The Pentagon's announcement that it will divert $3.6 billion in military construction funds to help fund President Donald Trump's border wall has sparked bipartisan anger from lawmakers who learned Wednesday that their states will be impacted by the decision.
#CNN #News
Trump: And whos gonna pay for the wall?
(Points at crowd/ camera)
He tried to tell you, but you didnt listen…
@Ethan Allen GTFOOHWT
….remind yourself what good is a wall if terrorist are on the opposite side. I would rather have an illegal immigrant working to provide for their family and pay taxes than a terrorist enter legally. Guess you forgot about 9/11/2001? Were you even born then?
@Alejandra Ortiz

@ziggzagg Zip yuuuuup Haha the only terrorists here are American citizens
People who are able to think for themselves know that Mexico is paying for the wall. Our trade deal with Mexico more than pays for it.
@Ethan Allen you must have seen a photo of the Border that Trump altered with a sharpie, …. draw that wall! draw that wall! draw that wall!
Trump: I read dozens of books a year. LMAO
@Klea Rusnim How can you collect more in revenue when it’s a tax cut? By your math it is still a trade deficit that expands even more. But that aside if you are possibly referring to tariffs then it isn’t coming from Mexico but rather being charged to those corporations exporting products here. Those increased costs are then passed down to the consumer which is us! I fail to see your point because WE ARE STILL PAYING FOR THAT WALL which BTW has yet to see even one mile of it built to this point. Ar this stage it is pretty late in the game and if he loses in 2020, no wall will ever be built
@jacqueline russell You can stick your head in the sand like an ostrich all you want but it still won’t make Trump any better mentally. What kind of person would go out of their way during a news conference to “prove ” that a hurricane was threatening a state by using a sharpie to add a lobe to a National Weather Service map? An erratic one that’s who. Any normal person would acknowledge their mistake and apologize to Americans for any alarm it may have caused and that’s it! This guy lives in some fantasy where he expects you to believe just HIM and him alone and reject the words of the National Weather Service along with the hundreds of thousands of people who who went to school , got their degrees in journalism and now make it their career reporting the news? What is worse though is that there is between a 1/3 to 40% of the country who won’t question this craziness and that is what is BAD!!!
All of your comments are wrong daily!
I bet mommy still has to read to you
The money doesn’t effect personnel, equipment, or training. Our border is a national security issue.
Public shootings and massacres are more of a National security issue… but here you are worried that a Mexican might impact your entire life. Honestly who raised you? A cow?
I didn’t even know that Mexico had a Pentagon.
@sick of liberals you’re right, Sanders won’t be the President, Yang will be and he has better ideas and solutions than anyone running
@Alejandra Ortiz yeah like giving everyone 1000.00 dollars a month? All you heard was free
@sick of liberals nope lol I make more than 1000 a month working in IT so i wouldn’t be given anything extra nor do I expect to be given anything extra because I dont need more than what I’m being paid right now.
@Alejandra Ortiz ok that’s good to hear Lol
@sick of liberals obviously being a nut is not enough to stop someone from being president, ….. look at what we have now.
Defense of our sovereignty (by building a border wall) is being financed from a fund that defends our sovereignty? Sounds good to me.
Walls work derp
THERE IS NO WALL! It’s a fence that already exists.
Can I interest you in buying some Trump swampland?
@앤더슨프란Trump will try to convince his army of cultist zombies that he built a Hi-Tech electric fence like you can buy to enclose your dog and these idiots would lap it up!!!
how many migrants in northern mexico being held at mexicos expence
Who’s gonna pay for the wall?! …The Pentagon
@Hazzycakes bullcrap. I’m not a cop caller or a liar. But you are a liberal and that means you have a mental disorder.
Are they located in Mexico these days?? Hello Woo!
2000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens in this country every year. They are the ones paying the price for not having a wall.
Sam Sung lies. You can’t legally vote if your not from here. Ducking idiot
@1Tru Gem&I The military is a terrorist organization. Here is a list of their victims.
Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libya (First Barbary War)
Canada (War of 1812)
Algeria (Second Barbary War)
Spain (Acquisition of Florida)
Cherokees (Indian Removal Act)
Indonesia (Expedition)
Ivory Coast (Expedition)
Cherokees (Trail of Tears)
Mexico (Annexation of Texas)
Mexico (Seizing of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, some of Colorado, New Mexico, and the Texan border with the Rio Grande)
Sioux (Forced settlement and massacre)
Spain (Annexation of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines)
Philippines (Reneges on promise of Philippine independence in exchange for Filipino support during the Spanish-American War)
Fiji (Expedition)
China (Second Opium War)
China (Looting China in response to the Boxer Rebellion as part of the Eight-Nation Alliance)
Taiwan (Expedition into Taiwan)
Korea (Korean Expedition in response to “insults”)
Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica Republic, Honduras, Mexico (US shenanigans with their military)
Germany (World War 1)
Russia (Russian Civil War – Formation of Soviet Union)
Germany, Japan, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria (WW2)
Korea (Korean War)
Vietnam (Vietnam War)
Guatemala (CIA overthrows of their government and funds dictator’s armies)
Iran (CIA overthrows elected Prime Minister)
Cuba (Bay of Pigs)
Brazil (CIA helps overthrow the government and funds opposition groups)
Chile (CIA funds opposition then overthrows the government)
Grenada (Overthrow their government)
Nicaragua (Helps install a military junta)
Panama (Attempt to capture Gen. Manuel Noriega)
Honduras (Helps install a military junta)
Colombia (Funds and trains death squads)
Iraq (Desert Storm)
Iraq (Retaliation for alleged assassination plot)
Sudan, Afghanistan (Retaliation for terrorist attacks in embassies)
Serbia (Kosovo War)
Afghanistan (Response to 9/11)
Iraq (Bush’s policy of war against WMD-developing states)
Iran (Stuxxnet – Cyber Warfare)
Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq (Drone Attacks)
Libya, Syria (No-fly zone and drone attacks)
Gosh, the globalist control freak “elites” are not gonna be happy . . ; )
That sounds paranoid. What are theur names? That way i can get them.
@Ciara ooh the top brass of the fbi during Obama’s tenure and most are still their also the DOJ and dept of state
No such thing as globalists. There’s people who want the world to cooperate rather than be at war… But somehow you think that’s a bad thing? Amazing.
And, by the speed the wall is progressing it should be half finished by 2036 at the soonest,at which point it will be completed by Trump’s 170th birthday.
Not an inch will be built because he’ll be out before that. Even if he wins 2020 by 2024 there will be nothing but repairs to the current construction a pipe dream.
You might want to double check that. Wall is already being built by a man known for building skyscrapers on time and under budget.
Honestly. With how much the pentagon spends on lobsters alone, I’m ok with this.
If it was Obama, I’m sure y you would have a problem
It would be fine if thats what the funds were for. These funds were from construction projects, specifically for repairing post hurricane devastation to infrastructure.
“Trump reading a book”…Are they for real?…He just looks at the pictures like a normal 5 yr old.
The 5 yearvild you and your priest class can’t take down so what dose say about you?
@Tom Jones LOL! Why can’t you? Why are you HIDING behind a FAKE NAME and PICTURE…. stop being a HYPOCRITE and set the example….
@brian mcintyre

you Idiot 

They meant he is given the most basic of synopsis.
Ha! Jealous a little are ya? Lemme guess u are worth more than $5 billion, traveled the world, have all your kids at your side and a smoking hot spouse AND pulled off the biggest upset in American history as well? No? Then I’d stop throwing mud from your swamp at passersby.. . Or u could contribute like you’ve made it past the third grade and try an adult conversation. No? Ok, go back to the third grade method of childish insults. . .bet your family is so proud of how far you’ve come in life.
The first $1.8 billion would come from projects outside the United States, says the Pentagon.
all good, fix the broken wall
Glad we have a great President who loves his people and country build that wall Trump
America loves you.
Are you on drugs???
@apple tile We don’t need walls and cages. Bullets are cheaper and faster. Enforce the law deport them all.
Well like the champions we all our we come back fighting we come back swinging we our we our great
General Mattis the oath breaker. He refuses to protect the Constitution.
Ever met a vegan conservative?
Pelosi caved like a lil beech
Ya President Trump Build That Wall! Bunch of knuckle heads talking cow farts and plastic straws. Trump tacking real issues. MAGA2020! We’re going to Party again!
I LIKE THAT !! he is doing what he promissed during the campaign, he is a man of one word!! . He earned the reelection already.