President Trump retweeted a video of an apparent supporter in a golf cart chanting "white power" at protesters. The tweet was removed from his feed hours later. The video was taken at a Florida retirement community known as The Villages.
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Trump Retweets Video Of Supporters Chanting 'White Power' At Protesters, Deletes After Backlash
I’m trying to understand how there are non-white Trump supporters. He quite clearly hates them.
Sakina Mengle Except god doesn’t exist. Do some research and don’t just believe what you’ve been fed by the people around you. If you were born in India you’d be Hindu. You are a product of your environment and not your own thought. Ask questions. Wake up.
you simply cant cure stupid….therefore…trump supporters will exist
@Michael Wilson maybe they feel it’s not against there own interest ,it’s there opinion and there entitled to it . It’s not really up to us to decide whether there stupid or not . And as far as the first part of your reply with the exhausted thing . Yeah your dead right on that . quite over it ,nobody is going to survive the litmus test . And this will all eat itself
Money can persuade almost anyone these days
@Sakina Mengle if you believe in the Devine right of the king you need to have your head examined.. ya know pharaoh thought he was God too.
We are not stupid! I’m tired of his lies and tired of those who lie for him!
fvck off KKKaren
“Did he know?”… oh he KNEW. Got it out. His gross racist fans loved it. And now they just have to pretend like he didn’t know or “good people on both sides”… but ‘bell has been rung’ and the racists heard it clearly with a smile…
@cheeze nip this orange guy bunkerboy has the blood of 120.000 deaths on his hands due to his incompetence!
@Mary Maze they are related. Both German and could pass for twins. The only difference is that one has a moustache and the other is orange.
@I. B. Nobody put a gun to anyone’s head to make people go out when things opened. I didn’t go anywhere and I am still here. What’s wrong with everyone else?
@Wolfgang dayo what a tremendously ignorant statement…not a bit surprised.
Two Trump supporters so far defending an ignorant racist statement.. one is named Wolfgang and the other Gustaf
how very ironic lol
Maybe he’ll hurt his thumbs playing golf and won’t be able to tweet.
not a problem for him he will just use his Pinocchio nose
He’s gotta get his golf in on our dime at his own properties while he can. Ya know, priorities.
The protesters should go on his golf courses to protest… stamp all over the tees….
More spent on his golfing then funding a program about global warming.
He plays golf to celebrate another milestone of deaths.
True, hes having a blast while people are dying
He’s not playing golf say he was with Lindsey Graham

The only time trump admits how dumb he is is when it’s convenient for him.
But he’s a very stable genius
Nah, its never him he always blames one of his underlings.
@Kenneth Bachman Its just a matter of time before he starts claiming Twitter is posting on his behalf to hurt his image on behalf of the Democrats…
@deviildogg1 Twitter needs to permanently ban him . Shut him down. We the people don’t need Trump anymore. Time to go after Moscow Mitch.
Trump might like his followers to be dumb, but we voters don’t want our president to be dumb, or racist.
Oh, so he’s not racist just tremendously ignorant and irresponsible? Great. Just great.
You stole the words right out of my mouth!
He’s always been either or.
Gianna Ciao Belli YUP!
Cool he gets to just shrug it off. This is why there are protests.
He’s literally trying to start a race war now. Too bad for him and his supporters that there’s more non-racist whites and minorities in America than them.
La raza is down with Blacks. #la raza
Racism is a myth
@Jeff Hagerman So is yo momma.
yep. reminds me of the military about our racist lieutenant. he was always trying to get us to be racist with him against the black guy on our squad. he wanted 3 on 1 against the black, but instead got 3 on 1 against the racist. these racists are the loud minority.
@Spencer PhilippineDream i love that thank you for staying true. THEY ARE THE MINORITY
Instigating racism again…it never ends with this clown
whoever votes for trump in 2020 is more than likely brain dead at this point.
he is going to have the nov 3rd election rigged, fixed. the fix is in!
Brendan Chwascinski both Joe and Trump are brain dead, trump can’t even lead this country and probably neither can Biden
@Brendan Chwascinski Bunkerboy can’t even drink water out if a glass and walk a ramp
and parrots because I keep seeing that biden can’t finish sentences. That’s fine, except that it was Trump that started that. Why is it that his followers only believe him?
@Hey Jude yeah just like the Russians did the last one ,which turned out to be absolute BS .
Of course tRUMP claims ignorance. He is one of the most ignorant presidents ever.
@Miotch Biotch Well said
. Be well and be safe
@Paul Knowsit Scale. Relevance. Intent.
@Paul Knowsit What does Biden have to do with the topic at hand? And yes, he mistakenly said it and it was on the news and newspapers imbecile. So, let me ask you this, how about the over 20,000 lies Trump had said so far? Let’s see how far your ignorance will go with your answer.
@TraitorDrumpf Weren’t safe spaces created by the left?
It’s the most obvious dog whistle yet. There’s no doubt the racists got the message loud and clear that he’s on their side.
If this truly was the disasterous misunderstanding he claims it be, wouldn’t you think he’d be putting in more effort into clearing his name than simply saying “I didn’t hear it” and moving on?
Trump doing what he does best….
Making EVERYTHING worse.
Or just trying to distract from Putin giving bonuses to soldiers killing Americans. Congress invite the interpreter that was ordered by Trump to destroy her notes of Putin and Trump at Helsinki 2017?
Seems like there’s “very fine people” driving around in golf carts too.
Darth Wheezius

If there was previously any doubt about trump being a vile racist, there’s _absolutely zero_ chance he “didn’t hear” the white supremacists at the beginning of that video before retweeting it.
@ryan williams Why are the individuals in this video racist?
Why would he do that? He isn’t that stupid that if he really was supporting white supremecists that he would tweet it out and then delete it. If he was, he would have left it up. There is nothing to gain from alianating a big portion of the voters even if he was the secret head of the KKK.
S Turner Red states would starve without the Blue state surpluses fed into the Federal coffers…lets talk about welfare in Mitchs Ky, eh?
@It’sMeAgain! 1 tell me what. They said come on let me hear it
@88bradman u shut up pendejo
He is trying to incite a race war. Worst president ever
@Cynthia Woodmancy I will guarantee you most of our military members will be more than thrilled to go in and remove them by force from the White House. Especially if our next president removes the gag order on our military members all they will be thrilled 10 shades of pink they’ll finally not have to live a lie of a life. When you ask a military member act if military member what they feel about something the president is done they have to look at you and say”I cannot respond to that at this time.” Because there is essentially a gag order They have manyanything negative about their leader and cheap. That gag order is already been broke so pull it start letting them live a real life. Instead of watching them be put into military housing with mold and asbestos and black mold start taking care of the people that are defending this country. Start respecting the people that you’re working for.If you even showed half of that to the American public including our military as the new president those military members will defend you from now to doomsday . They will yank him out of the White House kicking and screaming and they’ll enjoy it.
He is a disaster
Mister Sinister
Omg!!! Seriously??? I tried but you seem happy wallowing in your victim hood.
Pence of Piece Delivers his Sermon with a mask on, too late. Don’t forget this day. It is a turning point But They Got It Way Too Late
Of course he retweeted, while most Trump supporters “may” not be racist, I guarantee MOST racists are Trump supporters.
@spim randsley racists and inbred
D W Democrat are liars who use black people for their vote and don’t care a thing about them!!! You abort their children in your abortion clinics!!!!
Fernando Castillo exactly I’ve seen Americans in mexico and their treated kindly i have no problem with white people but i have a problem with people like this who bring in other races that have nothing to do with this and I’d do the same if maybe sum european person said false rumors or descrimated Americans for whatever reason
D W Trump 2020!Justice for all and the corrupt CIA has been and abortion murdering democrats to prison forever!!!
@Paul Knowsit “nuisances” ? I think you’ve had your intelligence tickled enough for one day. WTF does that even mean?
When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.

Up next: Kayleigh McEnany defends president Trump’s ‘white power’ tweet