President Donald Trump repeats false claims that former special counsel Robert Mueller wanted to be Trump’s FBI director and had a personal conflict of interest with the President.
#Mueller #Trump #CNN #News
President Donald Trump repeats false claims that former special counsel Robert Mueller wanted to be Trump’s FBI director and had a personal conflict of interest with the President.
#Mueller #Trump #CNN #News
It’s funny how his supporters will just eat up his lies with no questions.
D Sep what ever your dream is it’s not going to happen.
Same can be said about the braindead morons on the left that believe everything the mainstream media such as CNN has to say.
With a sentence like that, it is easy to see who the real uneducated one is here.
So is there any honest person in America who doesn’t know that trump is a pathological liar. As long as trump has his Republican enablers in Congress and Bill Barr and The Fox News Machine he will continue his corruption
@Truth Seeker You said democrats aren’t americans anymore (which is crazy). Is Putin an american? He did help Trump to get elected. Does Putin want America great again? Are nazis and kkk more american than democrats?
CNN=racist information; Obama lied you jerk; how do you not know this? Get help.
• Criticized the Supreme Court’s legal reasoning (about the Citizen’s United decision) during a State of the Union address, which many considered a dangerous precedent as it appeared to place political pressure on the court, violating the Constitution’s separation of powers; but his bullying seems to have later paid off, when the Supreme Court apparently altered its Obamacare decision so as to not ruffle any political feathers.
• On April 27, 2009, Obama’s staff (possibly at his direction) ordered Air Force One to make an unnecessary very low flight over part of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, which many residents mistakenly assumed must be a second 9/11 attack in progress; turned out that it was just a stunt to get a photo op of Obama’s plane next to the Statue of Liberty.
• Obama somehow managed to insert mentions of himself into the official biographies of earlier presidents on the White House Web site — even presidents from the 19th century. After public outcry, the narcissistic Obama mentions were quietly removed without comment.
• Intentionally misquotes the Declaration of Independence in speeches, often leaving out the words “by their Creator” in the famous passage “…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” which Obama instead has recited as “…are endowed with certain unalienable rights.”
• In June of 2009, Obama’s Solicitor General (and now Supreme Court Justice) Elena Kagan filed a legal brief to prevent the families of 9/11 victims from appealing their lawsuits against the Saudi royal family for financing the 9/11 attacks.
• The 2009 National Christmas Tree in the White House was decorated with ornaments depicting Chairman Mao, a drag queen, and a picture of Mount Rushmore that included Obama’s own head next to George Washington’s.
• Compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception, even though such requirements violate their rights of religious freedom and conscience.
• It was revealed only after Obama became president that during the 1990s he was a leading member of the “New Party,” a socialist-aligned far-left radical group in Chicago.
• Lied about his close associations with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; pretended the two barely knew each other, when multiple sources document they were friends and close colleagues for years.
• When Obama was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, he at first flubbed the oath of office, so he had to re-take it behind closed doors for his inauguration to be valid. He did so, but during this second, true inauguration in private, he purposely failed to place his hand on a Bible, as is traditional — the first president ever to not swear the oath of office on the Bible.
• Obama’s own author bio in his literary agent’s catalog and on their Web site stated for 17 consecutive years that he was born in Kenya; this claim remained intact despite other portions of the bio being altered and updated repeatedly. It was only in 2007 after he decided to run for the presidency that the “born in Kenya” claim was taken down. The original info must necessarily have come from Obama himself; some theorize he likely falsely claimed foreign birth in order to gain admission or scholarships in college, and never bothered to fix his lie.
• After winning the 2008 election but before being sworn in, Obama bombastically concocted the official-seeming “Office of the President-Elect” as if it was some kind of real government department; in fact, it was just a self-congratulatory title he made up to look important before he actually became president.
• Obama administration came up with the bizarre euphemism “man-caused disasters” to describe acts of terrorism — because he wants to downplay terrorism as a significant political issue.
• For three years in a row his official budget proposals to Congress received exactly zero votes — not even a single vote from Democrats.
• Relied on an Islamic fundamentalist militia group called “The Martyrs of the February the 17th Revolution Brigade” to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi — and they not only failed to prevent the attack but perhaps even joined in on it.
• During the debate over Obamacare in 2009, Obama bluntly stated that doctors like to perform amputations rather than practice preventive medicine for no other reason than that they make a greater profit from amputations. The American College of Surgeons demanded an apology, which never arrived.
• Since 2008 the Los Angeles Times has been in possession of a videotape showing Obama honoring and praising anti-Western anti-Israel academic Edward Said, but they have steadfastly refused to release it to this day, for no discernible reason other than their belief it would damage Obama’s reputation.
• When the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe recently held a conference on human rights, Obama sent an American representative — Salam al-Marayati, a Truther who blamed Israel for the 9/11 attacks and who also praises Hezbollah and Hamas. To the nations of Europe, al-Marayati spoke for all Americans on the topic of human rights.
• Obama’s Department of Homeland Security specifically warned that Americans who are “dedicated to a
single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration” are potential terrorists, as are libertarian-minded voters who “favor of state or local authority” over centralized power. These “rightwing extremists” (who hold political beliefs shared by a majority of Americans) are deemed a greater threat to the nation than actual revolutionaries or jihadists.
• While campaigning in 2008 Obama declared that it was “unpatriotic” that Bush had increased the national debt at a rate of half a trillion dollars per year; but under Obama the rate of national debt increase has accelerated to almost three times the Bush rate ($6 trillion in new debt in under four years) — yet Obama has never apologized nor declared himself unpatriotic.
• For decades, every president has attended a “daily intelligence briefing” which updates him on critical world events each morning. Obama has skipped 60% of his daily intelligence briefings, including the ones leading up to the attack in Benghazi.
He expects the people to accept that he is the only honest card in the deck? That everyone in the government, the media, the courts, the legal system and the nations of this world are all either taking the people for a ride or screwing him and the nation?? Well that has to be – either paranoia or deception. which one do you choose to believe?
@Pat Galvin okay I grant you Obama numbers were looking much better st the end. Trump Lowest unemployment since the moon landing that’s pretty impressive.
@Truth Seeker Do you know the meaning of lying?
“More Obama lies: appointed xx to…” To appoint someone isn’t lying. 
This man is really, really unbelievable!
@Barbara Majer theres plenty of evidence on the internet. Besides, in your little lefty lala land, who needs “evidence” when all you need is an accusation. Let’s hold you to the same standard you’ve been holding us. Do you have evidence Trump colluded with Russians? Do you have proof Kavenaugh was a rapist? Oh wait, I forgot, the 4th amendment doesn’t exist in lefty lala land. The burden of proof is laid at the accuseds feet. Who needs the presumption of innocence these days, am I right?
Sean Pizzo
How are you going to keep me accountable for the things you have listed, which I never said so ?? It makes you a liar !!
I know right CNN didn’t even report on Obama’s lies:
• Criticized the Supreme Court’s legal reasoning (about the Citizen’s United decision) during a State of the Union address, which many considered a dangerous precedent as it appeared to place political pressure on the court, violating the Constitution’s separation of powers; but his bullying seems to have later paid off, when the Supreme Court apparently altered its Obamacare decision so as to not ruffle any political feathers.
• On April 27, 2009, Obama’s staff (possibly at his direction) ordered Air Force One to make an unnecessary very low flight over part of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, which many residents mistakenly assumed must be a second 9/11 attack in progress; turned out that it was just a stunt to get a photo op of Obama’s plane next to the Statue of Liberty.
• Obama somehow managed to insert mentions of himself into the official biographies of earlier presidents on the White House Web site — even presidents from the 19th century. After public outcry, the narcissistic Obama mentions were quietly removed without comment.
• Intentionally misquotes the Declaration of Independence in speeches, often leaving out the words “by their Creator” in the famous passage “…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” which Obama instead has recited as “…are endowed with certain unalienable rights.”
• In June of 2009, Obama’s Solicitor General (and now Supreme Court Justice) Elena Kagan filed a legal brief to prevent the families of 9/11 victims from appealing their lawsuits against the Saudi royal family for financing the 9/11 attacks.
• The 2009 National Christmas Tree in the White House was decorated with ornaments depicting Chairman Mao, a drag queen, and a picture of Mount Rushmore that included Obama’s own head next to George Washington’s.
• Compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception, even though such requirements violate their rights of religious freedom and conscience.
• It was revealed only after Obama became president that during the 1990s he was a leading member of the “New Party,” a socialist-aligned far-left radical group in Chicago.
• Lied about his close associations with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; pretended the two barely knew each other, when multiple sources document they were friends and close colleagues for years.
• When Obama was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, he at first flubbed the oath of office, so he had to re-take it behind closed doors for his inauguration to be valid. He did so, but during this second, true inauguration in private, he purposely failed to place his hand on a Bible, as is traditional — the first president ever to not swear the oath of office on the Bible.
• Obama’s own author bio in his literary agent’s catalog and on their Web site stated for 17 consecutive years that he was born in Kenya; this claim remained intact despite other portions of the bio being altered and updated repeatedly. It was only in 2007 after he decided to run for the presidency that the “born in Kenya” claim was taken down. The original info must necessarily have come from Obama himself; some theorize he likely falsely claimed foreign birth in order to gain admission or scholarships in college, and never bothered to fix his lie.
• After winning the 2008 election but before being sworn in, Obama bombastically concocted the official-seeming “Office of the President-Elect” as if it was some kind of real government department; in fact, it was just a self-congratulatory title he made up to look important before he actually became president.
• Obama administration came up with the bizarre euphemism “man-caused disasters” to describe acts of terrorism — because he wants to downplay terrorism as a significant political issue.
• For three years in a row his official budget proposals to Congress received exactly zero votes — not even a single vote from Democrats.
• Relied on an Islamic fundamentalist militia group called “The Martyrs of the February the 17th Revolution Brigade” to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi — and they not only failed to prevent the attack but perhaps even joined in on it.
• During the debate over Obamacare in 2009, Obama bluntly stated that doctors like to perform amputations rather than practice preventive medicine for no other reason than that they make a greater profit from amputations. The American College of Surgeons demanded an apology, which never arrived.
• Since 2008 the Los Angeles Times has been in possession of a videotape showing Obama honoring and praising anti-Western anti-Israel academic Edward Said, but they have steadfastly refused to release it to this day, for no discernible reason other than their belief it would damage Obama’s reputation.
• When the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe recently held a conference on human rights, Obama sent an American representative — Salam al-Marayati, a Truther who blamed Israel for the 9/11 attacks and who also praises Hezbollah and Hamas. To the nations of Europe, al-Marayati spoke for all Americans on the topic of human rights.
• Obama’s Department of Homeland Security specifically warned that Americans who are “dedicated to a
single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration” are potential terrorists, as are libertarian-minded voters who “favor of state or local authority” over centralized power. These “rightwing extremists” (who hold political beliefs shared by a majority of Americans) are deemed a greater threat to the nation than actual revolutionaries or jihadists.
• While campaigning in 2008 Obama declared that it was “unpatriotic” that Bush had increased the national debt at a rate of half a trillion dollars per year; but under Obama the rate of national debt increase has accelerated to almost three times the Bush rate ($6 trillion in new debt in under four years) — yet Obama has never apologized nor declared himself unpatriotic.
• For decades, every president has attended a “daily intelligence briefing” which updates him on critical world events each morning. Obama has skipped 60% of his daily intelligence briefings, including the ones leading up to the attack in Benghazi.
Graeme Quinn

Any epithet is better, than being this so – called president’s supporter
All the best to you !!
I pray for the USA to be saved from this monstrous man!
@michaelthemovieman How do you spell SWAMP? Mueller
@Robert Clawson The head swamp creatures. Isn’t it funny how the Jeffrey Epstein story has faded away now that Jim Acosta has resigned.
Yeah can you just call it that hes lying. Im tired of just calling it false/fake etc. Lies, he is a bald face liar. “Spinning” things to a “false narrative” is lying.
@Nope Ninja Where did you call out Obama? Can you link me to the comment sections where you were critical of his war policy, his deportation policy, his cage building to put Mexican children in, his lies about Obama care, his huge lie about keeping your Doctor, his attacks on the press when he used the espionage act to go after a reporter and his source or when he told the Russian’s he’d be more flexible…
Any of those comments you made on videos will do.
@Kev J i said in this thread. And if you want thoughts etc like i said watch beau. Going years back into my comments to make a rando on here happy? Get a grip. Obama did crud/lied and i called it. Obama was not/ is not the best or worst pres, high middle towards best, when looking at all of them in the long term effects, though currently trump is setting fire to everything so hes prob the worst. But that is just my opinion. Also seriously, who would have the time to go back 3+ years in views and comments to show you that they made comments? No one got time for that.
@Nope Ninja Show me where you were critical, show me examples.
How is Trump worse than Obama on foreign wars? We were told he’d start WW3. When in fact he’s not a war monger, unlike Obama and Bush.
He has set fire to the employment statistics, creating more jobs and getting more minorities and women into work than any other President.
How’s the economy doing? Is it all still thanks to Obama?
Trump isn’t as bad as you’re making out, although his tweets probably upset you more than his policies.
@Kev J nope, you are not worth missing sleep or time watching another couple of vids, to do that. And this will be the last time i respond before muting this thread. Either go watch beau or dont, surprise hes not a lover of obama either. I made my comment on the news not labeling trumps lies as lies, cause they are trying not to trigger one of his illiterate tantrums when criticized. If you want to tantrum over me not giving you hours of my time fill your boots. You do you bethany and assume what you want.
@Nope Ninja I’ll assume you’re a liar. You don’t want to show me one example of you being critical of Obama, because you can’t.
You keep trying to push this guys YouTube channel on me, when you appear to be nothing more than an orange man bad, who pretend to be unbiased…
Best you don’t comment again, and block the thread. I mean why would you try to justify your bs.
It’s time for impeachment and trial, the Democrats must step up their game NOW!
Irinia Martin-Stockton
And here’s her testimony of what happened.
@MamaKatWhere’s the evidence? A video with ‘alleged’ in the title doesn’t cut it…
If Dr. Ford taught us anything, it was that having an allegation with no proof, doesn’t equal guilt.
@adam shortnacy No… Hold him accountable for all the on record things he has said and done that Republicans in the past have cried foul over when Democrats or others have done it.
if this was your grandad, you’d be having a family pow-wow on getting him 24hr care
@Cory Snyder what are u talking about? Really? You have alot of hate in your heart
@Betty Lonv Trump didn’t become a successful businessman by being incompetent. Nice try
@Betty Lonv And handsome!
@Eazy Street i bet you are!
It’s just amazing that people believe this man..
crazy. up is down, lie is truth.
@Squirrelly most retards are republicans you wake up turd breath
Trump delivers on his promises.
I’m a stable genius
Wow the smearing Robert Mueller just two days before giving testimony before Congress. Not surprised at all!
More obstruction.
So telling the truth about someone is smearing now?
@fred head If you think Trump told the truth, you are truly gullible. The idiot Trump has not even read the Mueller report. Trump raised Mueller when he was hired, but when Mueller found that Trump obstructed justice and his campaign constantly colluded with the Russians, little Donny was too scared to testify in person. Innocent people don’t obstruct justice and intimidate witnesses (as the Mueller report described).
Smearing? Ya think?
Another day with Despot Donny….HOW LONG, AMERICA…HOW MUCH LONGER?
@Becker289 Betting you DJT will be indicted by 2021 and doing time by 2022….
@karen81986 you’re right….The Great Deal Maker just said he could wipe Afghanistan off the map & kill millions-if he wanted to….
@Saltponds239 that won’t happen … pence won’t be in a room alone with anyone who isn’t his wife
@LM Parker Seems like a smart move to me but does not change my prediction – Pence/Ivanka 2024
Trump represents all of the worst qualities humanity has to offer. With his Racism and compulsive lying disorder, on full display for the world to see.
@Kevin Delahunty – give me one thing trump lied about at that press meeting?
@BlackStar19 GammaBurst – only time will tell, write trump off at your peril.
BlackStar19 GammaBurst Okay? It’s either him or socialism lmao
@Mats K – you want him to punch Putin in the face? When our Intel agencies told us that Iran was behind the tankers bombing, you leftists rufused to believe them and sided with Iran. But with Russian collusion you believed the Intel completely.
It is a thing, but it’s also projection on their part. DTS is a condition where someone swallows whole whatever Trump says regardless of how demonstrably wrong or outright ridicules. When it’s a blatant lie, it’s cemented.
I thought Mueller’s best friend was Barr.
*28 U.S. CODE §45.2 (a)*
*§ 45.2 Disqualification arising from personal or political relationship.*
*_(a) Unless authorized underparagraph (b) of this section, no employee shall participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with:_*
*_(1) Any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution; or_*
*_(2) Any person or organization which he knows has a specific and substantial interest that would be directly affected by the outcome of the investigation or prosecution._*
*_(b) An employee assigned to or otherwise participating in a criminal investigation or prosecution who believes that his participation may be prohibited by paragraph (a) of this section shall report the matter and all attendant facts and circumstances to his supervisor at the level of section chief or the equivalent or higher. If the supervisor determines that a personal or political relationship exists between the employee and a person or organization described inparagraph (a) of this section, he shall relieve the employee from participation unless he determines further, in writing, after full consideration of all the facts and circumstances, that:_*
*_(1) The relationship will not have the effect of rendering the employee’s service less than fully impartial and professional; and_*
*_(2) The employee’s participation would not create an appearance of a conflict of interest likely to affect the public perception of the integrity of the investigation or prosecution._*
*_(c) For the purposes of this section:_*
*_(1)Political relationship means a close identification with an elected official, a candidate (whether or not successful) for elective, public office, a political party, or a campaign organization, arising from service as a principal adviser thereto or a principal official thereof; and_*
*_(2)Personal relationship means a close and substantial connection of the type normally viewed as likely to induce partiality. An employee is presumed to have a personal relationship with his father, mother, brother, sister, child and spouse. Whether relationships (including friendships) of an employee to other persons or organizations are “personal” must be judged on an individual basis with due regard given to the subjective opinion of the employee._*
*_(d) This section pertains to agency management and is not intended to create rights enforceable by private individuals or organizations._*
*[Order No. 993-83, 48 FR 2319, Jan. 19, 1983. Redesignated at 61 FR 59815, Nov. 25, 1996]*
*Robert Mueller’s long standing personal and professional relationship with James Comey disqualifies him to act as Special Counsel.*
@LAST CALL trumps longstanding personal choices disqualify him to be POTUS…more like PERVOTUS….grab them by the constitution
@Toga Tours
*Saying and doing are two entirely different things.*
It looks as if POTUS has been becoming increasingly anxious and desperate to deflect our attentions elsewhere from all of the investigations and from Mueller’s testimony!
Then, cheeto-head should be excited for Mueller to testify! I know I am!
@stickinit totheman
Get your snacks ready! We may be in for an exciting day!
@Maxx Q
*Trump and Sessions brought Mueller in, why do you think they interviewed him the day before he was appointed to the Special Council to investigate Trump? Use your fucking head.*
@Alison Hayford
Get ready for Wednesday! I’d bet that cheeto-head is not sleeping well…not without pharmaceutical help anyway.
@stickinit totheman
Also, I hope the orange turd doesn’t start a war too. I wouldn’t put it past the idiot though.
*#1.* The Mueller Report states with great emphasis that the 2016 US Presidential election was significantly and systematically attacked and interfered with by Russian intelligence, with the express purpose of benefiting Donald Trump.
*#2.* The report makes no comment on the subject of collusion as collusion is not a defined federal crime. At *no point* does it say “No collusion.” It does however detail over 120 contacts, connections, communications and meetings between members of Trump’s business interests and Presidential campaign with members or associates of Russian intelligence. In these meetings confidential election information was discussed, as well as Trump’s business interests; policy proposals beneficial to Russian interests were also discussed. And these meetings and communications were outside normal secure diplomatic channels, and when questioned on these matters, those involved either refused to answer or outright *lied.*
*That. Is. Collusion.*
And while the report could not find enough evidence to prosecute a case in actual criminal conspiracy on specific crimes (for example, the hacking of Hilary Clinton’s emails) it concluded that although the Trump campaign was fully aware of Russian election interference, it refused to inform the relevant authorities of their Russian connections and meetings and fully expected to *gain* from this interference.
Once again: *That. Is. Collusion.*
*#3.* The report details over 10 incidents of clear Obstruction of Justice on the part of members of the Trump campaign, government and President Donald Trump himself. The investigation declined to prosecute due to DOJ restrictions on the prosecution of a sitting president. However, had Donald Trump been a private citizen he would be fully charged with Obstruction of Justice; these charges still await him once he leaves office.
In any normal administration the Mueller Report would effectively be a Death Sentence. Instead, in the Reality TV/Twitter Presidency, Donald Trump – with the assistance of his appointed Attorney General, William Barr – have obscured the facts and flat out lied to the American people, and basically wagged the dog with the news media to bury this story.
My God 45 is exhausting. America, America the mask is off and your true face is not so pretty.
Matter of fact,it’s quite ugly
Then don’t watch – youtube has plenty of Hillary and Obama videos
Trump is such a criminal and a liar. I don’t care how long it takes to convict a criminal. If 45 is innocent then let congress investigate,he is guilty as sin.
THE DEMONIC DEMOCRATS at CNN are such Pathological Liars that they believe in them and the people that believe in CNN
Much like Trump not showing his taxes which every other president has done
Much like Trump takes credit for the economy when Obama was actually fixing it
Much like he is blocking testimony at every turn
Much like he tells lies about everything…
If Trump was NOT worried about the report…he would not (and in turn telling Fox to do so) discredit a guy that really cannot be discredited in Mueller
Hopefully impeaching proceeds start directly after Mueller’s day
@John Solberg
john herring well obama care was diffently weakening the economy, business owners had to cut hours and lay people off and the business could not expand ,probably the answer or part of the answer is trump has done away with the things in obamacare that was hurting americans was take away the mandatory insurance of business and forceing everybody to have to buy it.The economic spending bill ? More than half of Americans were living on government assistance. The iran deal did nothing for the US economy. Noble piece prize what did he do for that?climate change deal ,they were going to kill jobs here and overseas. Over ten trillion dollars in the national debt more than any president combined .With the tpp installed by obama and about to hand it to Hillary Clinton, if she won the economy would be in the opposite direction thats why obama endorsed her over Bernie Sanders. The balance is of the same propaganda as CNN, but luckly in reality and i have been all over the country is nobody hardly or should i say most trust or pay attention to the media.
Most people don’t pay attention to or trust the media, my correction.
All FAKE NEWS – have a nice night
Trumpo is still using lock her up at rallies.
As of June 10 The Washington Post Fact Checker has cataloged 10,796 times Trumpo The Aryan Clown has lied to the American people since taking office.
You’re one to talk in regards to conflicts, President Idiot!
Well, when it comes to Trump logic…don’t dance if you don’t know the steps.