This may be the closest President Trump gets to congratulating Joe Biden
President Trump looks forward while touting administration's accomplishments.
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#TrumpSpeech #Trump #WhiteHouse
@Shawney32123 this sounds like a threat- Reported
@Kimberly Koester yes but obviously not to him
thus why I say he’s not smart.
@Cathy Cole same thought
How does the Greatest President in our life time lose to an Alzheimer’s patient answer FRAUD!..
@Wayman Hatman what makes him the greatest, he literally did nothing great. At least nothing positive.
Why am I not surprised Mike Pence’s wife’s name is Karen
@Jeremy Backup well does a “n-word” always have to be black?
@Kyle Kohler so are you offended at every joke involving race, or just those that are about fair skinned people? Also Karen is an internet meme. Has been for a while now, grandpa. Literally came from a Dane Cook stand up bit (he’s a white comedian).
What are You most proud of in Bidens 48 Years in government ?
Were you guys not spending months telling everyone on Twitter that “Karen” is a sexist slur? But now you think it’s funny lol…
I hope everyone in DC stays safe this week, be careful all.
@Oba Femi No one stands with the capital rioters. AOC openly advocated BLM violence on twitter saying it was just to make people “Uncomfortable” her exact words… Google it.
I want boyfriend
I hope they all get lynched infornt of their friends and family
You let it happen America without firing a shot so now it’s Biden your going to get… Good luck with that! I hope Joe can find his way to the bathroom without forgetting?
@Bon Trumps Mob are indicative of Stalin or Hitlers Militia’s which roamed streets eliminating political opponents using hte same language as you just did.
Why do you have Freedom so much and crave tyranny so?
What does “have luck” even mean? Luck comes in two forms, good luck and bad luck.
@Mathu Rex : where is the lie in my statement? You want to talk politics…so let’s discuss how Right Wing Republicans are domestic terrorists. Kind of ironic how “The Blue Lives” matter crowd were using American flags to beat police officers at The Capital Building. That is the face of conservative Republicans. Conservatives beating police officers with thin blue line flags.
You can’t make this irony up!
@The Terrain Wizard Right. QAnon is the face of the Republican party. That’s like saying Antifa or communists are the face of the democrat party. It’s mindblowingly reductive and stupid. And just a wrong way to frame half the country. It’d do you well to pump the breaks on that kind of bigotry.
@Mathu Rex you do know that antifa=anti-fascist…right?
Ergo, saying antifa is something bad is saying you’re complicit with fascist behavior…aka you’re pro-fascism…”profa”
@Mathu Rex keep on drinking that Kool-AID, Einstein.
Wish me luck. Going to buy mega & power ball tonight..
You need to get a JOB
1 in 250,000,000 chance lol you got this
You all lost
Think I’m going to win. If I do I will give everyone in this comment section a 100 dollars.
Go buy a few guns and all the ammo you can grab…
I can’t recall him ever mentioning the Biden administration. He just says administration.
@austin ken I think not with 20k NG…
@Kimberly Koester OMG you Racist!!!

You should NEVER call anyone that word!
25k troops in D.C i think maybe something else is cooking.

Think way back,
Yeah. He’s a big pansy who doesn’t know how to lose.
This is a sad time for the USA… pathetic
@Regene Cornell we are gonna be just fine actually lol
@KAG you realized that Trump has done nothing but cause damage for the last 4 years.
@Lelouch Lamperouge you realize the Democratic party has done tons damage the last 40+ years… what damage has trump done? Please dont bring up things that existed well before he became POTUS!
@Lelouch Lamperouge Trump divided America please enlighten me on this!
@Lelouch Lamperouge yea it’s an easy bet.. you would loose..
“Fact check: He *doesn’t* wish them luck.”
@David Cottrell hey Dave maybe you should GFY. You know like everyday with a broken bottle.
@Jack Shiv magatte. sux 2 b u.
@Emiline Bellé interestingly, he never wished any of us luck….ANY OF US…and that includes YOU and makes you a one of his suckers.
@Phillip Mele are so clever…I will bet that you really impress know…daily….with a broken bottle….
@David Cottrell ……. wut?
Funny how they keep saying he conceded . He didn’t . He not saying luck for traitor joe. The new administration is trump fylnn. People can’t understand the codes he putting out . Of course the fake news media and their bs
Ok for real tho, please everyone be safe tomorrow
@Lelouch Lamperouge With a reply like there is no point in even trying to reason with you “Only those who support cops and trump hate the blm movement”. Kid that is worst reasoning I have ever heard. I sure hope a cop never helps you out. Other countries getting involved was all for political show, and if you can figure that out for yourself…just makes me laugh.
@Logan The same could be said for idiots who support Trump, but in the end of the day, Biden is our new president. Remember this?: if you don’t like it here, then you can just leave
@Sam Bowman blm are not terrorists like maga is
@Lelouch Lamperouge I never said Biden wasnt our President? Hahhaha, you have no clue what you are even talking about. Can you even read correctly? I dont even care for Trump that much but you are a good example of a bandwagon Biden supporter. BLM has been hijacked, it might have started off as something meaningful but shitty leftist politics and ideologies butt fucked it. Maybe try to think of new insults because stating a fact about Biden being President doesnt mean much since its true.
Please keep all yours wepons in Active mode for self defence.
God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. So whatever you’re concerned about and need prayer for—we are here for you!
Love you Joyce !!
This country needs Jesus.
Why does trump talk with his right shoulder? Watch him, when he reads the teleprompter, he twists his right shoulder forward in a weird way. Creepy!
Yeah I think king kid sniffer Biden takes the creepy cake. sorry
@ATOZ ! I know but it’s not Biden’s fault he’s a robot he just has dementia
Imagine being named Luis Figueroa lmao I can’t
@theparadox 619

Do you even know what ‘creepy’ means… good lord you people are obsessed with everything the man does
Dad that common sense can not be taught, and in this country ppl don’t want the truth even when you give it, for some reason, it seems that some people want the constant chaos drama and a reason to be FAWKING
all the time. Sad that sometimes with out a reason to complain they seem less alive, why life expectancy is getting shorter.
Don’t fight for politicians. Take care of your family which is what the end is what really matters in life.
Yeah, and we need the politicians to do it! Do you even understand how the US government WORKS????
@Giulia Gambino the downfall of the USA happened on 2020, weren’t you paying attention? And Putin put bounties on US soldiers while Trump did nothing, gutless puke.
@wmsprez09 Aww, your life must be hard being that stupid.
@wmsprez09 last I checked Biden’s Caucasian..
Right there’s Kamala, she’s married to a Caucasian and she did put a lot of minorities in prison..
You’re on to something, I can tell….
@Giulia Gambino did you type this with your nose or what
Pres. Trump launched a regular speech, not a farewell to the public. This information is fake! Bad!
I don’t think terrorists are invited this time. It’s a covid thing.
JOE racist biden is going?
Isn’t it funny how mike Pence wife is named Karen

Isn’t it funny that You can’t name one good thing in Government Bidens done in 48 Years.
@Everett Padgett goddamn it, we were talking about karen ! Stay on topic !
She’s actually a sweet lady, don’t drag her into the political mess.
He had to get one last “China Virus “ in for good measure
Joe Biden doesn’t look hale and healthy at all, and this job (U.S presidency) demands a lot.
has anyone ever figured out why he always squirms and twists when speaking at a podium?