Rachel Maddow reviews highlights of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds' visit White House where she was feted for her coronavirus response despite her state producing some of the most alarming coronavirus case statistics in the country. Aired on 05/07/2020.
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Trump Makes Odd Choice Of Iowa For Coronavirus Success Narrative | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Australia has 97 total deaths. Just sayin.
@Fxck Racism I think your point is you value the sound of your own voice over actually bothering to understand a situation or thinking things through.
@Anser Bauer LMAO the death toll is 97 I told you why now STFU and use your logic on yourself.
Ralph Boyd
Australia didn’t “saddle” the USA with Murdoch as he was allowed to become a US citizen in 1985. You’ve got no one to blame but yourselves.
@Fxck Racism The death toll in in the states surrounding the area defined in my last comment is 71. 97 is for the whole of Australia and includes the 7 million people living outside the East Coast strip. Do they not teach you geography or research over there?
@Anser Bauer I’m responding to the comment in my inbox not scrolling through 166. Tf are you talking about?
The country hasn’t even officially opened yet – my city is still in quarantine until May 18th – and many of us are already forgetting that, hey, we’re still in a pandemic. Nothing has changed, the virus hasn’t disappeared, but a lot of people are already acting like it’s over. This is round one.
There’s a good chance that when we have a likely rebound in a few weeks because many people will forget or flout the protocols, the next round will be worse. We’re going to have to go back into quarantine again in June. This will never get appreciably better as long as so many people are ignoring the rules and just doing their own thing to the detriment of the people around them.
@Julie Ring You’ll see…
@Rose Sure!
@Rose Sure!
@The Grim Reaper When MSM is no longer able to maintain their false narratives in the face of all…then perhaps you might start to wake up..
It’s breakdown is starting to show…deep state operatives are out of ammo and their panicking…
Everythings doing a flip…Greatest show on earth, actually the universe….
I’m sad that you don’t understand…but I know, you will, in time.
Peace to you, have a good day!
Who cares about your degrees! Indoctrinated sheep! Obviously those degrees have put a stop to you being able to think critically. Or perhaps you never had that ability. Stay in the Philippines please! I’ve been there many times, good place for you! And the reaper… Just pipe down. You don’t know you’re butt from a hole in the ground.
Watching trump set there with his fingers touching, I realize something is missing… handcuffs.
@Christopher Bland you get the middle finger Christopher you liberal shitstain
SierraPhantom- Loosen the tin foil MAGA hat give your brain a little air.
SierraPhantom. Congratulations your ignorance and lack of education has finally paid off, you’ve just won the dumbest SOB on the planet award.

Why? Every time the left tries to come up with these bogus claims of criminality, there’s never any evidence. What exactly would you arrest him for?
SierraPhantom How much are you paid per comment? I need the work.
In Dutch, “turning the corner” is a euphemism for dying. So to me it sounds accurate in context.
I love the Dutch. Do you have a spare bedroom? The US is now a 3rd world country filled with idiots! help!
@flugsven https://youtu.be/fBShSIFjB6E
SookieGirl Ok. He said 60% died of other illnesses. I’d say that’s a questions of definition
It’s more dangerous for people with high blood pressure, high BMI, astma or allergies. You get ill. You die. Was it because of your high blood pressure you got that heart attack or was it the high Covid-19 fever that became too much? Or a combo? Severe astma and severe Covid-19. What was the cause of death? Probably it was a lethal combination. One can’t say though that Covid-19 had nothing to do with it.
My mum had cancer. She died because it was too much water in her lugns. Did she die of suffocation, or of the cancer she had or was it entwined?
One Could say she survived the cancer but the water in her lugns won the battle. We all agreed she died from cancer, This angry man might contratict me on that, though.
@flugsven https://youtu.be/ScPTpy0wBDc
SookieGirl Sorry, don’t like him. Better to check real news than opinion shows. Besides I have transcripts to read. One thing that bloke didn’t get; if the Trump/Farage folks break the lockdowns the economy will get Even Worse. Also, he cry out of pity for the poor, but he rejects the “leftist” policies that could boost Their economy, because in a right wing free world it ought to be their right to be poor (like me) without a “meddeling busybody gouvernment” trying to improve their lives in a suspiciously socialistic manner, forcing money on innocent people.

He’s entitled to his opinion And I am entitled to snort at it.
These people are just dam disgusting! God please deal with them now!
Survivor: America edition
She meant “turning the Coroner” . .
If you had of told Marine Corps me back in the year 2000 while I was deployed with the 24th MEU that in the not so distant future that my government would make me feel this level of shame I would have told you you were crazy. It’s amazing how far this country has fallen I swear the terrorists won, we haven’t collectively been the same since 9/11.
Chris Brown :/ I was a baby during 9/11, and hearing this makes me so sad
This is a culling of senior citizens and folks with underlying health conditions. It’s manslaughter in plain sight
@Nick H you’re either a troll or a sheep, that video is being taken down because of the misinformation it spews
@Nick H I’ve seen it, it’s not part of the solution…it’s part of the problem
@Nick H I didn’t forget about you troll
@Mike Kuhn huh?
@Nick H I didn’t forget about that video you tried to spread like the coronavirus itself. Shame on you and all the little trolls trying to push the Plandemic video like it’s worth the 30 mins to watch it
wake up sheep, this has been the biggest lie in modern day history.
I’m and Iowan, we never fully shut down, keep that in mind as out numbers keep growing as she starts to reopen some parts of the economy.
Thank goodness done places didn’t shut down. This has been a disaster and all you have to do is look around to see why.
I’m an Iowan as well. And I say open up, and if your too scared of this nonsense than you can stay home
proof https://youtu.be/3BUBTtUTOII
John B thats because you still believe in fake news and their fake reporting why are you torturing yourself…go watch OANN or read EPOCH TIMES…
@ Our Secret Lord. The one thing about science is that it attempts to achieve some level of proof, through data. True this not one hundred percent. However the attempt is made and thus a reasonable degree of proof is achieved, as apposed to the nonsense you just spewed.
Liquid Snake enjoy the show you lame tool
Our Secret Lord slam your fingers in a drawer you dumb tool.
What is trump doing for iowa, could not get a mask when I was in hospital,
@Seykey 202 keep stupid and lick those doorknobs and hug your loved ones bigly.
@Seykey 202 The Holy Grail mask. LOL

@Susan Sullivan is that what you do?

No, it just started here in Iowa. She’s dangerous.
Oh mY gOsh SHe Is sOOOoO DanGerOuS.
@Jeff Haddix No I’ll be fine. Fit, superior genetics, 100% pure blood, world class immune system. I haven’t been sick since the late 1990s. You’re really fat, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ll find someone to blame.
@jonathan gianguzzo isn’t it ironic that this person clearly doesn’t want innocent people to die from this virus yet this person has just wished death upon you? HYPOCRITES!
@Rah When Albert Einstein tried to define the word insanity, the best he could come up with was the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time. Today, liberals provide more definitions. The inability to see flagrant hypocrisy, doing things that alienate their alleged competition while at the same time hoping to convince them that their ideas are sound, and my favourite, as they need to convince at least some conservatives that their ideas are sound and should be implemented into public policy, because after all they are the minority in this country by a 7 to 3 margin, when conservatives don’t agree with them, instead of debating they get angry, sling mud, throw temper tantrums, and retreat only to exclude conservatives from the conversation. How could they ever expect to convince the majority to change their opinions and beliefs behaving like that? It’s self-defeating and they don’t seem to realize it. At that point the only possibility for them to achieve the goals that they so clearly demonstrate all that passionate over would be to go to physical war with conservatives. The thing about that is they claim to despise violence and only about 20% of them are willing to own guns. The behavior of modern leftists is the definitive example of insanity. Even Einstein would be dumbfounded by these people if he could be here to see it.
@jonathan gianguzzo T R __ L L *”would you like to solve the puzzle?”*
It’s all about re-election.
The absolute unprofessionalism of this administration is truly mind-boggling
Mindy McNamara That little space at the top of your computer page is a browser. Type in Project Mockingbird and read that ALL main stream media in the country are owned by 6 corporations. They are all Clowns In America.
She was doing pretty well, I had a grudging respect for her, that’s over…speaking as a native iowan….we’re screwed
Hold on to your butts.
You keep speaking as a native Iowan, I’m sick of this.
Each news clip makes me more convinced we’re in some episode of the twilight zone.
IOWA is actually an acronym for,
“I Owe the World an Apology”?
The ” Sodomite States Of America ” fully deserves this. We have seen nothing yet, watch. The suffering & misery have only just begun