Trump meets with military leaders. No one wears a mask

Lawrence Summers, who served in the Obama and Clinton administrations, reacts to photos showing President Donald Trump's meeting with military leaders the day it was announced that the CDC director, FDA commissioner and Dr. Anthony Fauci would take various measures to quarantine after being exposed to a person at the White House who tested positive for Covid-19.
#CNN #News

Trump meets with military leaders. No one wears a mask


    1. @Smart Trump People you support a con man who steals from his own charity and thinks you need ID to buy cereal. sleep well.

  1. These are hero’s, and yet trump can’t take the extra step to protect them, because “the wind was blowing”.

    What a lunatic.

    1. These heros went to war for us, and suffered horrible tragedy, and we can’t even put on a damned mask for them.

    2. @Vill N’ The Field. and yet here you are? Don’t be mad HOMIE. LOL. Come on with your hateful comments, the dumpster is next,or her has it and won’t say. Either way he’s screwed.

    3. Colleen Kelly oh so now you leftists have respect for the military? You sure didn’t care about Michael Flynn when Obama had him send his FBI hounds to ruin the man’s life. And you care about masks. Get a grip you loser

    4. @Camille The Panther why do you vilify intelligence and applaud ignorance W.T.F is wrong with Americans

    1. Am I a trump cultist? A registered libertarian who will be voting Trump 2020? Or should I vote sexual predator Biden and go democrat this year😂😂

  2. the trump administration itself is now under quarantine LOL. Can’t wait to see the conspiracy weirdos explain this one

    1. usamail usanyc – now these in-breed Trump supporters are saying Obama funded the Covid-19 virus….😂😂😂. I’m dying now…lol

    2. @Conspiracynutsmakemechuckle outloud yeah I know don’t those left wing socialist are crazy.

  3. So are we acting like we aren’t in a pandemic anymore? The president’s best solution to a problem is to ignore it. 🤔

    1. Dumbasses ignore fredo out with his family 4 weeks ago yet want to pass judgements. ..hypocrites. ..cnn fake news….why not mention how russia was a big hoax….you democrats are fools to believe there nonsense. ..can’t wait til november when you guys lose again… this time don’t cry for 4 years….

    2. @Josedantes Baez russia wasn’t a hoax. mueller himself said so. and if trump wins again, we are going to see more innocent Americans in body bags while he says everything is fine and goes golfing.

    3. @vman armand your an idiot….what part of no cullusion do you not understand. … do understand fbi lied the dossier was a lie an idiot to still believe it……

  4. 61 secret service were tested and 31 were positive. Isn’t that who protects frump, security breach.

  5. Everyone wear a mask! It’s to prevent the spread of disease, it’s to protect everyone else. Just do it! What do you have to lose by wearing one?

    1. Riqrob that’s not an analogous comparison. If your fart carried a deadly disease on the water droplets released, your jeans would in fact significantly reduce the transmission of the disease. Do your jeans stop you from farting in the first instance? No. Just like a mask doesn’t stop you from breathing or sneezing or coughing, but it does reduce transmission of disease via water droplets.

    2. Your breathing in your own oxygen and not getting the right amount of oxygen first off I still don’t get how people believe a virus jumps 6 feet let alone 3 feet people staying in wearing mask Think use your brain they go out there immune system is now lowered from all that hand washing mask wearing no vitamin D our body is made up of cells and Germs but now people doing all this hand washing mask wearing no vitamin D of course tour immunity is now lowered wake up Fauci and Gates know the huge Con they are feeding people Trump knows it’s as bad as the flu he’s right the elderly with underlying medical issues of course will die . I also assure you that the nurse who works in NY saying people are dying of other causes but they still put coved people who just need an air mask on harsh treatment as ventilators they can’t breadth there lungs are filling up with fluid they are sicker now than before but with the vent if they didn’t they would be alive they are pushing ventilators bec they get 40,000 every vent they use. I know there are good Nurses and Dr.s but there are bad ones too who turn there heads to what is happens I mean allowing people to die and not helping so coved is put in the certificates even though it was from something else ! Godbless I pray you wake up and see

    3. Carol Price the only thing clinging to the mask is your own water particles on the inside of it. That’s your own breath. If you have covid, you’ve only ‘given’ it to yourself and not others. Your logic makes no sense. And yes, it does matter to me if you don’t wear one. You’re endangering the healthy of anyone you come in contact with by not wearing a mask.

    4. @K41 Because no mask on earth can protect you our anyone from you if you have the virus our a person with a mask on that has the covid-19 virus can still spread it to you.The size of the covid-19 is 1.2microns and the n95 can only keep out 3.0microns that is the truth.wearing a mask won’t stop you from spreading the covid-19 virus.

  6. When will it be called White House Down? Seems like everyone is gonna get sick for Making it a show instead of doing their jobs! It’s not t.v it’s real life

    1. You’re worried about the Corona virus? Jesus, because I am not.
      Cause I have a rifle & I’ll just snipe the Corona virus once I find it

    2. m23 G Yep. The thing that’s going to disappear like a miracle is closing in. Winter is coming…

    1. @charles bridges Who is a WS? WS do love Orthodox Jews though. They hate Boshevik Jews. Everyone hates Bolsheviks – they gave rise to Hitler, like those who follow CNN.

    2. Rob Li I wish Steven Miller would get the virus, suffer long and hugely, then die! That would help America!!

    1. Yes the light at the end of the tunnel and it’d be a train and run over he is worthless butt

  7. You would think as career military they would have long since learned that setting an example is a big part of leadership.

  8. I would be surprised if these guys were intentionally “exposed” in order to keep them quiet for a while. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past the trump admin.

    1. Its probably all just bullshit to get them out of the way for a few weeks with the hope this will all just pass

    2. Your mental illness will not go away once trump is out of office. You will simply let your media masters pick a new target. It’s like they have a chip in your brain

  9. I witnessed on the news a woman being lifted up and body-slammed on the floor in a store by a police officer…reason being she was noncompliant over wearing a face mask…maybe that same officer could visit TRUMP!

    1. Or maybe the government could stay out of people’s business and let people decide on their own to protect themselves or not. Nobody is making you not wear a mask, nobody is making you leave your home, so I would assume that everyone can calculate risk on their own and adapt accordingly. But then again I understand that there are more stupid people in this world than not.

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