The president on Monday made the false claim that the United States has one of the lowest per capita death rates, along with Germany. The Morning Joe panel digs into the president's claims. Aired on 05/12/2020.
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Trump Makes False Claims On Per Capita Virus Death Rates: WaPo | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I wish the reporters would point out all his lies more often and I know they get shut down and then he walks out like a child but this just shows his behavior to the Republicans
@Effscott Fitz-gee …yes….but 180 million people in rep states…only 140 million in dem states..
…the DIFFERENCE IN DEATHS …is SO GREAT …80% in dem states!!
I come from a family of doctors…many in my family…including 2 hospital directors.
What do I hear?…the NUMBERS ARE BEING MANIPULATED ….it s very easy to do – respiratory failure
is the 3rd major cause of death in the US. 2000 die everyday …some are indeed dying due to the virus…
but it is very easy to INTENTIONALLY attribute many deaths of respiratory failure to the virus …when in fact
you don t know or just want to inflate the numbers.
MOTIVATION?. $$$…the more cases/deaths…the more funds states/counties/hospitals get from the feds!!
Tony – hospitals get an additional $13k for every patient listed as a Covid-19 patient and an additional $35k for each covid patient on a ventilator. In a time when hospital revenues has tanked because of the shutdown (no non-emergency care allowed) it would be very tempting to mark those patients with the more common respiratory issues as Covid-19. I’ve never heard of a social assistance program being taken advantage of, especially not by dems, but I suppose it’s possible.
I wish someone would throw a shoe at him
@Effscott Fitz-gee …it works like this. The person dies of respiratory failure.
1…the doctor signs the death certificate …cause coronavirus…because THERE IS NO DISPUTE over life
insurance…it s still a natural death…and THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION/LITIGATION like with homicide
or accidents..etc..then IN 99% OF THE CASES…no one questions the death certificate!!
How and why would numbers be inflated.
1…the director instructs doctors that IN CASES OF DOUBT …then make covid19 the cause.
2…the director changes the cause of death ..without telling the doctor…it s easy to do…since no one is
questioning anything.
…then the director sends the numbers to the county board of heath.
3…could the cause of death be changed at the county…?…yes…but not likely!!
..then the county sends the numbers to the state dep. of health.
..finally the governors send the numbers to the US dep of health.
…the governor gets the fed $$…then distributes it to the counties…according to the reported
numbers…and the county distributes it to the hospitals according to the reported numbers!!
What else would you expect from a 5 decade fraud artist?
I heard him say the truth one time “I’m not a Dr”
He thinks he knows better than them! That’s a scary part.
Good point!!
Doctor, nor scientist, nor PRESIDENT!! I just play one on T.V!!!
Can anyone in congress remove him from his office? Apparently he doesn’t know how to be a President.
The man who can remove Trump in a week is you and a million like you.
“There is a moment in Henry Kissinger’s memoirs — do not buy the book — when Nixon and Kissinger are looking out at tens of thousands of anti-war protesters who have surrounded the White House. Nixon had placed empty city buses in front of the White House to keep the protesters back. He worried out loud that the crowd would break through the barricades and get him and Kissinger. And that is exactly where we want people in power to be. This is why, although he was not a liberal, Nixon was our last liberal president. He was scared of movements. And if we cannot make the elites scared of us we will fail.”
― Chris Hedges
Nelson Colon The Senate Repukes are the real criminals
Kevin Reese this county is doomed for all of us.
Nelson Colon it’s a doomed planet for the most part-it’s like nature’s throwing everything its got: viruses, floods, wildfires, and greedy illiterate leaders.
@Wendy’s Garden You too.
“If people want to get tested, they get tested. But for the most part, they shouldn’t want to get tested.” Excuse me. WHAT?!
@parklee manquist Typical conservative. Black and white thinking (all or none; either/or). So since we can’t get Zero covid cases we shouldn’t bother trying anything at all…f#ckwit. by the way, we’re all aware that you’re lying with your link. The Coronavirus isn’t Influenza, it’s far more virulent and deadly, and might even mutate faster than the Flu (influenza).
@Chadd Williams – I purposely didnt want covid bogus studies to bias the truth.
You are assuming that covid cannot be carried by birds or mosquitoes and while IDK, it does look possible,the tests are with different viruses but it doesnt sound as ridiculous as you make it seem.
West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus and other related arboviruses do infect poultry and other birds but transmission to people is via the bite of an infected mosquito and not by contact with infected birds.
This looks like a ‘sucks to be you moment’ in your illustrious posting career.
@Nathan Conway wwwweeelllll sir,i didn’t have symptoms and yea i wanted to be tested. And it took a minute to get it, but i got it. And to the other guy who thinks they are giving you the virus, uh sorry, i was by the grace if God neg. And everyone i know in NYC wants to be tested. Just saying. And uh he gets tested everyday and those around him. Why shouldn’t you want to get tested at least once? And i watched the conference from beginning to end. The dumpster makes me laugh in quarantine.
@charles bridges I watched it live, your point? You shouldn’t want to get tested if you present no symptoms, theres no reason to. Also no, the people around Trump don’t get tested every day, they get tested if they show symptoms, and that was even mentioned in the conference. So I believe you might be lying about watching it
@Nathan Conway No he didn’t tell people to inject lysol. I agree on that. I watch every briefing live. He just asked the experts to check out if it’s possible to inject disinfectant and light inside the body.
While millions of people worldwide were watching. But I don’t know… Does he speak the truth in this video?
they shouldn’t want to get tested is my favorite. how anybody still supports this pile of excrement is beyond me.
I know, like, what is that?
Fake president.
LOL!! That really made me laugh.
I don’t wanna get tested. Do you two imbeciles want to get tested?
Listen to this breakdown of Trumps administration
Trump “oh magic conch shell
what should we do next?”
“ask China”
Conch shell
China said it is not a competition to see which country have the most testing. Trump make it a competition of the most death due to covid-19. USA won. Gold toilet to TRUMP for all the $hit he left behind.
The Conch had spoken
Ac214 CHY – NAH !!!
The “Liar in Chief” has a tantrum every time a woman asks him a question that infers he’s incompetent.
maybe so many women have independently concluded the same.
Or just blatantly makes his stupidity and incompetence pettiness so obvious
moron in chief the trump incompetent mind olny thing his stock market
He eats you up alive huh Doug? Infers YOU”RE an incompetent nitwit. Stupid, stupid man.
“There is a moment in Henry Kissinger’s memoirs — do not buy the book — when Nixon and Kissinger are looking out at tens of thousands of anti-war protesters who have surrounded the White House. Nixon had placed empty city buses in front of the White House to keep the protesters back. He worried out loud that the crowd would break through the barricades and get him and Kissinger. And that is exactly where we want people in power to be. This is why, although he was not a liberal, Nixon was our last liberal president. He was scared of movements. And if we cannot make the elites scared of us we will fail.”
― Chris Hedges
Disinfectant Donnie is having a hard time with this real time fact-checking of his continuous lies.
The phrase should now be: “Trump lied, people died.”
@Effscott Fitz-gee my country the netherlands no real lock down is doing good ! Normal with the flu we have 3500 to 9000 death now we have 5000 , germany to is good and zweden no lockdown is doing good and japan no lockdown is doing good and norway is doing good and denmark is doing good ! Most county,s who didt not have a lockdown or full lock are doing bether then the ones who were in lockdown ! Itraly has every year a flu deathtoll of 32.000 but this year …onley a thirt of that so i dont get it people cant count anny more? They beleaf the story of the house spider became poison spider lol it shows that manny people dont have a mind if theyre own !!! They dont check the flu deaths every year Haha how doe you think they handle it every year ??? Lol this is ficktion like santa !
@Darrell Smith he was with the bad talent
@Greg Swaim might as well have fake news because we have a fake president
@b smith WOW and this hypocrite believe China did the same thing.
Thats odd because hospital’s are being Paid upto $13,000 per covid-19 patient, so their using the old double sided ledger, just like Mobsters.
That sounds like something Trump would do because he’s part Sqeeza.
America Dumptrump.
@Darrell Smith : How long have you’ve been a racist against white people??
Does this guy ever tell the truth about ANYTHING?
He doesn’t mind if his people die…. As long he’s okay and breathing.
Listen to this breakdown of Trumps administration
Anybody else hear the sound of circus calliope music every time this clown speaks?
“An Astounding blizzard of lies!!” When will we vote this con man out of office!!
A Blizzard from the Lizard!
“How do you reply to President Obama hating Trump cult followers?“
“Respond… We went from Real Gold to Fools Gold.”
What was so great about Obama exactly? Honest question.
@Josh Neumann possible only thing he did was fixed economy where we in recession the ending was ridiculously.. he brought insurance but was too high and really not that good
@Josh Neumann he had a good iq and was a decent human being. I could continue but the simple things are what’s missing with this klansmen/spoiled rich kid
So when is a reporter going to have the “Courage” to ask him “directly” why he just keeps lying?
That reporter would get free beers for life.
I was honestly hoping the lady reporter was about to do that yesterday. I would have done back flips. Lol
Why do u keep repeating Trump’s lies , keeping him in headlines ,?
How come somebody in the government let alone president can tell lies all the time and still in charge? Only in America.
He sounds like that student in a seminar class who think he will get an A for BS.
“Think of how stupid the average American is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
― George Carlin
Nota Bene nice quote! Sadly too true….
Nota…the question is ..WHICH HALF??…Carlin never said which!!
The lying accordian hands. He’s always playing the accordian of lies.