Newly appointed special counsel Jack Smith is getting to work with no signs yet that the two investigations he now oversees around Donald Trump will slow down – despite being stuck in the Netherlands due to a cycling injury. The Justice Department notified a federal appeals court that Smith is now involved in the Mar-a-Lago case, and shared documents showing he’s received Attorney General Merrick Garland’s direction and taken his oath of office. #CNN #News
Trump probes show no signs of slowing down after special counsel appointment

Considering the status and accomplishments of the honorable Jack Smith it appears that Trumps future and the freedom he takes for granted will be up for serious debate in the coming weeks , lets hope ..
It’s not going to be a debate, it’s going to be a conviction. You don’t debate criminal activities unless you are part of them.
@Tele Bubba You are absolutely right although i said debate because all that has happened so far is just that , alot of talking and nothing has happened yet but i do have confidence that there will be a conviction with this new prosecutor .
Okay, explain hiding Balenciaga, and they’re pedophilia promotion ad campaign
You libs have been holding on to this dream for 8 years. CNN/MSNBC keep stringing you along and you keep falling for it. 😂
@Eduardo Oliveira At best, all your comments are stupidity personified and intellectually moribund.
Wouldn’t it be a nice Christmas present to see 45 indicted?
@True Fact no but he sure gave your momma enough time with his dirty wood to have you born step brother. I got educated but you didn’t. Let me educate you a little. Your orange clown daddy thought you could get rid of covid by injecting bleach in all. Just that one comment alone should be enough to understand who the eff he in. The clown wanted to stop testing so the numbers look better. The economy was headed in the direction its been going under the clowns leadership and handed to Biiden. I can’t repeat enough times to educate yourself please. There is no sense for attacking one another here.
@Poe Ethics if you read that Trump got them then it’s definitely bullshit, just like all the other politicians that pretended to get it on TV
@paul gill You are taking the bleach out of context. Typical for a cnn watcher. He said maybe the doctors can inject something to kill covid ” like bleach”. He obviously was saying like the way bleach kills germs and virus. Don’t be so ignorant. You obviously have Trump derangement syndrome. Maybe he is Actually your daddy.
@M Hall dream on, troll
Don’t tease!! Best Christmas EVER!
Man…I’m a Democrat and this guy scares ME.
” Your Honor, I’m willing to plead guilty if it keeps Darth Vader-Smith over there from glaring at me the entire time like he wants to grill one of my arms on his Weber…”
@Biden is Garbage Russia is calling you home. Run along now.
Always enjoy reading the state sponsored propaganda comment threads. Fake newsers 7 years into thinking Trump is going to jail….
@Biden is Garbage
Cool double-negative, TROLL.
Someone else is going to have to explain what that means to him; I just don’t have the energy.
@Biden is Garbage He ain’t going to do nothing I’ll see??
I would love to know WHEN exactly Garland started to look for someone to take over and when he contacted Smith to offer him this job? I’d not be surprised if it was long before the midterms. I’d assume Garland just needed Trumps announcement to be able to declare “public interest” and finally greenlight the Special Council.
20 months of false assurances only for Garland to finally admit that he and the infinitely powerful DOJ were not up to the task. I wish Smith well, but what can he do that could not already have been done if America had the guts?
100%. I’m sure he’s been planning this for many months!
GTFO of here…………… It’s always Trump News and I can see this channel is surving because of Trump…………… Poor Demented Biden……….. hiding where he always like……… The Bunker
Rainyman63 and what will you do with this information ?
Or, it could just be that Tre45on is guilty, and this is the normal pursuit of justice.
I must say, I am impressed by the choice of Jack Smith for special prosecutor. He has a pretty hardcore resume. Doing war crimes and corruption prosecutions. And he even looks like a badass aggressive type. I think Trump must be totally freaked out right now. This guy isn’t gonna be nearly as mild-mannered as Mueller or Garland. I can’t wait to see what happens with this guy.
@Hog let it go already 🤣
@JR2733 Prosecuting a domestic terrorist is just normal business for a federal prosecutor. Spending time at the Hague prosecuting war crimes, as well as having a record of bringing political corruption cases to trial is a bit different. He seems like he’s seen a lot, he’s been to war zones.
It’s like the difference between working as a supply specialist in an army base in Virgina and being in Special Forces fighting ISIS in Syria.
@Potato Hero Trump is more elite than anyone in Congress. What does he gain by helping the middle class?
@Blink Once on Sunday! Just because someone has money does not make them a member of the swamp or vice versa. What a terrible argument.
@Biden is Garbage are you 🤔? You are his MAGA followers with flags with face or flags with name everywhere. So who is one obessed here🤣
The documents case and January 6 case are totally independent investigations. The indictments and trials will certainly be separate. The case in Georgia is also separate. Assuming each case goes forward, Trump will be arrested and brought before a judge for indictment at least three times — days weeks, or months apart — and will be prosecuted in at least three separate trials.
GTFO of here…………… It’s always Trump News and I can see this channel is surving because of Trump…………… Poor Demented Biden……….. hiding where he always like……… The Bunker
@trinh brule they already had it authenticated. They got a “clean” version of it from the shop owner that didn’t have anything added after 2019 like the others versions do. And there’s bad news for the MAGA crowd. According to CBS, there’s nothing on it that implicates president Biden
@Francis Hurley Not only the laptop, there also the bank s informations !
Don’t forget the NY cases about to pop.
@superman2dumpty commits crimes every day. His entire business world is a web of lies, built on false evaluations on which he paid lower taxes. Every day he owns those properties and is taxed on his estimates is a fraud on the public. Shame on him and the people who winked at his behavior. An assessor evaluates my property. How about yours? His?
Who cares what anyone is doing, or what they are running for?! It is what they have done, and their accountability that takes precedence, nothing else matters!
Accountability is a lie you can’t force anyone to be accountable for their actions it’s just nice way of people taking out revenge on the situation with out them feelings guilty about by hiding behind just say how you really feel
Always enjoy reading the state sponsored propaganda comment threads. Fake newsers 7 years into thinking Trump is going to jail….
@Biden is Garbage
Which god is your delusion?
@Crypto Hokage
Is proper punctuation a lie too?
Okay, explain hiding Balenciaga, and they’re pedophilia promotion ad campaign
“Trump probes show no signs of slowing down after special counsel appointment” Isn’t that a bit like saying “Crippled snail shows no sign of slowing?”
Jack Smith = Andrew Weismann they both hate Trump ..
We have all seen this Witch Hunt Movie before
Absolutely outrageous. Anyone else in this country would have already been arrested, tried and convicted.
@Casey Clark Hillary Clinton lost the election to a narcissistic adolescent racist puppet loon. Trump committed a criminal act by taking classified government document and keeping them in his desk at a Country Club. Trump attempted a Coup and tried to stay in power by planning and enticing an insurrection.
What about biden?
@butch noneed Yes, I have to admit, the Democrats have a lot of reach.
@Greg Tennessee Maybe you don’t like that a man can run a successful business, maybe you don’t like capitalism?
@Grant Carter lots of reach…we beat trump. 81 million of us fired him.
Quit whining and crying.
Lots of reach… January 6
Lots of reach…the Mar A Lago raid ..
Reach for your butt hurt salve!!
Let’s hope Smith has more courage and conviction than Garland or Mueller.
Garland knows that there is a potential that he could be impeached by the Republikkkan House of Representatives when they take over the House of Representatives .
By Garland appointing a special prosecutor he cannot be impeached and the next president cannot remove him from his position.
If anything Garland has preserved evidence and the process going on in the investigation of Trump’s criminal Enterprise
Always enjoy seeing Laurence Tribe, he’s a national treasure.
@Ren Sinclair stop what?
Always enjoy reading the state sponsored propaganda comment threads. Fake newsers 7 years into thinking Trump is going to jail….
thats nicholas cage
Laurence Tribe is a disgrace to his profession and should loose his law license. He is a DNC hack and always will be
@Will Tell All at least you’re telling the truth.
So glad, “It’s not up to Trump”. We are a country of laws and we go by the Constitution. I am so tired of people treating this like drama for entertainment or like it’s a sporting event. Governing a country does not roll like that. Take care of the problem by the law, clean up the remaining mess (All those traitors and big mouths causing trouble in the house and senate) and then start working on the problems we face so life is better here for Americans.
We go by the constitution….lol.
Okay, explain hiding Balenciaga, and they’re pedophilia promotion ad campaign
I wouldn’t want that guy after me!!! Yikes!!!
The fact that garland chose a prosecutor that has never cared what party or position a suspect held when considerinv charges speaks volumes. So does the fact that several new grand juries were impaneled in DC last week.
“Slowing down”? It’s been over two years are they going to wait till after 2024 to do anything?
This feels like hope that braking the law applies to all .
Democrat Special Counsel Jack Smith is married to a left wing documentary filmmaker who worked on a 2020 film about former first lady Michelle Obama and donated to democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign.
Democrat Katy Chevigny worked as a producer on Becoming, while publicly available records from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show her previous campaign donations. Chevigny and Smith were married in 2011 and their wedding was reported in the “Class Notes” section of the winter 2012 Harvard Law Bulletin. Smith received his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1994.
Perhaps they can make the argument that Smith just happens to be married to a leftist with close enough ties to the Obamas that Michelle Obama would allow her to make a documentary about her. You know, the way Andrew McCabe supposedly never had anything to do with that big donation to his wife’s Virginia statehouse campaign as a leftwing democrat.
But it’s kind of dubious. The big-dollar donation and the connections for the film-making, not to mention the money it brought the household, pretty well tells us that these are democrat whackos who have a special hatred for the evil oranf=ge man, even as Smith claims to be a political independent!!!
That’s belied by the fact that somehow, he only seems to go after republicans in his storied career as a prosecutor, a man who, as Garland claimed would “independently manage an investigation and prosecution” “in the public interest” with “commitment to both independence and accountability” and “indisputably guided only by the facts and the law;” a “veteran career prosecutor” a former “chief of the public integrity section” a man with a “reputation as an impartial and determined proscutor,” a man who will “follow the facts wherever they lead” a man of the “highest standards of professionalism,” “with integrity,” of course, because it’s the “right thing to do” and Smith is the “right choice to handle this matter in an even-handed and urgent manner.”
This from the guy who led a prosecution that was so flawed against Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell that the Supreme Court, on an 8-0 vote, threw it out and the Department of Justice declined to retry him? If there were something there, they should have been able to retry him but there were significant problems with the whole costly mess, which in any case, got them what they wanted — the ruin of McDonnell’s political career, even though he was guilty of nothing. That’s a political prosecution!!!
Jack Smith looks honorable, brave and brilliant. I’m starting to be hopeful.
Jack Smith = Andrew Weismann they both hate Trump ..
We have all seen this Witch Hunt Movie before
Jack Smith = Andrew Weismann they both hate Trump ..
We have all seen this Witch Hunt Movie before
Thought Mueller was taking Trump down…. You people are really brainwashed. I feel sorry for you!
If Karen Friedman-Agnifilo is right about Jack Smith it’s important that Legal AF documents the logical, meticulous, and aggressive strategies of Jack Smith so that everyone, every person who cares about truth learns how to conduct themselves in their communities and workplaces. People need these kinds of role models.
Professor Lawrence Tribe is certainly an interesting, educated and thoughtful guest.
When you bring in a hit man, they get up to speed pretty quickly…the man is a professional and will do the his job well. That’s why Donnie is shook….