Trump reveals why he resists funding US postal service

President Donald Trump acknowledged in order for there to be widespread voting by mail, the United States Postal Services needs more money. Now Trump says he is resisting it and revealed why. He sees it as what could amount to a bargaining chip with Democrats as they are negotiating on Capitol Hill to get another coronavirus legislation bill signed. CNN's Kaitlin Collins reports.

#Trump #USPS #CNN #News


  1. What a miserable existence it must be, paranoid thinking that journalists, law enforcement, scientists, historians, and economists have dedicated their entire careers to deceiving you, yet a reality-TV personality, with decades of well-documented lying and fraud, is somehow your beacon of truth.

    1. @Views And Trump has been lying ever since he ran for President and the lying hasn’t stopped! And you believe ever lying word out of his mouth!

    2. @TJ Another Trumptard projecting again!! Ah REMEMBER… It was YOUR TRUMP LORD who ran and hid in a bunker!! AND it was just over protesters protesting in front of the White House!! WHICH they were excersizing their 1st Amendment rights!

    3. Literally the whole world is a conspiracy against you with the fake covid19 hoax. Yeah right. I love the poorly educated

    4. @TJ I think I see blood from that last statement-no Trump got out his crayons again its just red crayola.

    1. @Ashley Green Anderson is a Vanderbilt not a Cooper. His brother is a transvestite called Kathy Griffin. The story is his older brother ran out of a upper bedroom window. You now see how easy it is to trick the mind…yes?…..Look into this become a researcher instead of a sheep. No conspiracy theory, just the truth, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction….Think for yourself. A Q motto!

    2. HELLO PEOPLE! I cannot believe that people are lead to think that Trump is trying to effect the Post Office! Lol…If Ballots cannot be counted in a timely manner, then Speaker of the House becomes President (Nancy Pelosi)…Why would Trump want that?…Stop being manipulated by the media, learn Civics

    1. We have two months between when he looses and when he is supposed to hand over the presidency. He’s going to take the country down with him and his cult will back him all the way…

    2. As opposed to the liberal anarchists that are LITERALLY BURNING THE COUNTRY DOWN.

      $!&% me, you really are a “special” kid, aren’t you?

    1. After successfully embezzling most of 1st pandemic funds of $3 Trillion, now Trump is blackmailing Post office to get the 2nd!!!
      PLEASE READ my investigation report ($3 Trillion US Stimulus Packages for COVID-19 – Who Profited & Who Lost?) on how Trump spent $3 TRILLION ($3,000,000,000,000) 1st pandemic stimulus funds that his administration received to combat coronavirus (including $100s of billions for testing, masks and other PPE). Yet 170K deaths, 5.4M infected and 60M jobless!
      You will see who got the most of $3 Trillion and for what.!

      Link to the downloadable PDF FORMAT of the report is also available in the comments section of the video.

    2. Libtards: “OMG Trump called a woman ‘nasty’, he’s a sexist and should be impeached!”
      Also Libtards: “Little orange donnie still giving America a golden shower”

  2. If he doesn’t get his way, he either fires them, mocks them, holds funds, threaten them… Just to get his way…. When you look back, on the claims of holding funds to Ukraine, the quid pro quo, and denying the claims…. His actions proves all the contrary. This is Classic Trump behavior…. And renders all the claims against him, to be 100% true. America got more than a Clown, they got the whole circus.

    1. The whole circus and all the guys who abuse animals… these Republicans are insane, and actively cruel.

    2. But still…the fact that he has seen money held it lost it and made it up again …My hunch is that he is not going to be cunning and cheating as regards the tax money and that of the poorer or middle sections of his Nation.

  3. Those who complain about defunding the police should be incensed by Trump’s defunding the election.

    1. WDEMMEL This goes without saying, not every goal within that piece should be attained. There were goals talking about controlling all of business and worker unions, as well as destroying the FBI’s credibility. I don’t agree with any of that.

    2. WDEMMEL By the way, Mitch McConnell has not even given many Democratic bills a chance to be voted on in the Senate. So, there are important Democratic bills that have been removed from discussion entirely. Plus, the Senate (a GOP majority) edits the bills in the end, so one could make the argument that the laws are still GOP made.

    3. HELLO PEOPLE! I cannot believe that people are lead to think that Trump is trying to effect the Post Office! Lol…If Ballots cannot be counted in a timely manner, then Speaker of the House becomes President (Nancy Pelosi)…Why would Trump want that?…Stop being manipulated by the media, learn Civics

    4. OpenEyes ! No, the Speaker of the House would not become President at that point. There have been 700 mailboxes around the country that have been removed since DeJoy took office in June. He only stopped removing mailboxes after public pressure. Great. Now add some more temporary mailboxes so that it makes it easier for mailmen and mailwomen to pick up and go when it comes to mail-in ballots and absentee ballots.

  4. It’s FUNNY how he’s going to VOTE BY MAIL yet he’s advocating for it to be “FRAUD”… AMERICA, are you really this DUMB and believe what he’s saying??? 🤦‍♀️

    1. @THE JACK HQWell…it is also a Privilege. It can, and has been denied to certain individuals. Why does the media insist that voter fraud is a myth? Why do Democrats feel that eliminating vote by mail will benefit Republicans & only suppress Dem’s votes? Every rabid Libby on this thread have said as much. At least, Thank you for advocating ease of voting for ALL PARTIES.

    2. joe Recto They insist that voter fraud or election fraud being the main source of mail-in voting’s problems is a myth, not that voter fraud or election fraud can’t happen at any period of time when it comes to mail-in voting. Bigger problems regarding mail-in voting involve missing ballots, late arrivals, or being unable to confirm signatures (doesn’t necessarily mean the signature is invalid).

      Voting is denied to certain individuals in reality, but in principle, shouldn’t we relook at who we ban? If someone was a terrorist or committed treason against America, I can understand not letting them vote, as their interests are definitively against America’s interests. Same goes for a current felon, as they violated fellow Americans’ rights to life, liberty, and/or private property, they should not vote either.

      However, why not let ex-felons (who have paid their debt to society) and illegal aliens (many of whom want to see themselves and the country grow just like we do, which is why they come and thus, are aligned with our interests) vote?

    3. HELLO PEOPLE! I cannot believe that people are lead to think that Trump is trying to effect the Post Office! Lol…If Ballots cannot be counted in a timely manner, then Speaker of the House becomes President (Nancy Pelosi)…Why would Trump want that?…Stop being manipulated by the media, learn Civics

    1. The Coup has been in progress since Obama directed the DOJ to spy on the Trump campaign. Everybody knows it.

  5. “Trump reveals why…”
    Because Trump knows that he will lose the election and subsequently go to prison if he doesn’t cheat again.

    1. @Lizzet Torres While you’re at it, look up the word “legible”! Your usage is incorrect, insamuch as my comments are typed on a keyboard, they are quite legible. If not, may I suggest adjusting your brightness & contrast settings on your electronic device. Perhaps enlarge the font, or switch to BOLD Text! If that fails, try a bigger screen. I have offered this advice as a courtesy, and at no fee, implied, or otherwise. Bye Karen.

    2. @Lizzet Torres Hi Karen, Did you know that pulling trash out of the woodwork is part of “Draining the Swamp”? In your unbridled hubris, you neglected to acknowledge your faux pas with my comment to Goran Tordovik, or your erroneous claim that Welfare was State Funded . Your arrogance & petulance are truly snowflake worthy. Feel free to address me at any time. I take great pleasure seeing you embarrass yourself on YouTube. XO

  6. He is deliberately screwing around with the USPS trying to rig the election! How is this not illegal? He’s in big trouble and he knows it. He will lie and cheat and steal just like he always does!

    1. @Stephanie Curry I’m not agreeing that it is direct rigging. However, MOST TIMES elections aren’t held during a global pandemic where many people are still working from home and avoiding one another.

    2. Hello USA mass killer you only had till Nov to lie cheat steal & destroy. If you still had very bit of compassion or not to kill voters stop all trick and fix the USPS back go and sleep till election day you anyway will sure lost. As the worse and bad president in American history u r fire and be curse. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

    1. Dat at this point, Biden is our best chance to get Trump out of office. We’ll have to deal with his few shortcomings once he wins

    2. He’s like a cartoon character literally. Trumps Just so dumb we would get more out of daffy duck in the White House

    3. @Michael Munro u prob couldnt name any legislation or documents hes signed in… such as prison reform or the Israel-UAE peace deal as of recent.

    4. HELLO PEOPLE! I cannot believe that people are lead to think that Trump is trying to effect the Post Office! Lol…If Ballots cannot be counted in a timely manner, then Speaker of the House becomes President (Nancy Pelosi)…Why would Trump want that?…Stop being manipulated by the media, learn Civics

    5. OpenEyes ! Maybe because he literally said that’s why he’s doing it? Just FYI, you might have a harder time getting people to take you seriously when you don’t understand the differences between “affect” and “effect”

  7. Does he understand the post office delivers more than just ballots. They deliver life saving medicines and other legal documents

    1. HELLO PEOPLE! I cannot believe that people are lead to think that Trump is trying to effect the Post Office! Lol…If Ballots cannot be counted in a timely manner, then Speaker of the House becomes President (Nancy Pelosi)…Why would Trump want that?…Stop being manipulated by the media, learn Civics

    2. @Nicholas Tenney well that really isn’t 100% true, he has helped Joe Arpio, Bernie Kerik, Roger Stone and a bank robber. So if you help his campaign and get caught breaking a law, and keep his name out of it. or have a program where he thinks it will get him votes, Trump goes out of his way to help you, he really is a giving type of guy 🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮

    3. @Lauri Henson he doesn’t really fear ballot tampering his biggest fear is that all votes get counted, then he loses by a big margin. He also stated openly Corona virus would magically disappear, Roger Stone was a good guy who got a bad rap so he had to be pardoned. And let’s not forget his best, there are good people on both sides. I guess those statements are all true because Trump said them openly

    4. @OpenEyes ! Wrong! What happens is there is what is called a contingent election. If the electoral college can not arrive at a majority winner then the House of Representatives votes to elect the President and the Vice President. So Nancy Pelosi would not be President she would officiate the contingency election.

  8. Who needs the Russians when dump can personally undermine our elections? Ammendment twenty five…he needs to be removed from office. He is a clear and present danger.

  9. I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security. So l really appreciate your transparency and giving people a Fighting chance during these troubling times

    1. Stay calm, stay strong. Make sure everyone you know votes. Republicans for the Rule of Law. Biden-Harris 2020.

    2. @Ken Rascon Вы строите замки из песка. Мы, американцы, переломим вашу жизнь. Грядут перемены. Скажите Путину, что он следующий. Он, как и вы, не переживет этого нарушения демократии. Скажи ему.

    3. @Expletive Deleted Вы строите замки из песка. Мы, американцы, переломим вашу жизнь. Грядут перемены. Скажите Путину, что он следующий. Он, как и вы, не переживет этого нарушения демократии. Скажи ему.

    1. Tina: You are a true patriot, it just so happens that I have started a fund for this very reason. I will call you, what is your number?

  10. They should get COVID relief and give people jobs to handle the increased volume of mail. I wonder why Trump isn’t advocating this.

    1. Andrea…why would you be ”wondering”. He is suppressing your Constitutionally enshrined right to vote. You might wonder why the USPS are removing mail boxes from the streets. Do YOU think that it might be a cost cutting measure?? One has to ask ones self how much it costs for a metal box to just sit there as a receptical for YOUR POSTAL VOTE if in fact you exercise your right to vote on that manner.

    2. If you knew what Article 1, 2 and the 10th Amendment says, you wouldn’t have to ask dumb questions, without a question mark.

      You probably don’t even know your own agenda, the 45 goals of communism.

  11. What trump doesn’t realize is that we the people are so fed up, mail in voting or not, we WILL be voting. Come hell or high water. We cannot survive another 4 years with him in office

    1. @Conspiracy Theorist Electronic mail, billing, & banking have made the USPS virtually obsolete. Pelosi’s Congress rejected Trump’s 10 BILLION$$$ OFFER, then accused him of de-funding the USPS. The USPS themselves removed the sorting machines due to insufficient volume of mail. Look at the 3 red & white letters in the lower left hand corner of the video. It should make it clear.
      It’s like a panhandler asking you for a dollar, and you give him fifty cents. Then he accuses you of ROBBING him of the other fifty cents that you didn’t give him.

    2. @joe Recto Yes, yes, yes! You talk a good game, but fail to notice the packages being delivered by Amazon and their ilk, and also fail to notice the USPS infrastructure. The UK postal service compensated for the loss of letter traffic by raising the price of its package/parcel traffic and is now making much moolah for private parasites. *JOG ON*

    3. @Conspiracy Theorist Fail to notice? Incorrect. I full well know that Amazon has been instrumental in the obsolescence of the USPS! Remember There is still UPS, FED-EX, & DHL!
      You state privatization by the UK Postal system, the subsequent rate increases, and the making of ” Tons of Money” for the “”Parasites” like it’s a good thing!
      I’m not from the UK. How/Why did your Postal System become controlled by the private sector?

    4. @joe Recto Parasites making tons of money, is never a good thing. They used more subtle tactics in the UK to say that the postal system was failing. As you said the letter traffic had fallen, and as I stated before the rise in packet/parcel traffic more than made up for the loss in letter traffic, but unlike the US we implemented more machines to deal with the letter traffic, to free up staff to deal with the larger items.
      We also gave our postmen less for junk mail (advertisements etc) and increased that traffic as well, and then hey presto, profits were bountiful. The UK also rigged it so that the rich could make a quick buck instantly. Yet we the workers were also given shares that we had to hold onto for years (they declined in value).
      You have to understand, that before the sabotage of the US postal system it was never really profitable, because of the size of the US and postal rates.
      The fact that we have moved onto a delivery based culture, makes the USPS and its infrastructure extremely valuable to private parasites, and their congressional puppets.They can sell the USPS off cheaply whilst claiming that it’s failing, and watch the money roll in.

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