In a recent interview with Barstool Sports, President Trump discusses regretting some tweets and what his life was like just before he announced his decision to run for president. CNN's Abby Phillip explains.
#CNN #News
In a recent interview with Barstool Sports, President Trump discusses regretting some tweets and what his life was like just before he announced his decision to run for president. CNN's Abby Phillip explains.
#CNN #News
You’re about to hit a new infection record today, Americans
@Chris Zimmerman
maybe a bot, or newly released from the asylum
@Justice Boofer are you happy?
Hopefully all of Lefty lying dirtbags will get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Alvaro Vargas bang-wutang You are obviously out of touch with reality
thanks a lot, donald trump!
DeSantis, Rubio and Trump can be credited for the Graveyard Theme Park, that is now Florida and to make things even worse, there are now death panels.
@Ruth Harris That is horrible news. Florida has had over 28.000 minors test positive with 5 deaths. In the meantime 3,552 people have committed suicide in Florida. But lets keep the country closed.
@Ruth Harris Did your county not take action? In my county, even though the Governor and President were stalling, the minute they saw the numbers going up, the health department in our county shut down the place and put a shelter in place. The CDC has given clear guidance to the health departments regardless of what the President or Governors stand or take on it.
You ain’t white you know the thing. Trump is xenophobic for an air travel ban with Europe which makes Trump, anti white according to Joke Biden. Then again, Ivanka is Jewish so..
@Rusty Golfer You know 6 people that got sick but none of them got sick at all????Could you explain that please
@MOON DOG They tested positive but had zero symptoms. That’s why “sick” was in quotes. They are fine just like the other 99.6% of people who get it.
Over 30 Percent of kids tested in Florida are infected. Governor DeSantis resign now, our state is becoming a graveyard theme park
@generalblankenship Would it make any difference to you, would you still be dismissive with, “Only 2 under 20 have died” if one of those children was yours?
Philip J Fry typical Trumper…. caps lock and name calling, just like your daddy d.
@Proudly African
A vaccine for the flu? what are you talking about? Which flu vaccine are you referring to? Let me just add, that each year, before Flu Season, a group of very smart people, decide on what to add to the “flu vaccination” shot. They choice the most likely 5 strains, and add those to the magic medicine liquid. Sometimes they are close, but usually they are wrong.
10x more deadly? The Flu has been around for decades (maybe century’s?) ..and we still lost the lives of tens of thousands Americans to it in 2018.
Most people are dead are in Democratic states and those in Florida can be traced back to New York. New York infected the US. Tell us all about the massive graveyard of New York.
About time someone said something to DeSantis about how Incompetent he is…
I am surprised that Floridians are camped out in front of his house with Pitch Forks and handcuffs…
Trump cancels his convention, but insist your kids go to school 5 days a week.
Vote the crook out in November.
@Matt Foley if joe is creepy… what the hell is trump? he boasted about using his position with a beauty pageant to go backstage and leer at girls as young as FIFTEEEN in various states of undress. trump is KING creepy.
@Stephanie Marie said no one with any semblance of brain function.
someone told him his base are dying from the virus….lmao
Did Joe Biden say MLK was black or no?
@Indi Pillai I’ve been saying that for years, and I tell them they’re voting against their own best interest, but they didn’t take advantage of educational opportunities and they are usually raised by racist idiots. It’s difficult to reach them with reason, logic or facts so I rarely bother anymore.
Trump’s recent “pivot” is purely political posturing due to his failing poll numbers. Someone said to him, _“if you say what you should have said 5 months ago, poll go up up!”_ In reality he has *no regard for human life.*
@Demeter ! so maybe I am missing something. Trump provided leadership by shutting down travel from China in January and later to Europe created a coronavirus task force to address all the needs and requirements, he provided the needed supplies as quickly as they could to the cities and states, worked with manufacturing companies for ventilators, PPE etc, worked on getting therapeutics, sent ships to New York and California to provide for hospital beds, sent federal resources like doctors and nurses. Continues to support the CDC etc., is in constant communication with the governors to continue meeting resources needed, Isn’t that taking leadership of the matter?
@Ink & Pearls ??? Give up why are they doing those things?
understatement 453. how i loathe this excuse for a human being.
Jackie Pereira —
1. His “shutdown” let in tens of thousands of people into this country from epicenters of the virus. A porous shutdown like that is not a shutdown. Pointless.
2. He CONSTANTLY downplayed the virus, saying over and over and over again that it’s minor, it’s 15 people soon to be zero, it will go away in April with warm weather (ask Arizona, Florida, and Texas how that warm weather is treating them on the virus. He CONTINUED to downplay the virus until just recently when his poll numbers plummeted over his lack of response.
3. His task force provided some supplies to states… until they said the federal stockpile was for the federal government, and NOT for the states to rely on, essentially telling them, “deal with it.”
4. There is NO national testing program. States are responsible for it themselves.
5. There is NO national mask mandate. In fact, Trump constantly refused to wear a mask, downplayed its importance, saying he probably won’t wear one, (not even wearing one in a sterile factory where they had to throw out the batch of PPE made when he was there).
6. How is he supporting the CDC? He constantly goes against their guidance. Constantly. They’re providing guidance on safely reopening schools. He says he disagrees with their guidance and threatens to pull federal funding over it.
7. He held rallies in states with surging outbreaks, AGAINST ALL HEALTH OFFICIALS’ GUIDANCE, to make himself feel better. These were SUPERSPREADER events, in literally the worst conditions for fostering the festering virus.
For a second just stop and look at the state of our once great country. Are we “winning” with this virus?
Or is it savagely ravaging us, not just because of Trump’s failed leadership, but also due to the failed leadership of every single Republican governor who reopened too early, and/or who refused to institute mask mandates, who refused to institute stay at home orders, and who are even BLOCKING local ordinance in counties where hospitals are packed to the brim with infected people, with refrigerated trucks to hold the people who passed away from it, due to lack of space anywhere else.
Do I need to go on?
3 days before the election Rachel madcow had Hillary 11 points ahead. dream on moron.
it’s too late for Trump, American people got the message ..
he’s the worst President ever !!
@Mike Hall He aced his cognitive test
. You should be so proud. Hope you are not in hurricane area when he nukes one
@Karen Fitzpatrick
Extensive footage over the past 55 days or so tells a different story.
Please god I hope so
Kathy Jacobsen
. Hope you have fun at your next city destroying party! You Democrats seem to be really good at that. Maybe as an extra bonus you can destroy a small business that someone saved for years to invest in. That would bring a smile to your face huh?
@get lost if you have to resort to insults your base argument has no strength.
“Person, woman, man, camera, TV. If you can say these five words during your cognitive test, you can be president.”
– President Clorox
Did you take the Clorox… sweet daddy..

Lizzy MH you sound like a poor excuse for a Democrat
@300zxdriver trump was just naming things he saw around him..anyone can do that.
@yogi so you’re going to be prejudice against blind people now? What is it that you got against the disabled?
It’s to late Mr. Trump damage is done
I agree but please drop the Mr when referring to trump
It’s too late. The damage is done. Not knowing how to spell makes you look like a moron.
Robert Clawson i didnt even notice it lmaoo
Steve P dummy
Well then stop tweeting…if you don’t understand how tweeting can be detrimental…. you don’t deserve to be president.
Lets apply that logic to Joe Biden. Biden can’t read a teleprompter, can’t read a speech, can’t stand for a debate, can’t hold an online fundraiser, you never deserved to be President.
@The Schleicher’s – um… ya, and guess who has the nuclear codes
“Ooops, maybe I shouldn’t have nuked {insert country here}, oh well, I thought it was a good idea last night,,,”
@Luna 333 remember when politics said don’t kill Soleimani it could bring war and deaths to Americans…and trump said oops and gave the green light on the drone strike…in other words trump got told america is weak and he said hold my beer
@Josh Edmonds I sure do remember that! I don’t mean this flippantly, but seriously, this guy is putting America in danger – whether it be his foreign ‘policy’ (lack-there-of
) or his HUGE bungling of the virus. I hope they vote him out in Nov. or they’re truly *screwed* !
@Luna 333 you know if trump is in Russian collusion..he’s horrible at it..if trump is in chinese collusion…he’s miserable at it..if trump is an idiot…man he fooled every country the other week…and if he wanted war..he’s failing that too
Isn’t the Barr-stool the Attorneys General? And isn’t Eric the main thing he regrets?
Nope, not smashing Ivanka when he had the chance. Biggest regret from the predator in chief.
Eco Geek
@H4Activation Soz I don’t follow links to random videos.
@S O What makes you think this self-entitled predator didn’t?
Isn’t a Barr-stool the thing the Prez poops out every morning before he reviews the latest lawsuits filed against him?
One regret. But the children he deported without their parents..
@100perdido Freedom, individual liberty and capitalism are all the cure I need.
@Daniel Anthony
You funny
@Cicada Smasher I doubt that. Sounds like you need years and years of therapy.
@100perdido Nope, just glorious freedom. Get free ya coward.
One regret? Biden has a terrible record and Obama deported millions along with Joe Biden.
After person, woman, man, camera, tv – WTF is there to interview him about? Its all an embarrassing joke.
@generalblankenship How original dude! And yeah, he’s a sweaty piece of human garbage that wears makeup. Gtfo
Russia, Putin, WikiLeaks, Mueller, Traitor!
Yes i think so
Covfefe and bleach
@winstonS not sure, but at least he would LISTEN to those around him. That’s what a REAL President does. Starts with humbling oneself but that ain’t gonna happen.
Not sure if American audiences would even recognize this word but instead of “attempts” how about:
Donald trump ‘feigns’ new tone, as in “fakes, simulates, gives the false appearance of”
@stopthecrazyguy, pick better leaders if you don’t want to be treated like idiots…
If Joe Biden has a new tone it would be after 50 years of war mongering, mass incarceration and corruption. So sorry is isn’t going to cut it, Joe.
@generalblankenship orange man bad
@Donna Bruton who is Obama for 100 Alex
Correct. He lies and now he is lying to try to get more votes.
Trump: ” I regret that I didn’t grift harder these last 3 years. I should have grifted much harder than I did.”
David J
Testing everyday won’t stop him from getting Covid. He’s a moron.
@Teresa S Thank you.
@Teresa S BS I got sick please close the economy . No your funny.I am still here
@Alvaro Vargas bang-wutang lots of hard working Hispanics are going forward thanks to this weak virus .Lazy non believers breaking the rule of working or trying to work are getting behind .Thank God for this virus I hope it never goes away .Threir is a lot of fraud going around if they don’t want to get cured I hope they die in pain .Using our tax money.
@Me You I’m totally woke, no worries. Trump 2020.
@Hawkzblade Lol, no the aren’t.
The sad part is he brags about how much he is testing and regular Americans can’t get one unless we have symptoms…
keesha b
So true, Someone at my friends work in California texted positive and now he wasn’t to get texted because they are so backed up and can’t schedule an appointment.
@michelle Garcia I work for a major Medicaid program and every day I have to direct people to these sites that are impossible for anyone to get a test.. I’m so tired of this..
CNN: Trump reveals one regret
Me: please say he drank bleach and injected Lysol into his body
Trump has been in a tanning bed for hours trying to get the light into his fat body
Nobody is buying the “kinder, gentler” Trump act. We all know very well who he is at this point. And we want him gone!
Not only he will not be gone he will piss on all that lefty dirtbags November 3rd.
@kingtut777 lol. a trump supporter calling someone else a dirtbag. now i’ve heard everything. do you know his personal history? he needs to work his was UP to being a dirtbag. what a deplorable human being.
He had a great life before he became president? So did most American citizens. Not so much now.
That is mainly because 2020 kinda sucks. Regardless, it is admitidly better than Obama’s days.
G Guest

But we did get “person, woman, man, camera, tv” out of it. #ByeDon2020
Hahaha LOL that’s the truth!
Life was the best it has been for almost every American, thanks to this President! … but then came the Global Pandemic. Not the Presidents fault, not any Americans fault. The entire world is effected, not just America. We need to hold China accountable, not our president.
He says testing isnt necessary, but he gets tested everyday..
Don’t know why the reporters haven’t called him out on that yet…
When did he every say this? …oh, you saw the fake news saying it… the Kool-Aid is very yummy today