The president returned to the White House Monday after being treated at Walter Reed Hospital. The Morning Joe panel reacts to the choreographed return and news the WH won't contact trace from the Rose Garden event. Aired on 10/06/2020.
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Trump Returns To WH, Says To Not Be Afraid Of Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
3 days nice quarantine well I guess that means they already have a cure then huh
go get it!
How DARE that draft dodging traitorous coward salute for a photo op!! WTH!?! OMG I can’t believe the GALL of this tool!
He`s done more for the veterans choice of hospitals etc. etc, then any president has ever done.
Yeah, after he called soldiers ‘loosers’ for choosing to enlist !

@Gregory Guidry Really. Like NOT cleaning Putin’s clock for putting a bounty on American soldier’s head. Fool….be gone
*Even little roy cohn couldn’t have thought up that trummppeee performance piece!*
emphasis on the pee, obviously.
USA the American dream !!!!!. If you have a pass from an Asylum, you can be President of the USA. Just like Trump.

defund the police, antifa going to take over your house.
He looks bad. He avoided talking at the press, he never does that
He is sick, literally and figuratively. Trying not to cough.
Fine Dandy it wasn’t a press conference…just a video.
@Sarah McCoy he looks to be struggling to take full breaths
@henrydemonfreid1985 – True but at his age/size, that is what I would expect from him just walking up the steps even without COVID-19.
I guess so knuckle head if you were just sick out of the hospital you would be weak too.
He should’ve took the elevator he wasn’t ready for those flights of stairs
his breathing was struggling 
he is obese and elderly
Doris Crumpton Biden isn’t elderly? C’mon man!
@I Love NY I Love NY Oops, you missed obese, which Biden is not.
@Jetstovictory Biden is good.
Nothing what a few big macs can`t handle. ha! ha!
The White House is now the world’s largest petri dish. That is not leadership.
@calcifurrr Stop lying. You are looking for conspiracy theories.
@Stuart Damien DjackassTrump has done more???? Boy, that’s so hilarious. Thanks for the giggles.
@Marcos Juarez Yes. I am. Of course, how did i not realize sooner?
@Stuart Damien good luck when you get it, let’s see if you can get any treatments that he received.
In a way you’re right because millions of people are white house supporters that are susceptible to false claims of cures, anti-mask propaganda, and other false rhetoric.
How would you like him as a platoon leader? Not so much.
It’s odd you people have to make up scenarios to make yourselves feel good about your position politically. Who cares about his lack of military service? Doesn’t impact his ability to be president.
@Hex Jumper Yes, it does. It does not matter how much imagination you use it still will not make Donal Trump a good president. Donald Trump is a loon that is consumed with hate. That hate that he has made him president. Racism and hate got him elected. Not the three-word sentences he uses, the hate. As he stated in an interview when he was a Democrat if I run for president I would have to become a Republican because their base is uneducated and will believe anything. Hence, hie solan “I love the uneducated/racist.”
Her Story ~ You accuse him of being hateful, yet by his action he is not. Your entire post is about hate and racism and labeling Trump as such does not make what you say true. The only party who is racist and thrives on hate is the democrat party and they have consistently shown that since their inception. The latest examples are the rioting caused by the divisiveness of inaction on their part. Democrats use people as tools. Sorry you are incapable of realizing that.
I would , because the man wants the country to stop fearing the corona virus, and do like me go back to work and make money.
Gregory Guidry ~ The superficial disappointment in the left’s surprise that an overweight 74 year old man has overcome the China virus and not died has left them grasping at anything to fill that void. In their blind fury, they will do whatever it takes to keep stoking the fires of a coup and their children and grandchildren will be embarrassed their family tried unsuccessfully to undermine one of the greatest Presidents of all time, all while they are studied as failures in journalism for the next hundred years.
*trummppeee needs to take a play from the jerry falwell jr playbook and just claim that he will be a “good boy from now on!”!*
you don`t know when you see a false prophet.
My grandmother use to say believe someone the first time they show you who they are….
I wish I’d had that advice before I married.
I’ve never been more embarrassed of this country
You know…i think this can happen in every country even in Holland where i live , but it remains stunning to me…i can’t believe it either . I wish you well Gee .
well there was that day in November 2016
The voters are even more embarrassing!
I`m proud of this country, if the democrats would have stopped fighting the man he could have done a lot more for this country, you better run for your life now they want to defund the police department biden
He was having trouble breathing from walking up the stairs. The worst is yet to come. What I fear is this fake president. No sympathy
Paula Anne I wonder if you’d ever say this out loud or just behind a keyboard.
@Leslie Page … millions of US enjoy doing it both ways…
@Leslie Page Why not? She has a choir behind her! What is typed on a keyboard can and will be verbalized. She was a lot nicer than I would have been. LOL!
corona does mess with your lungs.
Covid has Many many side effects
Blood clots
Heart arrhythmia
Every hoax ends the same way, every time.
Don Jr. has said privately that his father is insane and needs an intervention.
Tessmage Tessera
I like it
@Jay Gibson Here’s the story:
Tessmage Tessera
Here is the story
@Tessmage Tessera Please don’t feed the trolls. Save your energy for people with a brain.
That is all he wants, attention like a child crying for his pacifier.
vote for your perverted candidate who skinny dip in his pool in front of female secret service agents.
Like barney fife said of earnest t bass: “he’s just nuts!”
Chicago Boy Barney and Earnest – two of the best TV characters ever. Trump – worst TV character ever.
USA the American dream !!!!!. If you have a pass from an Asylum, you can be President of the USA. Just like Trump.

This really is the behavior of a lunatic.
that`s why your making them comments to much tv.
And freshly sprayed….lol
How is anyone saying he’s over a virus we know lasts at least 14 days. I’m starting to think he lied about testing positive.
He did ,
No question
Sean me too
@Elvino Stalmeester I thought he was faking it until I saw him whizzing & pretending to work on his coat buttons to hide the pain he was in. The guy has covid19 & a total mental!
@Muuri soras I mean either that or he’s so stupid that he’d risk his life to look like he overcame the virus in less than a week.
Because, he never had the “virus”

I thought the same as well until I saw him on that balcony. My husband and I both had the virus and his breathing, his color, oh yea, he’s got it and it’s worse than he’s letting on because the high dose steroids are suppressing his immune system response for right now. Herman Cain died 28 days after getting the virus..
tmazz85 He actually left against doctors orders the doctor stated.. He only looks good because the high dose steroids are suppressing his immune system response at the moment.. My husband and I didn’t crash until 5 days and 4 days after testing positive in April.. He’s trying to act as if he’s fine when he’s not. Also he’s not quarantining. He said he won’t go to the West Wing and Oval office.. Meadows was in the room with him with Trump not wearing a mask but Meadows said he was.. This is wreckless!!
Jhinu Jung I am well aware it cannot be cured in 3 days. Did what I said imply that is what I meant? Because that was not my intent. All I was saying he isn’t telling us the truth (no surprise there). He has it, but is still trying to downplay its seriousness. Which is really sad, scary and if you think about downright evil.
What we do know is that there is no record of a personal doctor of Donald Trump making a true statement. He has bonespurs, is in “very good health overall” (even though he is obese and has high cholesterol), had a routine physical last year at Walter Reed, and his doctors lied to the press over the weekend. As for out of breath at the top of the stairs? He can’t even carry his own bags on the golf course, of course he is wheezing after climbing some steps. Probably the first steps he has taken in quite a while:)
I hate to see you taking care of children you can loo k and see the man was sick.
*Biden/Harris! Blue Wave! Vote!*

Ew, no.
uh, no. I wont vote for Stink Finger Joe or
Communist Kamala.
blue wave of toilet water, the tidy bowl man wouldn`t float in.
The problems is Trump never hold accountable for his crimes fraud scams I mean Trump admits to downplay how dangerous coronavirus which is a crime yet he never hold accountable
The donald is a freemason of course he gonna help the nwo. (One world gubbermint) it’s all a dog/pony show.
Exactly Well said

Lets not do it
what about obama, spying on a sitting president, and people reporting everything going on obamagate.
Bleach and hydroxycloroquine stand back and stand by!