Andrew Weissmann, former lead prosecutor for Special Counsel Robert Mueller, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump's pardoning of people who lied or obstructed the special counsel's investigation of Trump and the 2016 Trump campaign sends a message to future special counsel witnesses that they can obstruct the investigation and not worry about the legal consequences as long as their loyalty is to the president. Aired on 12/23/2020.
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#Trump #Russia #MSNBC
Trump Pardons Of Russia Scandal Figures Undermines Future Of Special Counsels | Rachel Maddow
The apricot autocrat believes that he can erase history. America will never forget.
@Vulcan Logic
@J M M You’re WAY too SMART /“intelligent´´ for me, `brilliant.
Vulcan your funny

Very nice alliteration,..
Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office.[
Presidential pardons have to be revisited. They are not above the law, but these pardons pretty much gives them permission to break laws.
but democrap break laws all the time especially for the past 4 years just to get turmp impeach. but thats ok because you agree with them moron
@Deborah Freedman
It’s actually their 2nd attempt, the 1st one failed so they threw it out and started over. That’s the reason for the major gap in time between the Declaration of Independence, July 4th 1776 and the date our current Constitution went into effect. Our new Government officially started March 4th 1789.
Google “Articles of Confederation”
Not a clue, all an Impeachment is filing the charges by the House of Representatives with the Senate, the Senate found him innocent.
@Phon Xieng Russian bot!
Liar in Chief pardoned his swamps to shut them up. They own him one .
Legal standing, once a person has been granted a pardon, the 5th Amendment no longer applies.
They REFUSE to testify regarding charges on Donald Trump? They lock them up for contempt of court.
A Presidential Pardon only applies to Federal Jurisdiction, Crimes against the United States, he has ZERO jurisdiction regarding State offenses. The Governor of the State the offence was committed in has it.
A Clemency is NOT a Pardon, it applies to “time served” they are not the same thing.
There are States where pot is now legal with people still sitting in prison serving time from when it wasn’t, a clemency would release them.
@Richie Tattersall yes I know but the mueller indictments were federal. SDNY might have state charges that may apply to some. I hope they do get charged on state charges (taxes?)
@Richie Tattersall which I bet the NY AG will be calling some of them to testify in the cases against trump and family in the SDNY case against them
The damage Trump has done in just 4 years will take decades to repair & that is only if we are lucky.
@Viet Le I shudder to think what doom would befall us if somehow Kushner was elected.
You’re racist
@3LD Because you are by your very nature corrupt in morality and spirit, just like your hero, Weissman. Pathetic.
Keep in mind that 74 million thugs who hate America are shrieking with delight at the demise of our nation since that is sure to “own the libs” .
Lol. Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office.[He also issued more commutations than the past 13 presidents combined.[2
The biggest bigly loser Trumpet is going to have to get on a one-way flight to his overlord Putin to escape multiple state related lawsuits that will resume on Jan 20
Trump has to follow Putins directions, dont forget the “peepee-tapes”.
Toh yes
@Robert Bennie more conspiracy theories. Because if you actually owned one and not listened to propaganda. You’d see they have a made in the USA tag. And know they’re made in San Diego California.
But as usual you just repeating Chinese propaganda. Like a good little puppet
@wooster Yes. And also, could Trump following Putin’s orders be how Trump is paying back all or part of the money he owe’s Putin / Russia ?
LOL – if you think that’s all they have you are not paying attention.
There will be far more damaging things than trumps disgusting sexual fantasy s exposed over the next 4 years.
Trump is proving that the reason he won in 2016, was because of Russia.
Where’s the evidence to your allegations! Mueller team found nothing, nor the FBI
@Mona 56 Have you read the Mueller report? I seriously doubt it!
@Mona 56 // Blahblahblah, the world is flat and there’s no evidence or proof of anything else!!
But we all knew that!
@Lorraine Enman-Eldred So did Trump, Putin and all these people he’s pardoning.
I believe they can still be summoned to testify under oath. If they lie it’s another crime.
Yes, they can and if the try to take the 5th they won’t be allowed to take it because they have been pardoned.
I sure hope so !!!
@K Cuzz This is the correct answer. It’s actually rather amusing to watch the trap Trump is setting and falling into for himself.
Yes, let’s hold our breath on the Democrats enforcing subpoenas.
A reality, those FOOLS don’t get
By Trump pardoning these crims for the Russian coelution, doesn’t that mean that Trump is admitting his own guilt?
They know it.
Russiagate still under investigation by Mr Durham …Dickheads ..
Yes but he and the Republicans know that it won’t hurt them politically, such is their hatred for America.
@social xen No evidence for that Qanonsense either delusional weakling.
He wants his own criminals free to commit crime and his political rivals locked up. He belongs in Russia.
@Andrew Mitchell That is very likely, there will be plenty of lawyers ready to fleece him like Rudy, but then Trump*’s track record in the courts is absolutely awful. He’ll probably be caught on tax evasion, like Al Capone. He’d be better off in Russia, he won’t need to spend his $ on legal fees, as Russia doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US. He’ll have to watch the Novichok though
@Mary Lynne I guess I was being facetious, but of course he’ll be useful to Putin: an ex-POTUS with knowledge of security briefings (provided he paid attention) and an example of someone who demonstrated democracy does not matter. Gold. Other than that: just who will take him? He has a golf course in Scotland, but locals there will probably give him a ‘Glasgow kiss’ if he turns up there and the UK does have an extradition treaty with the US. I bet he has been thinking about leaving the US, just by the way he’s been behaving since he lost: he demonstrates the sheer desperation to stay out of prison every single day
I do not think Russia would want him there. He means nothing there, ows money that he can not pay and does not even know how to really make money, his just robs or suindles. He is a disgrace and nothing more than a bag of shi…
Toh yes
Republicans proving again they will abuse power and the Republican voters reward this by re-electing them; anything to own the libs.
Perhaps the pardon power should be removed from the American dream
The Republican led Senate Intelligence committee found Russia interfered in our election. No amount of trying to rewrite history will save Trump.
Anyone who’s being pardon, shouldn’t get too comfortable. Trump is showing who he has always been, but the more he does now, only adds to the all the crimes he’s gonna have to pay for. He will wish he hadn’t ran for president ay all. Lets not forget that bounty.
The GOP Senate is to blame. They should have had an actual trial during impeachment.
manspike44 Sure could have saved us a lot of grief!
Hey Congress just move up Biden’s inaugural day to next Monday.
Can’t. It’s in the Constitution. The date that is.
Trump: Traitor one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty. 2 : one who commits treason.
crimes against humanity
Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office, until noon And……?
Trumps been salting the earth since he got in but he’s not that smart, his handler is.
I can’t wait for Trump to go to prison, even if he thinks his going to put these people in charge ti save his election that he lost!
elect a reality TV star they said…
what could go wrong they said…
Because the “Russer thing, with Trump and Russer is a made up thing”
Apparently not.