1. Yes I agree. It’s scary. They are not reading the Bible so we can’t expect them to understand the difference memorandum and a transcript. They see nothing wrong with his actions although is far left from Christian views and against GOD law and Government law.

    2. @Foreign Boiz Nation Could you please go into these actions you speak of a little more, really that entire last sentence, I can’t seem to find any facts that prove those words are accurate.

    1. That’s not going to happen. At his last rally he was boasting about being examined at the hospital and had to expose his big beautiful chest. The crowd yelled approvingly. I suppose that was just what they needed to hear. (nothing about their own well being) LORD HAVE MERCY.

  1. When Trump is caught in a lie, or pushed into a corner! his defense is just keep on lying! Because he knows there are brain dead people that will believe him!

    1. Go back to Mexico,Carlos.

      Or Whichever Central American country your mama came from.

      You are the braindead & the illegal.

    2. @kingtut777
      Yeah but he keeps on losing. he loses in the Congress, he loses in the courts, he loses in the truth, he loses! But he’s a big winner when it comes to
      (lies and Corruption!)

      What makes you think that I was born in Mexico! why you’re about as stupid as stupid gets! I was born in America so was my parents I was drafted for the Vietnam War I fought for my country put my life on the line how about you Sissy! what did you do! crawl in a hole sucking your thumb or maybe something else!

    1. Just FYI; Treason is no longer punishable by the death penalty, that was abolished in 1990; the current punishment for Treason is Life in Prison, with no option for parole until 40 years minimum have been served. At which point Donnie would be 110+ years old. Seems adequate to me.

    1. Support for Trump, and against impeachment, is up in some polls. There’s no one “leaving”.
      The Democrats would be wise to give up. If they’re dumb enough to take it to the Senate, they’ll just add to their failure and expose themselves to corruption and treason charges.

    1. @sixstringman if the republicans don’t do their job and follow the law and since they are already corrupted they probably won’t, the people will have to vote him and them out

    2. @Blue Moon if they have the proof, i say lets oust him but to date the Dems have nothing solid. I hope they do impeach so the Dems will have to testify under oath. Lets get Biden too, he is not innocent and either is his boy.

    3. @M. A. there is enough evidence to put trump away for several lifetimes and really a firing squad but the Bidens have been investigated many times and have been exonerated everytime while the 10 counts of Obstruction of justice which are felonies in the Mueller Report you don’t believe because trump lied and said he was. Truth is truth and lies are lies putin

    4. Waste of time and resources; Trump will NEVER resign; he will have to be FORCIBLY removed from the White House. Whether he is Impeached and removed or voted out; he is a Malignant Narcissistic Sociopath and he will never admit that he did anything wrong or “Lost” in any way. He lives in his own reality. A very sick and dangerous man.

    1. @Nancy Stowell I wish that were true. Because it would give me more hope in the Dems. However. I’m sorry Nancy, but they didn’t find there was no wrongdoings by the administration at the time. Nor did they exonerate Hillary. The Obama administration made a total clusterf@ck of that situation actually. I still think Obama was a decent President overall. But not this time. It was a mess.

      I hope we can all agree that Politico is about as neutral as it gets nowadays. They have equal amounts of Republican and Democrat readership, and are considered neutral by Media Bias/Fact Check.



  2. “We must love the presidency more than any president.” Perfectly stated, Mr. Cuomo. Keep speaking the patriotic truth.

  3. Hes like a 5 year old calling names. He’s senile. Trump sided with Putin and has never changed his position. This is Treason.

    1. I find it interesting, Trump don’t have a “nickname” for Putin!
      Probably get smacked silly if he did!

    2. PLease explain to me how it’s ok for a man to be attacked but when he fights back he’s like a 5 year old and he’s committed treason.

    1. Hahahahahaha 😂 😂 really 🤔🤔😅👎🦄🦄. Please.. Conservatives know how to go to outside without a safe space. Get ready to be bitter another 4 yrs🤣make libtards cry again2020

    1. @tania Brodin Hey tania, try doing some actual research instead of relying on the Media who is owned by the Elite for the purpose of maintaining the status quo and protecting the Elite. Try thinking, you stupid sheep. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Look at all the incidents where the Media was caught red handed….like ABC covering for pedo Epstein and Hillary and dont get me started on CNN (Clown “new” Network) I would be here all night typing

    2. @tania Brodin Why dont you try doing some real research…oh yeah, u r a libtard, too stupid and lazy 4 research. U r the poster child for the stupid libtard socialist who is too lazy to do the work, who rather rely on others to do their thinking for them…Cognitive Welfare. Laaaazy. Also, spare me with the spelling Nazi comments. U, R, UR is shorthand for social media so go boil ur head

    3. @AbsoluteTruth dude your are really funny. All you can do is call names. Go back to your baseless propaganda school of thought. I’ve been through a lot of presidents and some were good some bad, some lacking brain power, some morally corrupt, some suffering from early dementia, some fiscally corrupt, but ALL had America first in their hearts…well sort of. But there’s never been someone who has blatantly disregarded the constitution quite like Trump. There’s something f*cking wrong with him. He’s a cockroach feeding off the American ppl. Wtf is wrong with you that you can’t see what he really is. I’ve detested him since the 80s…so don’t…just don’t.

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