Rachel Maddow remarks on the number of areas where CISA helps ensure the security of vital U.S. interests and how Donald Trump's firing of all of the top people at that agency exposes the U.S. to greater risk for outside malign actors. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#Cybersecurity #DonaldTrump #MSNBC
Trump Makes U.S. Vulnerable With Decapitation Of Cybersecurity Agency | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel is our new-age Murrow. She is the most vital journalist working today.
Ha! “New age Murrow”, I love it! Although, I just call her, The Maddow : )
@Benjamin Sebonego Meh, I dunno. I hope she is resting and filling most of her days with happier things. That is not to say that I’m not grateful, I am. But, if the last four years have been exhausting for the rest of us, imagine what it feels like to be her.
Richard Madcow is a propagandist comedian, not a journalist.
Lmfao, maddow is a race and fear mongering leftard….lying piece of crap…
@David M So, if you feel that way, why are you on this comment string?
Come on, you know you secretly like her, lol.
Rachel. Right on the dot!!
Welcome back Rachel. Love and miss you.
From Australia.
Mr Krebs can treat his dismissal by Trump as a badge of honour. The nation won’t forget a man with integrity. Likewise, the nation won’t forget Trump.
On a side note, seems like Mr Krebs is now, possibly, available for a meeting with the transition team.
@Pablo Ucan Biden will never pardon Snowden. Snowden exposed the things and methods that dems are happy to use. All big tech is pro-democratic and Trump was going to fight against big tech monopoly
@alison moore As long as Biden doesn’t forget him (and all the other good people the stable genius has fired) so he can rehire him.
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
@Damdu Dak Snowden is becoming a Russian citizen, btw. He can’t and won’t be pardoned.
Stop using tech if you are against tech companies…like the tech you used to write your comment. Trump depends on tech EVERY TIME he tweets for hours at a time.
Typical Republican argument: “We want transparency from you, secrecy for us.”
@J obviously you did not follow the result of these lawsuits, because the trump lawyer who brought this forward had to admit that it was false pollwatcher were allowed into the room, so stop spreading bs and follow the real news, AkA those who report the things that are actually happening instead of rumours and hearsay which burst like soapbubbles once brought to court. 25 lawsuits have been brought to court with 000 of them won, so your argument is?, Breitbart, fox, Q told you, without the slightest prove? KALEIGH not Mcanany sense waving around empty papers, affidavits that were fraudulent after closer inspection?
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
the antifa obsession with getting rid of Trump just turned you into traitors, and now your families will be attacked in constant Viet Cong-like insurgencies and guerrilla attacks which will overwhelm your defunded police who wont be able to protect you> and while this is happening>? you will probably be still focusing on Trump,. as your kids are being bombed.
73 million trump votes don’t for get that we don’t want your lib ways
@John Neumann 1/100 of one percent are now going militant. thats 7300 new Tim McVeighs, unless my math is wrong…? Cheers!
Trump even fired his own appointed cyber security chief and fired the government’s top election security official, who had rejected the president’s claims of “massive” fraud in the vote he lost to Joe Biden. By trump’s such sinister actions, this has clearly shown that he’s the one who is trying to cheat and steal the election results. Anyone who disagreed with him were fired including defense secretary, more than 4 pentagon chief, DHS, etc . He has totally abused his power and should be charged for trying to force his own top officials to admit there is fraud. This is tantamount to treason. He’s desperate, disillusioned and highly dangerous. Looks like he’s incapacitated and he’s incapable to continue as president reject.
Not tantamount, this IS treason.
@deltavee2 treason and genocide
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
Good job trump fire anyone who doesn’t do there job
It becomes a very dangerous precedence indeed when a person can lose his position of employment for the telling of a truth.
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
the antifa obsession with getting rid of Trump just turned you into traitors, and now your families will be attacked in constant Viet Cong-like insurgencies and guerrilla attacks which will overwhelm your defunded police who wont be able to protect you> and while this is happening>? you will probably be still focusing on Trump,. as your kids are being bombed.
So trump says votes were changed but he didnt realize he hadn’t changed enough votes to win …
@Katherine AT H2O … LOLOLOLOLOL.
Michael, Michael, Michael … you probably shouldn’t threaten people on a forum like this one. Isn’t it time for your meds?
@Katherine AT H2O there is a difference between a threat and a prediction, but I know you are scared to death because deep down you know Im, right about whats coming. And you should be VERY afraid. because nobody is going to stop it. just a prediction now! dont report the messenger you twit
Not smart enough to know that democrats voted by mail. He told his people not to! And, these idiots believe his bullcrap that suddenly after election day, he was losing! I live amongst them. Scary.
@EJ you can focus on your glorious success getting rid of Orange Man, meanwhile the people I see online are discussing where to buy ammo, creating IED’s and where to buy ammonium nitrate… Cheers!
Repubs need to be on trial after election for treason also
Treason charges will be coming for leftists after this is all done, wait and see.
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
Trump thinks he is a know-all since his uncle taught at MIT!!!
We need to do SOMETHING to protect our citizens AND protect our country, and our country’s FUTURE.
it disgust me that 1 rogue man, can tear down the country while all sit back and watch. This is beyond crazy
It disgusts me that so many people still believe what they’re fed by the mainstream media and the Democrats you people are brainwashed or just plain stupid
@Richard Jansen Look who’s calling the kettle black.
He’s not alone. GOP is backing him up. They should join him in jail.
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
@Michael HippleAmen. Trump lost, but his mental impairment is such that he cannot fail. He will forever believe the election was fraudulent because that is the only way he can survive.
I hope trump gets charged with something for the lives of everyone we lost this year. Possibly for neglect.
Crimes against humanity!! He purposely lied and put people in harm’s way and continues to do it!! And refuses to implement a national plan! He is a disgusting disgrace and pathetic sorry excuse for a human being as well as the rest of his cult followers!!!
In a healthy political system, officials are fired when they’re corrupt; in Trump’s system, officials are fired for failing to be corrupt. Chris Krebs is a man of supreme character. (Good Moral Compass)
Normally, the rate of disqualified mail-in ballots is 3 – 5%. This election 0.5%. Millions of unsolicited ballots mailed out and less fraud? Impossible
Krebs was just honest – and good for him. But it’s weird that the bar is so low that simple honesty is a sign of supreme character.
Biden’s government should interview all the heads cut to have their assessments. There’s going to be important informations there. Also, his government has to remove all the Trump appointees that they legally can, no one should be trusted, as they were chosen not for their abilities to serve the country but their willingess to follow and support a corrupt president.
I would wear being fired by Trump as a badge of honor.
Trump is killing Americans for his own joy. A spoiled rich kid with a magnifying glass. Guess who’s the ants?
@Dennis Harrell right!!!
@Damdu Dak LOL He does risk the lives of his supporters. Over 700 Trump supporters died going to his rallies from covid. Add 250,000+ deaths, 4th biggest mass causality event in US history. These riots stopped months ago while people still continue to die… Give me a break
And #BidenBetrayal is rampant
Big tech holds magnifying glass and you brainwashed flag burning cop killing rioting dumbocrats are the ants!
That or Putin is paying him a bounty for every American that dies of covid….I wouldn’t put it past him!!!
Trump needs to be dealt with he is a national security risk.
Trump or the Democrats who installed Dominion?
Chris Krebs deserves our profound gratitude for his morality and for protecting our Democracy!