After Vice President Pence's press secretary Katie Miller tested positive for coronavirus, President Trump questioned the "whole concept of tests." #CNN #News
Trump questions ‘whole concept of tests.’ See Gupta’s reaction

After Vice President Pence's press secretary Katie Miller tested positive for coronavirus, President Trump questioned the "whole concept of tests." #CNN #News
Orange Sphincter doesn’t want it known how many people are really infected, thanks to his bungling.
Orange sphincter is good, but sohincters occur all over the body, I prefer “orange hemorrhoid” – just sayin’. …
Testing is only the answer if you are a sphincter. That means testing is for you.
You must be a snowflake. Everything the. PRESIDENT does is for America and Democrats fight him for it.
He more like an orange tumor.
Trump doesn’t like tests because he fails ALL of them.
@Don Berry you know you’re a moron right?
@ra5928 As time changes so do people.
@Don Berry so right…trump is a stable genius and make only profound statements…like
“it’s another hoax by the democrats and like magic it will just disappear ”
“i hear good things about injecting uv light and disinfectants”
Except one test,getting reelected again in November.
Test, trace, trap.
Trump and friends have wasted 3 months of economic destroying time to not put in the safeguards to protect the lives and livelihoods of the citizens they are meant to protect. Under any circumstance this lack of effort should result in that team being forced out and replaced with a temporary taskforce appointed by the Senate to oversee the total federal response
Why is trump tested it’s going to magically disappear
Because “they’re beautiful tests, the tests are perfect” LOL
@Aaron Burtram maybe youd prefer the chinese tests?
@Nicolas J don’t know, what’s their accuracy rating?
Is anyone else sick of this does anyone else wish we would have somebody in the White House that knows what they’re talking about
And Old Joe? on Anderson Cooper CNN he spouted he can’t wait to take Donald Reagan on in November.
Trump said 3 months ago all Americans could get a test and they were beautiful. LIES on both counts. When Trump lies Americans die.
@des beinke You know Joe Biden is squeaky clean and the woman has a motive. Timing is always the first question I ask when I smell a rat.
@ciaran O’Connor I guess the majority of us aren’t Americans.
@Matt Ace Eight women don’t think so Tara Reade is demanding an FBI polygraph.
@des beinke Smelling someone’s neck from behind may be considered a mild form of harassment. But shoving one’s fingers violently in and out of the vagina of an unconsenting woman is a serious assault. Show me the assault report filed 27 years ago. LOL
@Aaron Burtram you don’t need a test most Americans don’t experience symptoms of the virus dummy
How is it possible that guy is stil on office, his stupidity has no boundaries.
Thanks !!!! Its equivalent to a Phd from Harvard……………
@Raymond Pumphrey these comments from democrats insult after insult ,Trump 2020. When a poll comes up hot the Biden button, tell them what they want to hear,,
David Williams
David Williams it’s cheque not check.. please spell check
@kth. gllsp
In proper English its spelt Cheque
NOT check…that is American slang.
Sanjay wanted to laugh after the Trump clip
After seeing this segment..I see why I’m not being’s all been used to test everyone in the WH EVERYDAY!!

So now you know why Jarred the Android said “Our Stockpile”.
The Self proclaimed one being tested daily he needs a dose of bleach since this is a hoax
And a UV enema
Just get his stupid followers to wear a damn mask. That would be amazing.
She tested very good for a long period of time. What the hell is he saying!
He probably thinks negative test result = immunity to Covid-19
I’m confused. Is it possible Trump was talkin’ about Ivanka getting a pregnancy test?
Translation: “She has failed me for the last time’
Do you “really “ not understand that statement?
jack flash if he was talking about a pregnancy test it basically works the same way, including a period of being pregnant but testing not pregnant. It takes a minute for the hormones to change. This was a terrible example
Why is our public money being wasted testing Trump and Pence daily ? Cut them off
Stan M : are u crazy ?
@Tashi Yangzom How does that answer the question? Are you tested daily ?
Trump = a successful
sociopath a.k.a. a “conman”
maynunal and traitor and dangerous and stupid and gross and disgusting molester and and and trump has to go
It’s time to clean out the entire house.
By reelecting president trump.
@Marko Goldman ok dummy go buy yourself some brain..
@Marko Goldman
@Teddy A u just got ur useless brain washed
And the senate as well
But tRump the chosen one said we have the best testing! They’re perfect like his phonecall he said remember?!
“the tests are perfect but something can happen”! what kind of “thinking” is that??
I do believe that is a clear example of not thinking.
Lawrence Sullivan it’s the thinking of a 3-year old.
It’s a clear example of bull$hitting.
That’s all donald trump does.
All his statements should be seen and treated as such.
Peter Block exactly. Everything out of his mouth is garbage
The nation’s hope is in the truth tellers like Dr. Gupta.
God save America!
*Trump:* “The tests are perfect, but not necessarily great.”