Trump Mocks Kamala Harris’s Name, Says ‘Nobody Likes Her’ | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The president tried out new attacks on Joe Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris, at his packed North Carolina rally. Alexi McCammond of Axios reacts. Aired on 09/08/2020.
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Trump Mocks Kamala Harris's Name, Says 'Nobody Likes Her' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Anyone given a pathetic nickname from trump should wear it with honour, it shows your under his skin and just how much you worry him, so well done. 👍

  2. His brain to mouth filter is irreparably broken. He trotted out the birtherism trope – no traction. Now the tsunami of insults is all that is left in his arsenal.

  3. Donnie with his own version of comedy gold.David Letterman hosted the Oscars years ago and enunciated Uma Thurmans first name in a likewise manner.Dead silence through the auditorium.

    1. @DEAVD WRLD BEATS Thanks. It’s wonderful when people begin to finally see the light and come out of the darkness of the Left.

    2. I agree. Its not funny. It never was. I hope he literally chokes on his nasty words one day real soon . And by choking I mean having a heart attack on live TV as he’s talking trash. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

    1. @Sean Moore you have been lied to buddy. You were indoctrinated with far lefist values. People like you will ruin this great country.

    1. @nathar40 What peace are you talking about because if it’s your other piece meaning your ability to keep your 2nd amendment right to own a piece to defend yourself you might want to reconsider, can you keep your peace without being able to own another piece to defend yourself and your love ones from all these peaceful protesters threwout this great nation of ours…🙏🙏🙏

    1. @debra smith your writing skills demonstrate her base well…she’s a feckless token…indo-jamaican is apperantly black “enough” for the democratic party…classic!
      seriously though, reading your posts is a tremendous chore…practice more?

    2. @Colin Owen Griffin
      I agree with you Colin!
      That’s exactly what “Treasonist Traitor” TRUMP has been to America and the World for 4 years!
      VOTE BIDEN 2020!

  4. This is what playground bullies do. Bullies feel small, so to make themselves feel big, they need to attack others. Basically, this is an overgrown child.

  5. Serious question. What is the deal with conservatives making fun of people’s names? I mean, it seems _so_ junior high school.

    1. I have no idea. Why would anyone want to vote for someone that will sell our country out to china and open the borders just because they dont like Trump?

    1. this is literally the worst ticket in democratic history. you not seeing that is what made me leave your sinking party. classic!

    2. @Colin Owen Griffin You’re not interested in basic 4th grade language skills . How typical of a classic, uneducated, gullible, little tRUMPsheep .

  6. I never thought we would have a president with the mentality of a kindergartner…lol but the way the world is now anything is possible. 🤣

  7. He’s a danger to our country. Who acts like this as an adult? He’s just an awful human being and it’s still shocking that he’s a U.S. president.

    1. Lets see did you know Joe is the guy who gave most American jobs to China in 2001 and he already has promised China that he would stop all Tariffs to China given more companies and Americans jobs to China also in his Green plan has promised China that all contracts would go to China not American companies, in fact hes son is there making deals with Chinese government. Treason is different? While Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden now condemns the violence that has run rampant in cities across the U.S. since late May, his running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris (D), has been caught continuing to raise money to bail alleged violent criminals out of jail in Minnesota. Did you know that Heads of BLM have come out and said they are Marxist and hate America and with Antifa backed by the Democrats party are Burning flags and Bibles looting and Burning business killing innocent people thats the America they want its called Socialism. Karl Marx said it best Socialism is one step to communism.
      Remember under Socialism you have no constitutional Rights no Freedoms you and your family are under control of the Government. But Sweden is a Socialists nation and the answer is No Sweden is a Capitalist Nations with out the constitution. America is the Last Free Nation and under Democratic Socialism you have Enslaved yourself to China.
      Joe loves China, Every Great nation must destroy itself from within before it is destroyed from without . The Media are paid for by Democrats party Hilter did the same thing with Radio and newspapers to turn the German people to vote for him, and we know the outcome. Wake up
      Watch “The Deadliest Virus In The World: Communism” on YouTube

    2. mgb gt they’ll never read that comment, these idiots run on emotion not facts or logic.. they’d rather have a kid sniffer than the best president in our recent history

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