Trump reacts to Garland naming special counsel

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee the criminal investigations into the retention of national defense information at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and parts of January 6, 2021, insurrection. CNN’s Kristen Holmes reports on Trump’s reaction. #CNN #News

Trump reacts to Garland naming special counsel


  1. Elizabeth Holmes just got 11 years for defrauding investors. What about someone who uses their power to try publicly and over an extended period of time to overthrow democracy? Is high treason a more serious crime than fraud?

    1. @studentdrake well, where to start…First he relieved the tightly clenched butt muscles of many stressed out Americans suffering from DJT instilled PTSD after Joe Biden kicked DJTs butt in the 2020 Election! Then he and his talented accomplished wife, their Secret Service biting German Shepard moved into the WH. Well then he made Covid tests, vaccines free to all Americans, He issued rescue relief checks to Americans, froze housing rules for renters to stop evictions during pandemic He began working bipartisan on passing The Chips Acts to make Americas technological advances in computer chips manufacturing. Passed the inflation act, Increasing wages and creating jobs and a 3.5% unemployment rate Passed Student Forgivness for Americans owing up to $20,000 and ending predatory interest debts He passed the Infrastructure bill so we will be repairing and updating our roads, bridges, into the future. Also creating jobs Using solar to save money and updating systems Much needed modernization and advancements. He signed the Climate Act to get America to do our part in controlling the pollution and our carbon emissions in check with the rest of the world …He’s done other great things but more over, President Joe Biden has brought Decency, class and a calmness and mostly governing back to the WH

    2. Jack Smith is currently not in US …. DOJ should appoint Smith overseeing Hunter Biden as well…
      January 6 resurrection, Russian collusion… will end up like creepy Micheal Avenatti and Nasty Porn Stormy Daniels allegations against Trump 4 years ago

    3. Sadly what often happens is the wealthier you are and the more willing to flat out lie, the less severe the penalty.

    4. @John Grey SBF is the second largest donor to the democrat party. You have no clue what you are talking about.

    5. @Keagan1007 it comes from China. If you are vaccinated you can’t spread covid. It is going to be a winter of death for the unvaccinated. We went against all of this and were called conspiracy theorists. All of which were not true.

  2. Good lord anyone crying about being him being treated unfair just realize anyone one of us would have been in jail a longgggg time ago.

    1. Jack Smith is currently not in US …. DOJ should appoint Smith overseeing Hunter Biden as well…
      January 6 resurrection, Russian collusion… will end up like creepy Micheal Avenatti and Nasty Porn Stormy Daniels allegations against Trump 4 years ago

    2. @Dave Savering so what? You’re saying you want millions of people furloughed from work again and living on extended unemployment just so you can have cheap gas? The only reason the southern border was secure was because of title 42 and the was no inflation because our economy shrunk

    3. @Dave Savering ask Don what the solution is. Oh right he doesn’t really care. Maybe get something that gets better mileage. Or something that doesn’t use fossil fuels. Don’t drive to Canada or Europe. The cost is higher yet. World pandemic causes these worldwide problems. Trump’s buddy Vlad isn’t helping the situation either. But I’ll buy gas that’s not derived from Russian oil just to screw with him.

    4. @Luan Nguyen Hunter Biden is already cooperating with an investigation on him. Stormy Daniels was paid off which is why Michael Cohen served some time. So which one of Trump’s investigations are you more concerned about? The January 6th insurrection or the theft of top-secret U.S. government documents.

    1. @Bob Habib Y’all looking the wrong way. Notice Trumps 2 impeachment’ s
      Trump got acquitted and why because his allies voted to acquitted . And everytime Trump gets to court for his crimes the judge is always appointed by Trump and they always let him go free.
      Like with Judge Cannon she gives Trump special treatment and is also appointed by Trump. So Trump and banana Republicans can’t accused Garland of being a political. Garland got someone that nobody nobody knows around here.
      That’s got lost experience in prosecuter.
      And Jack Smith has yrs and yrs experience. He’s a straight shooter.
      He’s a very serious guy that takes his job serious. And he has a opened mind. And
      he’s not appointed by anyone. So he won’t be playing favorite’s. He’s prefect for the job. Garland made a smart move.

    2. Jack Smith is currently not in US …. DOJ should appoint Smith overseeing Hunter Biden as well…
      January 6 resurrection, Russian collusion… will end up like creepy Micheal Avenatti and Nasty Porn Stormy Daniels allegations against Trump 4 years ago

    3. As a Texan I can’t believe Texans worship a NY Yankee wuss like Trump! “This stuff is made in NY city. NY city? Get a rope”

    4. @earthman808 Which democrat Presidents have served? I’ll wait while you go into the way f*cking back machine to dig one up.

  3. Any republican or democrat…. anyone sitting in office who does anything to hinder the special council should be held in contempt and be considered an accomplice in the crime.

    1. @Abundantly Healthy Forever nice ad hominem attack. If you have nothing of context to refute what I said, keep your mouth shut and return to your cry closet.

    2. Jack Smith is currently not in US …. DOJ should appoint Smith overseeing Hunter Biden as well…
      January 6 resurrection, Russian collusion… will end up like creepy Micheal Avenatti and Nasty Porn Stormy Daniels allegations against Trump 4 years ago

    3. @paid infull yeah, so instead of keeping their promises to fix the problems in the country the GOP is going to have 2 years worth of pointless investigations that go nowhere. All they can do is investigate. They can’t bring criminal charges and the can’t impeach anyone without the support of the senate. But then again the rest of us new they wouldn’t do anything. That’s why most Florida man’s picks at the federal level lost

    4. @paid infull just remember bud MAGA loves the lowest i Qs and the poorly educated. You sound like you could comfortably fit in both categories

  4. So when AG Barr appointed Durham to probe, it was OK, but now it’s NOT OK when AG Garland does the same to Trump. Right.

    1. @Tanya Roberson There are lawsuits trying to keep Trump from running. You must get through the primaries first. Let me guess? Short bus rider?

    2. @Olalekan Feyisetan wasnt a nothing burger, but a skewed DC jury got the result their partisan handlers wanted. Actually the admissons were worthy of many years in prison.

    3. @AXXXing ForAnswers There wasn’t nothing. Anyone not a Chinese troll or moron is paying attention. Admissions of serious crimes but the biased DC jury (90% libs live in DC) let them skate. The judge should have stepped in, but the corruption goes DEEP.

  5. If I pocketed Top Secret documents from the White House, I’d most likely be in a federal facility somewhere, not running for president.

    1. @princeoftidds its called the presidential records act…. and also yes yes one president left them in a Chinese restaurant with broken windows and in a bowling ally…… wake up man! Hes completely legal your on the wrong side!!! And if really wanna investigate how about Hillary clinton deleted 33k documents AFTER she got a subpoena…..

    2. @Deborah Freedman they are zombies not followers. Wonder why Trump didn’t take the Air Force 1 to Mar A Lago, it’s his….

    1. @David Allison yes! let it be televised! Let all of the testimony from the Jan 6 committee that was televised be viewed. Any and all that committed perjury should immediately be hauled off the federal prison! #TheBigDebunking

    1. @Cats Eye100 by appointing a special council the GOP can’t claim Garland has a conflict of interest or that his motivations are political. In theory at least. I suspect they will anyway

    2. @Konrad Heumann there is no clock until charges are filed and an indictment is made. Theoretically an investigation can go on for years depending on the statute of limitations for the alleged crimes

  6. The felony murder rule covers cases in which someone dies during or shortly after the commission of an inherently dangerous crime, generally a felony. The law holds the felon responsible for the death, as well as the felony.

  7. They are calling him a special council. However, the truth is, Jack Smith is a Special Prosecutor. The guy is a specialist in bringing corruption cases, and most recently has been prosecuting international crimes at the Hague. Jack Smith is like ‘Palladin’ – has guns will travel!! He will be back in the USA this weekend! Things are about to get REAL now!

    1. @Kryzzan You have a question mark after “lmao”. Does that mean that you question whether or not you’re laughing your a$s off? Since you’re obviously a “conservative”, I’m guessing it’s because you can’t find your a$s with both hands and a flashlight. 🤪🤪🤪🤪

    1. You’d think these CNN hosts might mention that … along with calling that claim out as a lie! Letting his bullshit stand just helps him spread it.

  8. This news clip is on repeat like history. How many times do we need to see Garland announcing a special counsel?

    1. This is not a repeat. This Jack Smith is the prosecuter will charge this time.
      Trump will finally be accountable for his crimes. Then Trump won’t be eligible to run the 2024 election. Christmas has come early this year.

    2. Jack Smith is currently not in US …. DOJ should appoint Smith overseeing Hunter Biden as well…
      January 6 resurrection, Russian collusion… will end up like creepy Micheal Avenatti and Nasty Porn Stormy Daniels allegations against Trump 4 years ago

    1. @Just Me Does this ring any bells? Nostradamus predicted ,A plague shall fall upon the world , After a feeble man shall rule the western world with a jezebel.The people will be damaged and subjugated by a fool ruler. The great eagle will suffer and fall!

    1. Jack Smith is currently not in US …. DOJ should appoint Smith overseeing Hunter Biden as well…
      January 6 resurrection, Russian collusion… will end up like creepy Micheal Avenatti and Nasty Porn Stormy Daniels allegations against Trump 4 years ago

    2. @GOVIDIOT Sheep What about inflation,open border, drugs coming in this country killing many people, crime is up, election fraud. We have a incompetent President.

  9. He has never been found ‘innocent’ on any of this. He just hasn’t been charged because nobody has the balls to stand up and do what needs to be done.

    1. He weaponised the DoJ via Barr, to mislead his cult on the Mueller Report!
      He was acquitted of Impeachment 2x because the US has a f’d up system where it allows “family members” to be jurors!
      He won’t release his tax returns!
      He pleads the 5th…
      No so innocent from this external perspective!

    2. Trump STILL has Republican allies in the DOJ. And in committees that oversee the DOJ. The DOJ isn’t exclusively

    3. The FBI, DOJ Hawaii 5- 0 can’t seem to take this man down, with crimes right in our faces The “Only” people that can take down this monster is the people who created HIM!!!!

    4. @Darlene Simmons Liz nor Adam has the authority to charge anybody with anything dimwit. The DOJ, on the other hand should have had his orange butt in prison at least a year ago.

  10. It makes me so angry to hear them say they need to investigate what we all watched & heard for ourselves the day of the riot. What needs to be investigated – doing something in plain sight is your evidence – just look at the visual history. The man should have been in jail ever since ! There is nothing to stop them going into things deeply while he sits in jail anyway ! Grrr – way too much consideration of his ‘presidential’ status – that is what he is banking on saving him !!!

    1. When Hillary was running, they decided they couldn’t do a criminal investigation into her unsecure server with all the classified email because she was a running candidate and that wouldn’t be appropriate, would look biased, and no raid.
      So they do the opposite with Trump,
      Blatantly showing they deliberately want to be biased.

      I hadn’t wanted Trump to run again.
      I feared another 3 ring circus since media has made him into their favorite bogeyman just for ratings,
      But now I think he needs to continue just to show how corrupt politics has gotten that one side will do anything to win an election without having to actually campaign and say what has Biden done good for USA during his presidency.

      Garland is just making it perfectly clear this is all about politics.
      Democrats are making the USA a
      Banana Republic

      Trump and Biden are going to compete against each other in the political arena,
      So he has to help take out Trump for Biden.
      No one in USA should be okay with that.

    2. That’s now how the judicial system works, when you’re found innocent, you’re innocent. Period. It doesn’t work like that just because you don’t “like” someone. If that was the case I’d like Antifa members to be in prison for the rest of their lives. I don’t like that they burned down innocent people’s property. Mrs Clinton should be in prison for destroying evidence that she was court ordered to turn in. (all equipment that belonged to the state), that part is not that I don’t like her it’s a judicial fact. I understand that you’re mad about what you think about Trump, the snippets of information that CNN doles out – have you watched the full speech? I didn’t take from it that he wanted people to invade the Capital. CNN told you to think that way. Are you going to let a lowly little newscaster tell you how to think and what to think? are you going to find out for yourself if they’re giving you all of the information that’s out there? Don’t drop the ball on this one over your perceived hatred of Trump, it’s a lot deeper than that. I can’t wait until you find out that some of the January 6 committee and others perjured themselves. 3-7 years and it’s a felony charge in court. Hearsay was allowed as testimony. No one can testify to Hearsay in any court. If you were on trial, would you want them to allow hearsay? Asking for a friend… friend reads youtube, facebook and twitter posts all day so she knows everything.

    3. @J.A. McCord He’s afraid to because of what will possibly come from it if he does. What evidence will be revealed that Garland and a few others don’t want revealed? He’s damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Does Garland prosecute and risk uncovering the house of cards? The “what if’s” are sooo exciting.

    1. very perceptive. what makes this so sad is that if hed listened to the advice of his “family” he would have held off. Never could learn to listen to his better angels. the devil loves a tone deaf moron. so does the mafia don who still hasnt collected from the casino collapses. It takes a building to land on trump before you get his attention. nuff said. deep throat.

    1. For what name the crime, Joe Biden is everything you wish Trump was corrupt criminal politician compromised by foreign countries with a crackhead son

    2. This country needs to get over the fact that this criminal just because he was a president they don’t want to lock him up,
      The Democrats and the Republicans know once they lock him up for the crimes that he had committed, then they might be locked up for the crimes they committee. Think💬 about that 🤔 I know, you know, we know that we would have been locked up a long time ago. For 1/10 of what this crooked man has committed!

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