Trump Pushed Diplomat To Boost Golf Club At Expense Of US Stature: NYT | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Mark Landler, London bureau chief for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about new reporting that Donald Trump pressed the U.S. ambassador to Britain to try to get the British Open golf tournament to be held at his Scottish golf resort. Aired on 7/21/2020.
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Trump Pushed Diplomat To Boost Golf Club At Expense Of US Stature: NYT | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. Yeah, she just sent well wishes to Jeffrey Epstein’s accused accomplice in abusing little girls.
      Just Disgusting.
      It never ends

    2. @Kimberly Morris You meant “he,” I hope? I can’t imagine Mary cheerleading in public for Ghislane…

    3. Tomorrow looks good for the next major scandal. How are we so noise blind now? Just one of these things would have had the radical right baying for President Obama’s blood.

  1. Trump is a disgrace.. he has no integrity, massive conflict of interest, no accountability.. continual violation of the emoulment clause

    1. Clinton or Obama or any other Democratic Candidate would be immediately removed from office if they posed for pictures with cans of beans, no doubt. This mental abuse that was only reserved for inside the Trump family we are experiencing first hadn’t every day. How do you know what to believe when everything is a lie? As dumb as Trump is, he’s been able to do the impossible.

  2. Doesn’t matter. He proves every day that he can get away with his corrupt and despicable behavior. He is never held responsible. And we just allow it to happen. Should have stormed the castle in 2017.

    1. @Mister Guy Also, bear in mind 30-40% of the country really loves Trump. And they have guns.
      Locking him up might feel nice, but it’ll inflame an already tense country.

    2. @Gyrene_asea I wish I could belive this but repubs will block this every step of the way once Biden is president.

    3. I’ve been trying to tell people for months:

      1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV)  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

      Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

      Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

      Trump/Pence = Trumpets

      The number 0 has no numerical value.

      Trump 2016 = 216

      6x6x6= 216

    4. His fellow republicans allow this President to do as he pleases…they are as guilty as Trump if not more so…!

  3. Failed to get the G7 to stay at his resort, so now trying to get the british open to play on his money losing golf course, It all he cares for is money.

    1. @Maureen Quinn hes a vile excuse for a man let alone the leader of the free world. hopefully come November hes toast lol

    2. @Geoff Priestley Correct! It is NOT up to Boris Johnson to decide that. The Scottish Parliament ++ others involved in the tournament would weigh in on that decision. Since Europe has closed it’s borders to the US citizens, ALL TICKET SALES for the 149th British Open @ Royal St George this year (2020) has been SUSPENDED + CANCELLED until 2021. That’s just the way things are going… UNFORTUNATELY. Sad😢😷

    3. @Paul Ferrante unfortunately, the latest visit from the American foreign minister leads us to believe Britain needs America, Britain dumped the EU, that is of course another story. It’s the futile leaders, like Boris Johnson and his crew who lead voters up the garden path so to speak. Unfortunately, there are few other out there that would or could do a better job for that reason Britain is stuck with what it has. It’s the fact that Trump uses his position, to get what he wants and that only for himself. The very fact he has built and owns a golf course in Scotland is degrading. It’s the fact that Britain is a still out for anyone who has money to buy property, Britain is not Britain any more, we don’t even own our own history .

    4. @Geoff Priestley I know, but Boris wants to put his tuppence worth everywhere, I don’t even know if Boris plays golf. At one time golf used to be a sport , now is a money machine for the rich (or not) like Trump.

  4. Trump violates the Constitution. The Republican Party shrugs and say “Who needs a stupid constitution anyway.”
    So much for strict constructionism, and the rule of law.
    They were up in arms over Obama’s brown suit!
    They are beyond redemption.

    1. It will kick them in the nuts in the future to have ignored such brazen and obvious corruption in the open like this.

      They have whined and bitched about just about anything they can to do with the constitution but this presidency has revealed them for the utter hypocrites that they are.

    2. If Obama had done any one of the things Trump has done it would have sent them into a tailspin. Inquests and special investigations all over the place.

    3. @Jacquelyn Barrows yeah. Revealed to be awesome! Go back to your bunker and fix yourself a Clorox cocktail.

  5. Why would trump risk his presidency and freedom if he was truly a billionaire like he said ? Trump owes millions to foreign powers and he knows his time is almost up. What a disgusting traitor he is.

    1. Trump owes millions to the American taxpayers, whom he has exploited, with the consent of the GOP senate. How many proofs do they need of self-dealing and corruption to stand up on their hind legs and take action?

    2. @Ken Price wow I wonder why “people” haven’t been listening. #crazyevangelical #magaisformorons #godisdead

  6. There we go, destroying another man’s life for telling the truth about a absolutely corrupt Trump.

  7. Everyday, its relentless – Donald Trump’s criminality is revealed so get out, vote and drain the swamp 3rd November.

  8. The shameless, greedy, buffoon of a president will not say he’ll accept the election result if he November. Biden should not accept the election result if Trump wins.

    1. It seems as if the tides are turning against trump. Unfortunately if the GOP gets their way, covid will be rampant and mail in ballots will be more difficult to cast. Meaning those who take the threat seriously may not have their voices heard. The only way this administration will leave office is for the opposition to win a landslide victory in the popular vote, which should force the electoral college to vote in the interest of the people.

      So no matter what happens, for the good of the nation we all need to vote in the upcoming election. Once trump is out of office, people like barr need canned, and rules and regulations regarding the authority of the president need to be established or revised so we may never find ourselves in this position again.

    1. The answer is they too…are on the take. Do you honestly think Moscow Mitch would allow Russian investment in a Kentucky aluminium plant if he weren’t getting some sort of kickback? That’s just an instance we know of.

    2. I’ve been trying to tell people for months:

      1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV)  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

      Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

      Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

      Trump/Pence = Trumpets

      The number 0 has no numerical value.

      Trump 2016 = 216

      6x6x6= 216

    3. Paul Ferrante not sure on your math there, but I was specifically referring to 2 decades in the army.

  9. “Any one of these would be the biggest scandal of any modern Administration… this is Just Tuesday “… exactly Rachel !
    The The tRump crime syndicate knows no limits or bounds . Lock em up Joe !!!

    1. Yes, she said this is just freaking Tuesday! This just blows my mind all of these things that are happening. Disaster of the century.

    2. Nixon’s crimes were childish compared to the Trump. I really thought that maybe some hitman would take him out but that would make him a Martyr. He seems to be that DUMB that he is really is his own downfall.

    1. @A FreeOne Fact Checked Again – You are now 0 for 2. Besides, Buden didn’t write the bill himself 60 other Congressmen and Senators helped author the bill. It was passed by BOTH houses of Congress with bi-partisan support and signed by President Clinton. People like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham voted for it. Black male incarceration was on the rise WELL BEFORE (like 20 years before) the Crime Bill was ever passed.

    2. @A FreeOne Yes, Southern Democrats, who were CONSERVATIVES, pushed for the spread of slavery. They moved to the Republican Party after the Civil War to block Radical Reconstruction, which would have permanently removed their political superiority. The Democratic Party would soon become the progressive party in the 1890’s. Lincoln would be a Democrat by today’s standards. Which party was responsible for the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Brown v Board of Education, Heart of Atlanta v US, the 24th Amendment and The Little Rock Nine?

    1. @Steve Schultze Well, “Steve”, here in America we spell “you’re”, “you’re”. There was no legitimate trial no matter how hard you try to pretend there was, dumdum. He is going to go down as a disgraced, impeached, one-term president. If he doesn’t resign and get a blanket pardon from Pence, Diva Donny will soon have a jumpsuit that matches the hue of his fake tan. 😂 The minor usefulness and aid you and your ilk give to Russia will not be forgotten, Comrade Runnystools. You’ll be of no use to Russia and no longer welcome here. 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Steve Schultze By the way, fans of former commie KGB leader Vlad Putin inferring others are commies is just adorable, kitten! 💋

    3. @Steve Schultze Then why are you so oblivious to them. Impeached president ol bonespurs was – impeached. You can’t reverse that. You can’t use your magical thinking to make believe it all will go away. Reality doesn’t work like that. You should try and stay with the truth and stop creating your version of it.

    1. Um … Rikers is for local NYC pre-trial detention, maybe. Wouldn’t apply to the pendejo poser.

  10. I believe he has been concerned with one person since he became President of the United States…HIMSELF…at the expense of all Americans…..!

    1. @john lee $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$🤦‍♂️

  11. Even when Biden wins in November, the USA will still be weak, because Trump has abolished every aspect of decency and the USA’s image in the world is almost irreparably damaged.

    1. Don’t worry –
      The American people learned a valuable lesson,

    2. Greg in time it will heal,,,however we need to learn from present and past moments in history

    3. It would take more than time and hope for the USA to ever recover it’s image, but by now, people who have seen Trump become president and his presidency, won’t put it beyond the American voters to actually elect Trump again, or even Kayne West!!!!!!! That is what we have come to!

  12. Every. Single. Day And every day everyone laughs and shakes their head and does nothing. THAT is scarier than anything else.

    1. @William IV,the%20two%20forms%20of%20the%20root%20%E2%80%98to%20be%E2%80%99.

      “Us” the word is a plural word like “we” or “they” thus “are” is used instead of “is,” but since my comment was in a context of a quick reply instead of proper English as I didn’t even use a period, I’m laughing at your take away from it. No worries here about trolling. At least be correct about correcting someone.

    2. @Okkie Trooy The (current?) GOP is not behaving like Ostriches, they “think” this is how government SHOULD operate. Mitch McConnel was not rich before he became a Senator and now he has millions of dollars.
      Trump did not “drain the swamp” he is making the swamp even bigger and more lucrative. How many other Senators became rich as a direct result of their time in office, sadly it is not JUST the GOP.

    3. I’ve been trying to tell people for months:

      1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV)  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

      Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

      Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

      Trump/Pence = Trumpets

      The number 0 has no numerical value.

      Trump 2016 = 216

      6x6x6= 216

  13. Why haven’t you Americans found a way to get rid of Trump? How can the Reps hold the country to ransom this way? He is beyond dangerous to your future.

    1. The only thing that unites our country anymore is that every single one of us, rep and dem, loves absolutely LOVES how good it feels to poop. And we look forward to pooping every day and the stretching and massaging we get from that big, brown log oozing out is like getting a prostate massage. We all look at our poops when we are done, and we want to see big, long, wide ones that are very dark brown but nothing on the toilet paper.

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