Trump Looks To Turn Israeli-Arab Accords Into Votes | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Keir Simmons looks at how the Trump campaign is looking to turn Israeli-Arab accords into votes back home. Aired on 9/28/2020.
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Trump Looks To Turn Israeli-Arab Accords Into Votes | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump Looks To Turn Israeli-Arab Accords Into Votes | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @J Batson prove it and I will believe it….so far hasn’t been proven…….It really doesn’t matter NOW……it’s killing us and Trump thinks herd immunity (IGNORING) the virus is the answer………….at least 140k dead that didn’t have to be

    2. @Don Williams I don’t agree that there won’t be jobs to go back to. There is massive pint up demand for things as soon as all of the hoax restrictions are gone. Businesses are muffled. You can’t even do some things because people are in many cases unconstitutionally hampering business with regulations that the virus gives them authority to do so. Or what really gave them authority was the American people who should be sorry for voting for them.

    3. @Todd Jenkins You are too stupid to insult. Massive amounts of people at Trump rallies.. No mask no covid.. Go blow smoke up someone else’s.. Nobody in my state of Texas has it, only false positives from test’s.. 2 people in my county had it and had been in China and brought into my towns er. A lot of people have respiratory infections from dirty masks though I’ll give you that. I don’t know anyone who has it other than a person that their job made them get tested and they had no symptoms and are fine..

    4. @Don Williams They’re going to drop the stock market as hard as possible and try to blame it on Trump and contest the election. Every indication points to a Trump landslide, electoral college and probably popular vote. But they are going to contest it and when they do the stock market will tank. But he’ll win in the end in the supreme court.. And Nancy Pelosi has already said that win or lose they are going to have their own inauguration igniting a civil war. People had better wake up. The only strategy they have is starting a civil war. These people will be arrested and we may have to go through another lockdown to allow the national guard and law enforcement to do it. Some of them deserve the death penalty. The only people that will be allowed to come out of their house will be militia. Nobody will be playing with them.

  1. Lol Trump got countries that weren’t fighting to agree on paper to continue not fighting. A huge nothing burger. Just like trump, all sizzle, no steak

    1. @Mark bodman As have most of America!The Middle east wars were not started by Obama! They were already ongoing! Trump has just condemned Palestinians to the loss of their country to Israel!

    2. @America The Great and did the guy who paid $750 in taxes and paid Stormy Daniel $ 130000 made the America great.😂😂

    1. Pink Freud they should both take a drug test just before the debate. Both of them. If they both clean great. If they’re not we will weed out the bad one(s)

    2. roger rives We don’t care about Biden’s medical history we just want both candidates to take a drug test before the debates to make sure there’s no funny stuff going on. How can you possibly object to that?

    3. jason rodgers Trump supporters don’t care about his tax returns. There’s nothing in the constitution that says he has to release his tax returns and as far as I know there is no law on the books to says he hast to release his tax returns. Therefore you’re fighting a losing battle. You can talk all you want about tax returns until your red in the face but by the time you give up Trump will be beginning his second term in office. You’re wasting your time

    4. Sara Pulford Well we’ll find that out once and for all when they both submit to a drug test. No need to rely on conjecture. Let’s get it on

    5. Pink Freud That’s the point. Trump has agreed to a drug test. Now Biden needs to take a drug test too. They both should take them at the same time

    1. This so called treaty that the orange ape crows about is a farce crucial and
      Wasn’t,t even included

  2. Trump is not a Noble Prize winning, selfless honoree. Lincoln died for his service to the nation (took one for the *team* while just enjoying a little evening off from the office), JFK took another one for his nation (avoided VN). Trump, not so much. That’s the difference.

  3. Trump has a crazy set of supporters on Israel white evangelicals who embrace Israel then he has white supremist that shoot up there places of worship wow

    1. Evangelicals only embrace these policies regarding Israel because they think that these developments and the resulting conflicts will somehow bring about the Rapture. Look it up, it’s scary. They almost make white supremacists look rational by comparison.

  4. UAE and israel officials made a joint public statement about this deal not being a peace treaty but simply an agreement to “merge fighting forces”.

    1. @White Jesus the only blue wave you will see is the tidy bowl man flushing more of your liberal tears.
      Buy your tissues now soy boy. I suggest you untuck and let the hair grow back.

  5. By replacing a Jewish Supreme Court judge before she has even been laid to rest with a Catholic Supreme Court judge. You’re joking right?

    1. She is not even a Catholic she belongs to a cult of 2500 called Praise the people. They are evangelical. Her parents started it in the 70s. She just went to a Catholic College.

    2. One responsibility of the President is to nominate SCOTUS. Show me anywhere that says Trump should stop doing his responsibility in a election year.
      Many SCOTUS have been confirmed in election years. Just more progressive leftist talking points.

    1. Mark bodman I’m racist toward blacks? Lol… it’s obvious af that you don’t know who your talking to… catch me after the debate lol

    2. @Hull Style Produtions Change the World You are just blind and stupid. Those riots are being organized and funded by the democrats and obama and soros. I know this for certain and you know nothing.

    3. @Hal S Go to obama’s Organizing for America website and also the blm website. It’s right there in front of your face. They are stinking communist turds.

  6. When Mr. “very stable genius” will be out of office, not just the US will celebrate, but the whole world ❗❗❗❗❗

    1. @Cathy WeissI dont drink either, but I will raise a glass in celebration when he is voted out. Stay healthy, stay strong, fight on. 😎✊

  7. How can Donald Trump be qualified to be president when from the sounds of things he’s got his family hiding his stuff from the repo man

    1. And the DNC is hidin’ Biden from the nice young men in their clean white coats they’re ocming to take him away ha ha ho ho hee hee to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time…

    2. I cannot wait for the debates it will clearly show anyone who is not delusional that Donald Trump is not of the things that you think he is he is not a good businessman he is not a genius nor is he stable and he does seem to be suffering early onset dementia all of this will become quite apparent at the debate Biden on the other hand has been working very good of light on like Trump and his exploding trees

    3. It’s starting to look like training day and Donald Trump is Denzel Washington he’s oh and the Russians 300 million maybe more now he’s gonna stay the president for four more years so he can pay off the Russian presidential favor

    4. @Karen De Rosier I gave the OP exactly the response he deserved. Now run along, child. Cookies and milk and then nappie time!

    1. @Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! If MSM were reporting the vast losses year after year that Trump reported so that he didn’t have to pay taxes they’d be out of business. Trump is broke and owes foreigners a lot of money. Comrade

    2. @Mark bodman Cohen testified as to how he submits false documents. There is even a recording where Trump called them up pretending to be a lawyer to get them to raise his value.
      Trump is a fraud.

    1. @Diane Hooper ,
      why not, he showed the left’s true face. that they are terrorists. Trump just told people that they dont have to hate their country and that they dont need to be acknowledged from idiots.

    1. @Reg U ,
      He single handed made a mockery of cancel culture and showed the left true face that they are a terrorist group. He rejected the Iran deal which was giving ransom to terrorists. Managed to get peace in middle east. Managed to vitalize the economy and returning jobs to the country. He is fighting the illegal immigration which will result in increasing the minimal wage. Managed to appoint two justices and nominated a third one. He did much more that i hopped for. If ACB were to be appointed justice i would really be tired of winning.

    2. @lima leaf frog ,

      well this is what is called projection. i would whine but i really have nothing to whine about. you on the other hand have a lot to whine, but enough talking off your go to burn a church or a courthouse.

  8. “Looming large”, but, most Americans really don’t care. Nothing will be resolved as the Palestinians are not even at the table.

    1. And the Palestians will never be at the table, at least not legitimately because they will not agree that Israel has the right to exist.

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