When a professor made mention of Trump's son, Barron, during a recent hearing, the first lady chided her on Twitter for the mention of a minor. Yet the president publicly mocked a minor on Thursday, climate activist Greta Thunberg. Aired on 12/12/19.
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Trump Mocks Time's Person Of The Year On Twitter | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Double Standard as a definition these people are disgusting no shame
Oba*** Man absolutely true
and thank you for making me smile, that was a sweet comment. I hope you have a great and awesome day!
@Becca Boo
Likewise sweetheart have a wonderful day.
@Bruce Boring
she’s a political activist so she is fair game for criticism.
this is not complicated.
@Jessica DeTrant
he certainly cares about politics.
the climate, not so much.
i don’t care about it at all…..the climate where i live hasn’t changed in like 1000 years, altho it has been much colder than average lately.
Children should not be thrown in cages either you GOP pigs.
@RMPsumma Call me whatever you want. I don’t concern myself with the opinions of someone like you. For every bell curve there’s always those on the back side.
I think it’s up to you what kind of president you want. For me I prefer one not legally as well as mentally challenged. Makes for less spectacular news but better standard of living when you don’t have a president screwing the people over all the time.
If you want to delude your self that Trump actually gives a flying F*k about you that’s your choice but he doesn’t fool me a bit. He only cares about Donald Trump and I even suspect he would let his own kids rot in jail if it were in his personal interest. People with his mental instabilities tend not to care about anyone else.
I called him before he was even nominated and he’s matched my predictions exactly and continues doing so.
@Nam Pham Let’s not forget… Every single liberal of note, right up to the point at which Trump announced his candidacy was fully on board with border security and the removal of illegal aliens. Bill Clinton himself is on record (and youtube) saying, They are criminal aliens.
So there you go. Political expediency dictated a 180. The press picked up on this and forgot, the press is primarily not in the business of filling its papers with opinions.
No children were attacked. The press is good for this, they were separated. That’s the “attack.”
@Nam Pham That’s a nice, what, two year old complaint you got there.
I am no pig.
Why don’t Trump and his son go see a movie
Carlito Lujan Maybe because we’re not afraid of people who aren’t just like us. Try it sometime…when you grow some balls.
@Ms Roxy Baby NO! Keeping ALL children out of reach of trump AND any trumpian is a duty all adults have to protect them.
Crystal Giddens You still here? And still have nothing to say.
Welcome to the republican party.
@S Miller *Elementary School Invites Convicted Felon Drag Queen to Talk to Children; School either ignored or failed to carry out background check.* < the left will not even condemn pedophilia. they want our kids for themselves. they want to "groom" them.
@Wonder Wonderful *Elementary School Invites Convicted Felon Drag Queen to Talk to Children; School either ignored or failed to carry out background check.* < the left will not even condemn pedophilia. they want our kids for themselves. they want to "groom" them.
A child would attack a child. Although, she’s way more mature than him.
Who is that attacks children at the border and has them locked in cages and causes some to die while in custody?
Moira McCleary he’s right, it’s a fact drama queen
Obama! Trump is cleaning up the mess left by Barry Hussein Sotero.
Why do they come illegally? Just come illegally and we are okay with it! MAGA2020!
Poor, poor Trumplethinskin…. didn’t get his way and now he’s throwing a hissy fit!

@Anelise Is Free “Trumplethinskin” cringe
TRUMP 2020
He really gets into it at night when he’s doing his facial and hairnet.
And *’Snowflake #45’* had *yet ANOTHER ‘twittyfeed tantrum’* today, whining about how ‘unfair’ *everyone’s* been *to* him.

Poor put-upon prezzy…
Pence looks so forced to say what written for him by his boss.
“Trump is the joke of year, 3 years running” – every world leader
@Larry Sernyk Traitor only to Communist stooges of the world
@Wrangler 4×4 Hillary LOST and Trump WON!
@E H You just found out that Hillary lost? What a loser, lol
@E H So what’s a Communists In your own words?
“Who would attack a child?” “Haaaaaaave you met my friend Donald?” lmao
Beth White
Guess what he was probably doing to kids at Epstein’s mansion .
@El Tigre but but but Clinton did it to.
She’s a piece of garbage that should institutionalized. (With her parents)
They have turned the WH into the TOILET HOUSE
@sylvia sweet Yes! The world is on fire and he wants to talk about flushing toilets.
There is only one way to respond to him. Impeach and remove or vote him out. FFS
Yep, it’s a complete shithouse
He’s like a little kid who don’t get his way aww
This is the type of petty man America wants as president?
WE LOVE TRUMP! He’s REAL and is exposing the global fraud! Greta is a paid and exploited kid….. bribed and brainwashed by Globalist puppet master Soros who uses Hitler/NAZI tactics to influence the gullible masses through the youth. Greta has done absolutely NOTHING but followed a bad rehearsed script. The real heros are people like Scott Presler who goes to inner cities and cleans up the garbage filled streets. That’s true environmental work NOT some brainwashed and funded climate NAZI children of the corn peddling bogus propaganda scare tactics with NO facts based in reality. It’s all political to force an agenda that the American taxpayer would fund.
Yes!!! We need a President to stand up against ignorance. No matter how young they are!!!
Let me get this straight- she scolded us… and our President suggested she go out with friends and watch a movie and SNOWFLAKES melt?….
Ugh Liberals…..
Yes!!! No one is above the law!!! Except for illegal aliens….
You should be ashamed
of being married to trump.
1. Greta voluntarily put herself into the spotlight, Baron didn’t.
2. Yes people overreacted to the woman’s stupid joke about Baron. Though its understandable that a mother would defend her son.
3. Greta is just being used as a mouthpiece and didn’t deserve to be person of the year. The media is desperately trying to portray Gen z’s as being more liberal that they actually are. They’re going to get a rude awakening next year when they see how many of them vote for Trump.
4. With the way people are talking I thought he’d said something a lot worse than this.
Barron may agree with Greta and worry about the climate emergency.
@Jenn smith Russian Troll Bot. “Impeach the SOB.”
@Merrilou Neigenfind Well if there was a god, I’d agree.
@Merrilou Neigenfind Jenni Smith is a Russian Troll Bot. Fake account.
@Carolyn Smith I’m not a believer either. Sarcasm.
What a great point.
Not so angry, Pence. Mother doesn’t like that.
@sognodiangeli Let me explain it to you again: There was no interference elicited by Trump because he never mentioned the election or his campaign. Here is the full transcript to prove it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEWlcTtvof0. You’re inferring something that simply isn’t there. There is no solicitation of election meddling. The fake whistleblower was dead wrong, which is why he wasn’t called to the stand because he would have been ripped to shreds by the GOP.
Trump going in front of the press for Russia to look into those e-mails and for China and Ukraine to look into Biden is just Schaudenfreude. When he announced that to Russia, Hillary’s servers were long bit-bleached. It’s not meddling to any degree. He revels in the misfortune of Dems he perceives as being corrupt. It’s no different then saying if he were elected President he would lock up Hillary. Did he actually do it? No. It’s just grandstanding and schaudenfreunde. And it’s very effective rhetoric. It also like the trap he set up for Elizabeth Warren challenging her to take a DNA test for $1 million. He’s just trolling his opponents and tricking them to overreact. And of course, they always fall for his trap.
It’s pretty clear from the actual transcript that Trump was feeling out Zelensky, seeing if he could be trusted to get to the bottom of Ukraine’s previous efforts to meddle. He wanted them to investigate their previous meddling in 2016 and route of corruption from the previous administration. This is why the Dems are so angry. He flipped Ukraine from trying to meddle on behalf of the Dems again in 2020. It’s explained very well in the following source with lots of links to evidence here: http://siberiancandidate.blogspot.com/2019/11/fake-impeachment-hoax-flounders-as-star.html and http://siberiancandidate.blogspot.com/2019/11/new-allegations-by-new-york-times-that.html.
@sognodiangeli The constitution stated presidential election is won by electoral college. What is wrong with you??? You should be ashamed of yourself.
@sognodiangeli Russia never interefered. Ukraine interfered to help Hillary. And Hunter is guilty for taking bribe from Ukraine and China.
@Jason Thompson : )
There is no authority in pences voice. He’s pathetic
Weak as water.
Lunar Jane Global Warmingls Real – May l make a note here….. Pence’s ” righteous well – choreographed indignation ” looked a lot more like…. ” lame duck defenses “. Will make a hilarious skit on SNL.
Mother insists that he use his ‘inside voice’ when presenting false outrage.
That’s who is going to step up if Trump gets removed, get used to it
Never interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake.
Especially if it is beneficial to the US economy! Trump 2020 baby!
@sz42781 inverted yield curve.
Crikeys! If we followed that standard, not a word would have been spoken about him since he stole the office.
@Hayan Imadi – Exactly.

Thanks *to #45’s cretinous ineptitude* we NOW have:
U.S. farmers *on welfare* …
“GM” *laying off* workers …
“U.S. Steel Co.” *laying off* workers …
*Seven coal companies closed* just *this* year…and *more* to follow.
*520,000 fewer jobs* than expected and *even fewer* people searching anymore…plus, as you pointed out, the markets *are VERY unhappy* with #45’s feckless financial games:
#45 – *So* embarrassing for America…
Nobody would attack a child:
*Gretta wins time*
Trump: hold my beer…
You meant to say ….tRUMP: hold my Hamberder !
Anyone SHOULD attack ignorance. Thank GOD for Trump to see though the nonsense!!!
Why does Time idolize and encourage a mentally ill child who is being used by mentally ill adults for a false agenda. Encouraging child abuse via person of year.
I look forward to having a president who is doesn’t tweet and bully people amongst other things.
@E H keep walking buddy – peddle it somewhere else- go back to FOX
@mrsullyrox Same to you, go back to your brainwash and denial
Just look forward to having an ‘actual president’ for a change.
@E H seriously why are you on MSNBC? There is NOTHING for you Nazis here unless you are paid.
@Jhon Shephard The shroom reference is from stormy daniels referring to dumps very little man. Carlito admits he loves it.
He thinks being a shroom chomper is winning, each to their own.
Pence should be ashamed of being a fake Christian and lying to the American people.
The prestigious Kissass Award of the year 2019 goes to Mike Pence.
He’s an embarrassment.
Richard Richard Richard, are you sure….It must have been very difficult for you to come to that conclusion, seeing as how the list is so very very long in my book.