Pennsylvania Capital-Star's John Micek has the latest after U.S. President Trump retweeted conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein's death.
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Nothing to see here but loads of crap!
Mafia style witness elimination, too many rich elites wanted him dead.
Conald Tyrant Trump knew Epstein better and has much more to lose right now.
Yes the Clintons definitely had Epstein whacked.
@Conald-is-a Scourge-on-humanity how did he know him better when they barely had any contact
My life would be complete if only I could kill these elites. Wouldn’t hesitate.
The one positive thing about the Epstein “suicide” is that it’s brought the left and the right together in both side’s disbelief in the official story. Almost 100% of the population believed that somehow Epstein would mysteriously die before he got to court.
Where it seems to differ is the who and why. But I will say, whoever was involved with this, regardless of the letter next to their name, needs to go to jail. We can’t play “teams” on something like this. The law must be observed, justice must be served.
Alex Jones has been saying this since 2014. Yet Alex is crazy and disinfo. THats what they want everyone to believe which is why they go to such great lengths to silence infowars. Tomorrows news today.
@Gaiden Raikou Justice will never be served to the rich and powerful in America.
@dipojones Now humanity faces open and overt criminal control….. This is too much
Basically the prison allowed him to attempt suicide every 30 minutes after the guard went by, that’s the best they admit they did to prevent his death.
What’s wrong with that?
He was likely killed by paid guards to make it look like suicide and it was ordered from the politicians that he had close ties to because he was going to talk. He died right before names could be dropped and the camera in the cell malfunctioned
This is nothing to do with left or right, the puppets are all controlled by the same hands.
If most of the internet believes in conspiracy theories what does that say about the 1% owned major medias narrative about the world?
Not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.
Yeah then it’s just a conspiracy lol
No one is more surprised about Ebstiens suicide than Epstein.
A Damned tribe of bigfoots did it!!!!…… A Bic Shaver semi trailer was recently stolen….. So the sneaky $hits could shave themselves and look like Mexican wall jumping prison kitchen staff….. From there – it was easy….. just saying
Alan Dershowitz : 100% ordered this.
Look him up if you don’t know.
He is so dirty and corrupt, he will somehow make money from murder.
“We came, we saw, he died”-H.R.C.
Hillary – “Nooooo don’t do it Jeff”….. Jeff – “Do what Hillary”…… Hillary – “No we don’t want to write your suicide note”…… Jeff – Ummm, nah, I’m ok Hillary?”… Hillary…….. Bzzzzzzzz – lights out
Screw you bar$tard “editors” preventing my replies getting out. You have some serious problems…. NO ONE BELIEVES THIS CRAP FORKED OUT BY A CRIMINAL EMPIRE AND PEDDLED BY YOU
When Alex Jones was totally right…
brandon veach about ??bb
@Johnny TwotimesYa Maybe you should watch infowars a bit more ! they have been talking about this for months !
Angel of Justice really ? I mean I know it was a set up by the elites ….
@Johnny TwotimesYa Alex has been saying they will surly try to take Epstien out for a long time !
True…but it didn’t take Alex Jones to have seen the obvious over a decade ago. The Epstein case has been an open secret for a while now.
This clown has no clue how much the president knows therefore his opinion is moot.
No one else is going to say what we’re all thinking.
Why are you interviewing this mealy-mouth fa99ot?
he has a lolita express ticket, then blame trump with his gold plated airplane, who dosen’t fly lolita commercial airlines lol.
They faked his death, as he is going into the witness protection program. He gets to live, while all his accomplices won’t be named. Genius! They have the whole USA believing he is dead! I bet you’ll never get to see pictures of the body. No open casket……wait and see….this is all smoke and mirrors!
Wake up and get a ‘Coding’ job. The clinton’s are a merger of the Chicago mob and the rockerfellers.
Not conspiricy theory… this needs investigating! What PT says is nevers as bad as the left accusing him for shooters n more… racism, etc. One sided leftist!
Alex Jones did much more accurate reporting than this pos.
Who tells all the lies?
Who tells all the lies?
Lugenpresse, Lugenpresse you tell all the lies!