‘Trump let us down’: Nikki Haley criticizes Trump in Politico interview

Nikki Haley, former US ambassador to the United Nations in the Trump administration, said in an interview with Politico that Donald Trump "went down a path he shouldn't have and we shouldn't have followed him."

Read the full interview on Politico.com

#NikkiHaley #CNN #News


    1. @Victoria Anderson all Democratic states did this to covid patients in nursing homes. think about it! Scumbag Cuomo got caught lying about his cover up. Educate yourself

    2. @Sniff Sniff Joe I don’t know where you’re getting your information ships sent in by Trump? Trump doesn’t even acknowledge covid-19. Trump is directly responsible for almost half a million deaths in this country by his inaction,his denial and his lies. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. If he had done what he should have we’d be over covid right now. So I don’t know where you got your ships sailing in to save the day. New York was one of the hardest hit states in the country. When the States called the federal government for help they were denied Jared Kushner told us the states they have to have their own supplies they can’t have ours! One more Trump piece of trash. The blame belongs to one person. And that’s the former occupant of the White House.

    3. @Daniel Morse hear hear, donny bankrupt, his heinous troll son, and manafort going prison for Russia crimes comrade;)

    4. Judgment for all is coming soon enough. Apparently you people are eager for it to occur sooner rather than later and your wish will be granted. Every idle word will be judged. The saints will judge the Earth.

    1. @Don Nwzad then why are you here, wasting your time and ours when you don’t “watch” them. Too bad, just another sheeple following the diseased Republican’s lies.

    2. 100% true, he’s done nothing but support trump through his entire lousy administration! Don’t trust him at all!

    1. As recently as November of 2019 this woman said that “Trump is truthful.” And WILLFUL IGNORANCE is precisely what EVIL is. This woman has long supported an anti-Christ, which is a person who is possessed by SATAN (which is the selfish human EGO). Satan let us down, Nikki? SURPRISE, SURPRISE! A teacher and prophet of God – the prophesied return of Elijah – has spoken.

    2. @Tom Rhodes The more important question . Is why is she so offensive to your political view ?
      Both sides has worse cases of what people are arguing. Are you a scared lefty … or a scared tRumplican ?

    3. @Benson Fang you right … she didn’t enable him. She always kept her distance.
      I knew she was gold when I saw her give that speech in 2012 after Romney lost.

    1. Lennon The Bunny – Exactly. She’s been back and forth like that for the past 4 years, trying to act like she’s being objective about each situation. She’s a joke.

    2. @joliecide do you know that you are rushing the judgment day? Do you know that every idle word will be judged?

    3. @Archangel Metatron Ok you are free to believe anything you want .personally I think people who believe in the sky daddy fantasy are morons who can’t think for themselves πŸ₯ΊπŸ€ͺ😜

    1. Look, President Trump deserves a mulligan!! Because he told the MAGA Patriots to go to the capital Peacefully!!! We can’t help it if there was Antifa agents in the crowd that broke into the building, its not our fault!! My great Texas Senator Ted Cruz is a Great MAGA Lieutenant that will protect our President!! If not then we are leaving the USA!!

    1. I totally agree with you it’s absolutely disgusting one minute she’s on her knees licking his boots the next minute she’s saying he let us down no you let us down pathetic absolutely pathetic

    1. And i find so much joy in that because you know he’s pms-ing like the little bitc… that he is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  1. This woman is evil, trying to take the CULT LEADER’s place. So fake.. get in line with the demonic likes of Hawley, Cruz and Geitz…my dear! Lol…

    1. Yes indeed. As recently as November of 2019 this woman said that “Trump is truthful.” And WILLFUL IGNORANCE is precisely what EVIL is. This woman has long supported an anti-Christ, which is a person who is possessed by SATAN (which is the selfish human EGO). Satan let us down, Nikki? SURPRISE, SURPRISE! A teacher and prophet of God – the prophesied return of Elijah – has spoken.

  2. Santorum says he is the party of blue collar voters when you pass tax breaks for top 1% repeatedly…..are you kidding me

  3. Haley flip-flops like a fish, is that what Republicans want next in their president? She defended him, right up until she saw the voter exodus. She’s no better, and in some ways worse.

  4. Would not vote for this two sided snake woman, same as Lindsey, Cruz, and Rubio, who all can’t make up their mind, like Trump for his lies or against him. I would support Mitt for his integrity.

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