President Donald Trump is pushing extensively for the appointment of special counsels to separately investigate his baseless allegations of voter fraud and allegations surrounding Hunter Biden, the son of the President-elect, according to people familiar with the matter.
#CNN #News
What’s probably needed is a psychological assessment of future presidential candidates to make sure they’re not a nugget short of a Happy Meal.
@charly brown
They clearly don’t do much of a security clearance investigation for presidential candidates, or dump would have been shitcanned right out the gate.
A few peas short of a casserole??
@Justa Fied Good luck Racist, with your Chinese Masters. I’m old Don’t and give a fk. Why did my gun have to come from Wal-Mart. I thought that’s where all you racist communist shopped.
@sp challenger50 35%er
This Anti-Trump Sketch will save your day ! See
Donald showing his impressive biceps and proving his awesome IQ ! (-;
Not showing up to Cabinet meeting is due to Department heads feeling watching paint dry was a better use of their time.
Didn’t he fire all of the heads of those departments, so the newbies were to busy trying to get across their roles and responsibilities – maybe they will get fired for standing him up. Lol
Goh yes
From Australia.
” … too soon to give up …”
An idiot has spoken… again.
@monica faur I thought Canadian were kind…
@Pieter Blom
First of all, I’m not your buddy!!!! Second off all, check your spelling! Third off all, are you on any medication?
yeah its way too late for him not to give up and every body telling him give up already you lost a long time ago. hes wasteing every bodys time and just making his name worse and worse x3
Thank you! You have nailed it!
@Pieter Blom Here is a recent lie. Trump says “Biden abandoned Scranton”. Biden’s family moved from Scranton to Delaware when Biden was 10. There how’s that? I just named 1 lie.
Gotta keep the con a’goin’ as long as the con keeps a’payin,’ I guess.
@ms 3533 Yet, you people still can’t prove it. What great is Democrats don’t need to disprove something that didn’t happen. Trump lost all 52 cases related to election fraud. The man is pulling a con job on you idiots, so you can keep sending him money. To dump to see though.
@Niles Effort Let me educate you, it’s called a cover up!
right exactly
.i guess even though hes just makeing his name worse and worse
@ms 3533 what won a fair election
@ms 3533 you republicant
I’ve appointed the most perfect specialest council. They’ll do the most beautifulest Investigations and I’ve never met her.
You should take it to the Supremiest Court.
Goh yes
There is billions and billions and billions of evidence. Believe me
AHAHAHA the last line was hilarious
“There are so many fake votes that they are somehow 100 times larger than earths population”
My take
He’s bored
No action
Ran out of kleenex
Throws out sound bites
Sits back
Enjoys a big mack
Trump: “Wah, wha, wha, (sniffles), waaaah, wah, poor me, wah, waaaah,…….”
Hes so bent on trying to find dirt on Hunter since he himself and his brood are knee dip in ish once he is out of Office.
cant wait for 1/20/21
@Jenny Roth We need to organize tens of millions of TRUMP supporters and march on Washington , declare Martial law ,take over DC and start rounding up corrupt traitors .Those rich democrooks living in mansions build on corruption need to be dealt with – life in prison .TIME TO CLEAN UP AMERICA FOR GOOD
@Jenny Roth jenny do not forget to thank TRUMP for speedy vaccine arrival .
@croton on hudson Is this the best you can do? Really? democrooks? really? Declare marital law all you want… Joe Biden will still be sworn in. Also Milley has already publicly stated the military will follow the constitution not a dictator. So yeah the military will be on Joe’s side… So go ahead and try to have your civil war and see how quickly you give up or lose.
@occhamsrazor Lincoln did successfully learn some history
That 4 more years is now 4 more WEEKS!
Good one!
I’d like to wish everyone here a Happy Eviction Day!
Insurrection law is coming , but what do you know about that? .
@Willy Amparo Trump is going to prison. Know anything about that?
Probably Rosen, as Barr, doesn’t want to get his hands dirty either.
His behavior has never been normal! LOL
OH Wait!!! What’s This??? Mass Voter Fraud and China interference so we can invoke the Executive Order so Ratcliff can EXPOSE Dominion Machines!
@Sarah Petty eh mah what’s them digits
@Sarah Petty your pretty and smart! Keep educating the zombie masses
@Peace Dæmón Not even you Tube COPS Can Stop What’s Coming!!! LOL #EXPOSED
@Purple Light Best Christmas song ever! Thanks!
Their evil intention is to tear US apart putting everyone into shame.
US is apart for good 4 years
“Maybe they had job interviews!” I laughed

so much…
That’s a good one.

@Julio Consuegra I’m still laughing. It was unexpected.
The news needs more humor like that
No way I’m dead

Yeah that was a good one.
“No one is above the law.”
Someone hasn’t been paying attention the last four years.
Goh yes
Considering what this comment is coming from I will let it pass
right exactly what i was thinking the people at the top aprove all the laws so they are vertualy above it.
danold the worst
Wants to distract people from all his criminal doing.
He better worry about his own son and daughter, He’s going to fall right in that big ticth he’s building for BIDEN
@pghmoore Everything with Trump seems to be transactional. I think he may not be as free with the pardons as most believe and or would like. What’s in it for Trump? What can these people do for Trump? Will they be loyal after receiving a pardon? Those who want attention (Roger Stone types) may continue to support Trump. However, others may wish to slither off quietly and be forgotten.
@Ben parden hunter for what?
Karma is waiting for him
@Jessica Theron If the current President can pardon his children who are also being investigated. The President Elect can do the same.
And himself.
Question is, who is paying for all this crap? If trump want to pursue this fraudulent claims, let him pay with his dime.
How can you refer to him as president he is a dam lunatic.
There are so many dedicated staff at the DoJ. Conald J Swamp is trying to turn DoJ into the Department of Jokers.
Reality has shown that trump only cares about himself, he spent his time tweeting lies, creating chaos while thousands and thousands of americans are dying each day because of his stupidity in holding large rallies for his presidential gains.