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me
“MAGA” = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers
“Nobody knew” = Everyone knew except me
“Huge” = moderate to below average in size
“Loser” = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments
“Policy Briefing” = Watching Fox News
“Liar” = Someone who tells the truth about me
“Fake News” = Real news
All spot on! Also…
“Strongly” = Said by someone with dirt on me
“Very strongly” = And they might give me money
“Very powerfully” = See, I know a big word, too!
Yoooo that’s funny af
Brilliant! May I add:
“What a terrible question!”= you’ve raised something that highlights my weakness and incompetence and for which I have no answer so I shall now attack you and your paper or news channel.
Trump is now in a full psychotic event. He is fully disconnected from reality and this is killing Americans.
Michael O’Day, I don’t get it. Is that a serious question? The answer is no.
@Geoff Campbell I agree with you. Donald Trump’s disastrous Presidency is a learning experience. However, I voted for Clinton.
@Geoff Campbell Cool. Assumptions, you’ve the same name.
Michael O’Day, sadly I was just a very average rhythm guitarist in a garage band that went nowhere. Had a lot of fun though.
@Geoff Campbell Geoff loved The Police in ’81 so when I heard he got the Tour gig on STINGS solo tour I thought, “Dream Gig”.
About like if Steve Tyler called you up, “Hey G, Brad Whitford just quit.” Dude!!!
I never thought we could have a president so terrible. This is unbelievable…
Person, woman, man, camera, TV
The religious, who mainly put him in place, couldn’t see what the rest of us saw originally which was and is a transparent con man; a pathological liar. This was all going to happen. They said he’d be as bad as Nixon; he’s much worse; Nixon tried to hide his crookedness but Trump doesn’t seem to care. His major problem is that today with mass communications he can be clearly seen to be lying and contradicting his lies; all witnessed on people’s screens; in the past he could have said and done anything with no one recording; now everything is recorded and captured and revealed.
@Justin Forbis it’s the Trump Virus. Get it right.
“Its called the Chinese virus…because it’s from China”-Hodge Twins
@Justin Forbis it’s called the Trump Virus because it came from China in January. 7 months and 160,000 Americans dead is Trump’s fault, not China. He just stated he doesn’t care about anyone who died. “it is what it is.”
“Many of you will Die, but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make” – Bunkerboy Bonespurs
@MrSmokelife lol uhhh huh

@Scotch Morrison

keep Nazis in power 

@Julia Sutton Three million Americans die every year from all causes. The China flu is just one more cause.
@Julia Sutton
Don’t even try to reason with these treasonous racist Deplorable Confederate Evangelicals. Humanity despises their very existence. Just keep on going until the start of 2021 when we can start gathering these treasonous scum in 1 or 2 of their backward states and build a tall wall around them to safeguard humanity. I’ve heard they love tall walls. SOON!!!
@Boaz V Don’t forget the Saudis!
“It’s all a hoax!” The Flying Orange Clown Show has to end ASAP!
@C W Russian troll.
C W You must really really really HATE America dude.
No way buddy, he’s doing a great job of DESTROYING AMERICA! Hahahahahahaaa!
@C W You must be one wealthy white dude. That’s who’s benefitting from this criminal administration. Either that or you’re one dumb bunny. He loves dumb people…his people…
@C W Putin lover
Well there’s only one possible way to make America normal again. Vote out the idiots.
Impossible, as it is idiots who vote then in to begin with.
@Alex Hotz I doubt that as Hillary received 3 million more votes then The President and fewer than 40% of all Registered Voters actually Vote. I think TRUMP is in 2020.
@Michael O’Day All 3 million from one State, hence the electoral college being vital for states to be represented. Hope you’re right, as the alternative is heinous.
The idiots will be removed in November. Pelozi, Schitt, Schittmer, all will be sent packing by their respective districts. We’ve had enough from the party of hate, division, riots, lies, murder, and delusion. Vote straight RED in November and MAGA!
Sea of Tranquility

Trump wins by double digit margin. You heard it here first
He is more concerned about tictok than the real issues. This clown needs to go.
@Albert: he is always trying to make Americans look a different way. Nothing to see here! He is a
Because tik tok ruined his rally last time, he can’t take revenge on virus so he picked an easy one
We’re seeing a leveling off because we have changed how we count cases and deaths. tRump is cooking the books again, just as he does in business.
No, it’s because asymptomatic and false results have increased, yet the corporate media want you to believe otherwise…and you do.
Of course he stopped hospitals from reporting directly to the CDC. More cover up ! That all he does
Opening the schools is trumps Hail Mary, he’s using our children, our kids, man what a SOB.
It’s okay to open schools but not the polls.. what a corrupt piece of s***
@Jim Hall the Dems are going to cheat, I would probably close it too.
Scotch Morrison the majority of fraud cases of recent have been republicans
He already puts them in cages. Does this surprise anyone?
Trump on Covid: “We’ve done as well as any country”. What, in deaths?
What a disaster of a human Trump is.
The “President” is beyond delusional.
@Julie Diorio
Just because people like you are confused and don’t listen doesn’t mean President Trump is a liar! LOL
@MrSmokelife your guy brags about being able to identify an elephant.
@C W Dementia Joe? After that trainwreck YOUR PRESIDENT displayed bragging about passing a dementia test? Five words for you; person, woman, man, camera, tv. The five most brilliant words any president has ever spoken in public. THAT WAS HILARIOUS!
@C W I didn’t vote a morally bankrupt reality tv show host into the most powerful office on earth, you did. November is going to be tragic for your loathsome soul.
@J E He can brag, he got it right… Don Lemon thought it was a rhino, and Biden’s answer was “tuesday”.
I can’t handle four more years of this man’s lie’s. It has to stop.
OH God please pray he doesn’t get voted in again.
Us lifelong Democrats are Voting TRUMP for different reasons then TRUMP Supporters. One reason is that
20 TRUMP 20
HCQ is a proven virus cure and a stabilized, FDA APPROVED Drug. Another was that
tnnhe Race Riots were allowed by guilt stricken Liberals unable to defend America against a Cultural Coup d’etat.
And let’s face it, Biden inspires no one and he is too compromised to pick a Veep.
So us Dems who never cared much for Pop Icon, “The Donald” are “
We didn’t leave the Left, they left us to kneel, Sing subversive Anthems and wash feet.
Michael O’Day nyet comrade.
@John Moss I read Marx. That was then and this is 2020. Soyviet Schtick and Commie Chic is all that you GuLiberals have left? That and hating The President.
What’s Trump plan for COVID-19?
problem solved
Banning TikTok
Or shut down the testing for COVID-19, and stop counting the death, then we will have 0 confirmed cased and 0 death in the following months
He can’t open his pie hole without lying. Let’s permanently lock him down.
@Freddy Eason I wasn’t responding to you. I just accidentally pinged you.
@Beanos Are you nervous o well it’s ok
@Freddy Eason I’m not nervous at all. Just discouraged how America is divided this much. It’s sad.
@Beanos come on man I will let you ride with me on the Trump Train I can see why you’re discouraged I’m am also disappointed in America with all that’s going on communist are attempting to overthrow America from within and we are allowing this to happen …anyway you look at it TRUMP is the only thing we have to stop this China Joe will roll over in a heartbeat and you know this
@Freddy Eason Trump is letting children go back to school, and doesn’t care for the 156,000 people that have died. He thinks the virus is getting better when it’s getting worse every day. You lot are just completely ignoring this virus, thinking it will just go away. Trump’s apathy towards this virus is the core reason I don’t vote for him. Trump shows time and time again his incompetence in leading this country. You didn’t even watch the video, did you? Watch it thoroughly, and see if your view on him changes.
Hats off to Dr. Fauci doing all he can to save people who don’t want saving
The pandemic in the US won’t be under control until this moron and his puppets are kicked out
Trump does have a National Strategy: Lie, Lie, Exagerate, Feel sorry for Himself, Run to the WH BUNKER, Attack Obama and Hillary and then say “We are in Great Shape..”
pedrosura sounds like the Great Trump Training Wheel. Down to gasp n grasp stops, et‘al.
US is a joke now. It is like watching a bad movie. It is unbelievable
I live here. This is fun.
I live here too. I love this country, and I hope the opportunity comes for me to help this country be great again.
@mark thurst me too.
@raddocnate No doubt, it’s a clown show alrighty.
@JackFrost indeed. What a time to be alive! Adventure time.
Our country is being led by a complete failure of a president. He must be removed. Now!