The Morning Joe panel discusses the moment where the president tells far-right extremist group, Proud Boys, to 'stand back and stand by' when asked by moderator Chris Wallace to denounce white supremacist groups. Aired on 9/30/2020.
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Trump Refuses To Denounce White Supremacist Groups | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I’m afraid that down the road we will find out that Trump owes Putin money and it was Putin’s idea that he run for president.
No that was Obama words.
Russian oligarchs are the only group willing to loan trump money! For at least the last decade. That’s why Felix skater, a convicted Russian mobster, had a free office space attached to trumps office in Trump tower for over 10 years.
@HARM The_OG some one in the white house already caught him eating paper, And she wrote a book in which commented about it. I think your right ! , Because he’s surely been practicing when he has to swallow down some crucial evidence, That he doesn’t want the Federal bureau of investigation getting a hold of!. And I believe he destroyed evidence too when he knew that they were looking to impeach him! And your correct thump needs to be watched! Because who knows what else He’s been hiding all these years in the white house?.
still deranged on that one eh? Sorry guy turns out it was hillary
That makes perfect sense, because Trump started talking about running from President after he came back from a trip to Russia. I think he was recruited while he was there.
@Maurice Robertson these are still the worse candidates for presidency ever.
“There you go again.” Ronald Reagan
Trump will NOT shut his mouth!
@Frank Malinaro How funny. I would like to by my ticket!
@Poseidon you floating disaster,
How? Were you there, too?
@Frank Malinaro it won’t be you frank a’roni,
– -he does this so he won’t hear the smart things you have to say back to him – –
@bob peters you should be fitted with cement boots.
I don’t like presidents who quack like a duck and lies like Pinocchio.
@humbl121 LOSER
@David Mc Calling anyone a loser considering your choice of leadership is hilarious genius


@David Mc imagine being racist-
His new version of, “Russia are you listening”.
Samuel Jackson should be the moderator!
This was a terrible exchange.
Governors have to take actions ,this mad president is putting this country in danger .
@Trump!! Best President Ever!! ♥️

@Orin Black Yes we give him too much credit for things he is not in control of and some people don’t give him enough credit for things he does have control of. He did not cause a virus. But he did not respond properly either. He did not create racism in America but he does nothing to bring unity. He did not create infidelity or cheating but he is close to perfecting it. He did not invent lying but if could be branded, it would deserve his name.
– – Y E S ! – – our government HAS to do something NOW !! !! !!
Governors have the call on health issues. They may look wherever they please but the President is not the primary decision maker. We saw that in NY with a democrat and in MD with a Republican.
Brian Farrell it is obvious when one is dealing with a whole new virus talking about a master plan is a waste of time. First according to my sources they were only able to get the genome by February. It took time to study and test to be sure what they were dealing with. Then additional time to run tests and study what it was capable of and how to fight it. New data was coming in from worldwide over the next month and still is coming. The new data often conflicts with previous assumptions. The public and some politicians think this is a static situation. It isn’t in plain English. In some ways it is more complicated than doing a Mars shot. If you had a plan releasing it would be confusing because it could change over nite. The Public wants everything simplified so they can quickly grasp what is happening but nothing in immunology is simple no matter which party wants to demand it.
I know someone right now working on another vaccine for another disease. I listened to part of just one short presentation. It boggles the mind.
There has to be flexibility also because every state is different. European countries can accommodate that strategy better because they are so small.
We aren’t small. Even in something as simple as a truck, what works in Spain won’t work in St. Louis. When European manufacturers brought their engines here they blew up one after another. They were built to put on 50 miles a day but here they were running for thousands of miles and never turned off.
At some point you have to have faith in the overall team and stop critiquing them every five minutes. We have a whole group of people who have never faced a situation like this but boy are they experts. However I think the coach and the quarterback and their team can still call the plays better and don’t need backstabbers and their musings.
Stand back and stand by…… just like he’s done during the pandemic
” Proud boys, stand back and stand by.”
I was sickened hearing those words from the President of The United States.
“Stand by” is it a dog whistle when everyone knows what he really means?
Everyone is sickened by the left. Trump 2020. you liberals just ooze desperation.
@William Soper
@spim randsley Trump let the cat out of the bag,
@William Soper “Everyone is sickened by the left” pfft
yeah, but you see willie, a majority of the country disagrees with you on that… in every point that you Trunts care about at least 60% of Americans think the left is right and Trump is wrong. And they’re right.
He’s very desperate now and very dangerous America…
Trump Supporters: “Imma pretend I just didn’t see that”
// You f forgot tinfoil hat and Kool Aid. //
@velt Ski, luckily, you brought plenty for everyone!
is The total ABSENCE 



@Pilar Fleige, sure. Because mindless devotion and loyalty to the Dear Leader and the Party is how you defeat communism, yessir!
Please don’t talk to me about God. No man can serve two masters, and you have chosen to bow down before the idol of Trump.
@Pilar Fleige Yep, Communism IS coming if that corrupt, mentally unstable, LYING, narcissistic, hate filled, heartless, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, IMPEACHED Dictator-Wannabe ISN’T voted OUT! He’s a TOTAL disgrace who’s DIVIDING and DESTROYING our Country.


Make America AMERICA Again!
@KyOs 84 You’re absolutely right! tRUMP’s overall literacy skills could use some work. Perhaps Hooked On Phonics would be a suitable, age related, place for him to start??
” It’s easier to fool a man , that to convince a man he has being fooled.”
.Mark Twain .
Especially if he is a fool.
-BEEN fooled… mean …lol – cheers !
@TellyToby 710 yes!!! Lol….
He’s right,… he’s the KKK guy. “KKK” Stand by, he will need you because he’s one of you.
“Take our country back…” David Duke should take his face back from the plastic surgeon.
He threatened that “his people” to go to the polls …to monitor voting! MY GOD! We need to take action!!! Biden 2020!!!
is The total ABSENCE 



– – if our GOVERNMENT took action in the beginning like it SHOULD have…..and not let trump even RUN ! – or just stopped him a LONG TIME ago….we wouldn’t be here right now in more of this chaos lies MESS !! – –
Three days ago Junior called for “able-bodied” supporters to defend his father. Just smdh.
@Pilar Fleige Okay McCarthy. .sit down and have a Coke. .
@BOONIQUE – Yeah you’re right…
Trump’s ranting about antifa is his way of saying he likes fascists.
@David Mc *_Everybody knows Doctor Dolittle Democrats talk to the animals under the full moon. Not only that, A.G. Barr discovered that it was actually Obama that sank the Titanic, not an iceberg; Joe Biden started the Korean war, invented athlete’s foot, twerking, & tornadoes; & Kamala Harris is responsible for Pauly Shore movies, bedbugs at the Trump hotels, the Macarena, & halitosis in dogs. Nancy Pelosi is making a coat out of dalmatian puppies, & she eats live kittens for lunch…..while Hillary’s emails are destroying the rain forest._*
By that logic I guess when the democrats rant about “white supremacy” it is their way of saying they like “white supremacists”. Billy Woods, do you realize how stupid you sound? It is better for a fool to say nothing.
@David Mc Don’t forget BLM, who also participated with Antifa.
It’s his way do degrade and deflect because he can not come up with an intelligent thought and try to cover his lies
@David Mc Last I checked, Nazi Fascists were the bad guys
*Of course he won’t condemn his own base. Why is that surprising at all?*
At about 6:46
If you support Donald Trump — you also support the Proud Boys, the KKK and any other hate group that supports Trump.
You say you like the pre-covid economy and that’s why you’re voting for him? No.
You like that he makes you feel special. You like the fact that he’s given white people a sense a purpose and belonging. That’s why you’re voting for him. Otherwise you’d be disgusted by his comments last night.
PROUD BOYS ARE NOT A WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP!!!! The founder is blank, lots of latinos are part of it, they have NEVER ever said or done anything about people of color…. KENOCHA WHITE SUPREMACISTS? WHO? WHEN? WHERE?
@A. Rosa
*This loser is making excuses for racist Proud Boys LOL*
Two requirements for future debates, if any:
1. Put them in separate sound proof booths
2. Give the moderator a master “ON/OFF” switch for their mics!
That would be perfect!!
I bet Trump is saying today “I didnt say that” Just like he generalizes everything.
No, Trump and his administration are saying “he said it sarcastically”. There’s always an excuse for Trump’s BS.
4D Modding check this out about 6:46
He asked for a name? No one gave him a name. This is totally a left wing problem. BLM and Anitfa are cause billions of dollars in damage. They are crazy.
@AlexGaming 101 – Have you seen today’s Lincoln Project Video ‘I’m Smart’,… go check it out Trump boy…
Ann Best
About 6:46 : dd you see this what do you think?
PROUD BOYS ARE NOT A WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP!!!! The founder is blank, lots of latinos are part of it, they have NEVER ever said or done anything about people of color…. KENOCHA WHITE SUPREMACISTS? WHO? WHEN? WHERE?
@A. Rosa okay, why are you yelling!
How’s anyone suppose to know, during the debate of our country survival?
Maybe you ought to give us some history, before the next debate?
@A. Rosa You just made no sense