Senate Impeachment trial prosecutor, Congressman Jerry Nadler calls for Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly to testify as a witness at trial. Nadler, making this news on The Beat with Ari Melber as new reports emerged that Sen. McConnell does not have the votes to block witnesses. Kelly just backed John Bolton’s claim that Trump confirmed his Ukraine plot was tied to military aid. Nadler says his “knowledge” could be useful. Aired on 1/28/2020.
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Trump Nightmare: Rebelling Ex-Aides Testify At Trial | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Another Witness to bring further proof of Trump’s absolute guilt. Kelly will confirm Bolton’s recollection.
@phoebe boufeaux
That’s a simple concept but is way over the heads of Trumpers. They only understand what Trump tells them to understand. “Don’t believe what you’re seeing”- Trump 2017. They seem to have takin those instructions to heart.
@Mind Freshener
Hahahahaha, Jesus. it’s really remakable how ignorant, no, make that stupid Trumpers are. It has already been decided in court that the President of the United States, CAN’T have Non disclosure agreements with cabinet members. Trump can & does that with everyone he employed in private sector. The courts have ruled against him on doing so with public employees.
does not change a thing
—- > Chairman Nadler is right. In 1974, the SCOTUS ruled in U.S. v Nixon that privilege must yield to the need for evidence in a legal proceeding.
United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974) Page 418 U. S. 713
… “We conclude that, when the ground for asserting privilege as to subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over the fundamental demands of due process of law and the fair administration of criminal justice. The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.”
In U.S. v Nixon 418 U.S. 683 (1974) Page 418 U.S. 715 …”25 F.Cas. at 192, the SCOTUS ruled that consideration for Article II duties is NOT immunity from due process
… “A President is NOT IN ANY SENSE above the law” regardless of Article II duties.”
—- > I agree with House Democrats that any Republicans who vote against documents and witnesses is part of a coverup” .Something is seriously wrong with McConnell and Republican Senators being able to use Senate rules to implement a coverup.
… “McConnell wants to block the existing evidence from the House from going into the record as well as any new witnesses.”
Richard Blumenthal: McConnell’s “Shameful” Rules Are A “Cover Up” | The Last Word | MSNBC
@Bud Fudlacker bio
this president is dirty
S. T. I. N. K.
Very dirty indeed.
@Noodles Foodles Nothing! Because no matter what he’s done, you’re just gonna say Obama made all that happen. I’m not wasting my time naming all the good things he’s done in three years. You know as well as I know what he has accomplished. Democrats are so brainwashed by mainstream media that they can’t accept the truth. You have a blessed evening.
Moscow Mitch has lost control of the Senate. It’s over Trumpanzees. Watch it burn!!
trump hopes it burns,he single handedly appointed a new white house,the old one no longer exist,except for the upkeep taxpayers must now pay for two white houses.if the senate burns,trump thinks that means he can live on the golf course forever,at our expense.hes that dumb.
This guy look like Manafort
The greatest thing that could happen is removing this worst in history president.
tRumpet troll Killer – Keep Going Trump, Best President ever !!
@brian gardner If he gets off its due to the dirty GOP in his back pocket. But no way he’s winning 2020.
@TheBase1aransas you sound like a bot, how much tax payer dollars are you being paid?
Little Missy Best President ever and he is not going nowhere
Somewhere in America somebody has on a MAGA hat and doesn’t see a problem with a dictatorship so long as Trump is the ruler.
did you ever notice that trump has an insulting name for EVERYBODY – everybody EXCEPT Putin. and did you notice that when they are together trump follows Putin around like a pre-teen fanboy? yep, that’s where his loyalty is… not with any of his toadies or trump chumps. Just him and Putin – and Vlad will be expendable when the time comes (just like trump’s first mentor Roy Cohn.) And this is the guy you want as your dictator? WAKE UP!
You bet ya! it’s a wonder they can’t wake up and smell the stink (oops, I meant coffee) but propaganda works well. Especially when you see it every day—all day! (Fox Fake)
We want witnesses and documents! Release the FULL transcript!
@Irmo Doctor – Because when #45 *does* testify… *THIS* happens.
Not just the transcript but the actual audio recording of the conversation. Not that we don’t trust the White House, but… Nah, just kidding: We _TOTALLY_ do not trust the White House at this point. It’s been lie after lie and deception after deception since the beginning.
@American Gamer Bolton is a NEOCON GOP As much as I hate him I believe what he says is true.
@American Gamer if there really was something there, why was there no investigations say during 2017 when Trump gave them Deadly ammo? Was it because Biden wasn’t running yet?? 2018 what’s the excuse? This happened in 2014. Yet there is nothing to investigate, if there was, they would of. Kind of like Hillary’s investigation of Uranium 1 and mail servers.
“The FBI investigated Hillary Clinton’s email server protocols and found no crimes. The State Department also launched a related multi-year investigation, which ended a few months ago with the same results.
Now a Justice Department investigation into the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, and the probe into the former cabinet secretary’s email server is ending with a whimper, too.”
@Irmo Doctor it could be Trump was not aware of it untill right before he made the call to Ukraine. Trump has been under constant attack since 2016. Now he see something that may be a legitimate concern with corruption and can make Democrats look bad. Trump being his blunt self asked Ukraine to look into it. Parnes already said he has been having problems with Ukraine for awile.
If they get witnesses and docs, I can hear trump now. “They’re lying, everyone on the planet but me is lying” what a schmuck.
Ursirius, it will be more likely “They’re all leftie Democrat socialist anti Trumpers”. But don’t forget to throw in the deep state.
Actually he is a narcissist and psychopath. But I agree though I have stronger words than schmuck
You know if they just locked him up inside one of his supporter rallies, the truth would come out. He’d start yelling at them and calling them turds, just out of habit! He HATES everybody! I’d actually like to see that event. Wouldn’t take him 2 hours once he realized he couldn’t get away from all of them. He’d go nuts. But first he’d tweet about it 150 times!
Actually, bogus potus gives schmucks a BAD name!
@Jazz Haze – Whereas I want a camera fixed *directly* on the faces of #45’s followers, as their ‘realizations’ set in…and their (long-overdue) self-respect ‘kicks in’.
Perhaps *quite literally* …
Bring on the witnesses, don’t be afraid of the base, if Trump is guilty convict and remove.
If I had the ability to “like” your comment more than once, I would do so – a million times over. This nation didn’t become a world leader by “standing down” when faced by adversity – no matter whether that adversity came from within or without.
Trump claimed absolutely immunity from oversight. That’s why Nadler called it nonsense.
Executive privilege is not in the constitution.
Trump will be gone by the end of March
Right… how’s that ? Impossible.
Wish that was true.
@Wes b They said it was impossible that he would get in office, anything is possible, feel free to come back in April and call me Nostradumbass if I’m wrong.
Senator Nadler is so tired.. This draining trial and sick wife are a huge burden. Get some rest and we hope your wife’s treatment is going well.
Nadler is cool. As a Swede, he represents the good part of USA for me.
@John Sorzano i got your analogy. My point is that with this impeachment all there is is smoke. You need pictures and video of actual fire and Trump starting it.
Btw. I just heard another lying Jew, Blumenthal, admitting this case is without evidence and witnesses. And he is a Trump hating senator.
@Anthony Martino Trump lie : I had the biggest crowd.
Schiff lie: Trump conspired with Putin to get himself elected, he is therefore an illegitimate president, I have seen the proof of conspiracy.
@somastic69 If you could stick to the topic, and skip the “Jewtalk”
@PutinWithAnimals To avoid a dangling modifier, you could put “as a Swede” at the end instead of the beginning. Or you might say, “As a Swede, I see him as…” English is so variable in terms of vocabulary and syntax that there are probably a hundred different ways to say the same thing, to be honest.
Everytime T’rump lies, his hands get smaller
Because of trump I’m embarrassed to be an American
@Jenet’ O’Connor …still not reading I see.
I must ignore your ignorance my dear.
@Tenebris Noctis no I’m just not listening to the opinion of Jerry Nadless or Adam Shittless. Or even Nancy Crackhosi. I’m not going to listen to Democrat opinions I’m going where the facts go, I’m going with what the Constitution says, not how the Democrats interpret it but how it’s actually written. I will go with what’s in the Constitution and what’s in the Federalist papers. I’m not going to go based on the opinionsof a few piece of s*** Democrats who have been trying to convince us for three years that Trump colluded with Russia then the Mueller report comes out and it’s a big fat nothing Burger. Because unlike Democrats I have a long attention span so I can sit for 7 hours and watch the impeachment trials, or I can read the Mueller report even though it’s 400 + pages. I know to a Democrat that’s a lot of reading and you would prefer to read the poky Little puppy or go dog go, and that’s how you always end up getting the facts distorted.
I am proud of a man who stands up against the establishment. Most of you are all brown nosers who only care about getting your way and sucking up to the status quo. We are being so deeply divided that its just a matter of time before we self destruct from within. In other words we are being set up for a takeover, and most of these braindead Americans don’t even see it coming.
@Gary Brunecz exactly the Democrats and the rino establishment Republicans want to take over. actually it’s George Soros who wants to take over and all of these establishment rino Republicans and Democrats are all bought and paid for by fact the campaign donations George Soros gives his public record from which senators, congressmen, excetera receive them to how much they received.
If dems hadn’t won the house there would be no impeachment. God bless Americans for voting BLUE. KEEP ON VOTING BLUE IN EVERY BOX. RESTORE USA!
Exactly. None of this would have happened. Just like the first year and a half of Trump’s presidency and the House oversight during the thick of the Mueller investigation of potential wrongdoing. Once the Republicans lost control of House oversight the WH installed Whitaker and soon followed with Barr as AG to run interference on their behalf. Transparency, limited as it was, into WH activities only really became possible when the Democrats took the House and could not be ignored or compelled to stop.
@Robin Fleet – And historians will have *NO accolades* for *ALL* those who aided #45, and *who chose* ‘party over country’. In fact, those so ‘ignobly noted’ will have *ONLY themselves* to blame for their unflattering descriptives.
That *WON’T* help their future generations, however, who will bear *THAT* shame in their lineage… *forever.*
Voting for a democrat now,could be the death of America!Ditch the dirty communist dems!
@Sandy McConnell leave the cult! it’s pathetic what its doing to our country and our people. Had Obama done a fraction of this stuff he’d already be in prison. When did you start feeling like the president could do no wrong?
This President violates all the RICO statutes for racketeering and should be tried in a criminal trial.
H Browning I understand RICO problem is Trump has to prove guilty first. The same professor who said over and over on tv that Trump will go to jail after the Russian collusion investigation. So he got it wrong before and you to get it right now. Wrong that is why you need to use your head first. They have to prove he is guilty first.
@Uaine Vatikani Lot of muders called by republicons. I love California. All states have there problems.
Uaine Vatikani Ordinarily, yes, that is how Democracy works unless someone is so stupid like Trump and admits to accepting bribes from Putin through Putin’s bank Deutche Bank and Tweets and Fox News that he used the government powers of the US to try get Ukraine to do Putin’s orders for the benefit of his campaign. There is no question because the whole world heard and saw him say it. Other smarter people it might take a trial to find out the facts. But you are correct before going to jail all the facts will be examined by witnesses and evidence with a judge and jury who will look at everything fairly.
That is very good
Prominent conservatives saw this day coming years ago, and tried to warn everyone. Here are their own words:
“If we nominate Tяump, we will get destroyed .. and we will deserve it” — Lindsey Graham, May 3 2016.
“This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth, and in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology text book, his response is to accuse everybody else of lying. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist – a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen.” — Ted Cruz May 3 2016.
“Donald Tяump is not a conservative Republican. He’s an opportunist. He’s not fit to be President of the United States.” — Lindsey Graham Feb 17 2016.
I hope constantly this is going to end soon this is nuts
surely you joke, mein failüre He is a very dangerous big fat narcissist, that needs the boot
Yes these two – Graham and Cruz – are now some of Trump’s strongest allies.
Jay Sekulow, aka: America’s dumbest lawyer.
@faye mahed he is probably blackmailed, trump has something on him.
“Danger …….Danger……..Danger” … was easily the most laughable attempt at creating drama that I have ever seen.
@gcmgome when he said that i was thinking: Liar liar pants on fire. Because he was sounding like a kid
@gilgameshismist sorry I need to correct you with your statement. Rudy Giuliani by far is the country’s dumbest lawyer! However, Sekulow would a very close 2nd to the Rudester. XDXDXD
And may I nominate Rep. Doug “Glottal” Collins, whose law school was so cheap/questionable it was shuttered by the Feds!
Moscow Mitch is a traitor and a sell-out to this nation. He is definitely apart of the corruption.