Former President Donald Trump’s legal team responded to the subpoena from January 6 select committee. CNN political correspondent Sara Murray reports. Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, and CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger join Wolf Blitzer to discuss. #CNN #News
Trump legal team responds to subpoena from January 6 committee

He talks in public like he’s so proud of what transpired on January 6th, he should want to answer questions about it.
jen la fina video, kiun vi atendis
I believe that he is proud…
@Rider 38 Ray Epps, a Marine veteran and business owner from Arizona, traveled to Washington D.C. to show his support for former President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021.
Now Trump is whining that he isn’t getting fair treatment. He isn’t getting fair treatment, he’s getting special treatment…unfair to all others who are facing trials.
@Elkslayer YES, we DO have a law stating all paper documents HAVE TO BE HANDED OVER even BEFORE leaving office. Where you been?? Keep up!!
If anyone really wants him to testify then a million or so people need to say, “If he doesn’t show up it just proves he’s a LOOSER!”
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jen la fina video, kiun vi atendis
I don’t think it’s petty . Can no one see the irony in someone labelling another person a loser and spelling it wrong?
Gotta love how so-called lawmakers do whatever they can to avoid following the rule of law.
@Keith Crowell I sure did you are right
@DirtyBird760 I have said what I have said out of my own free will for free for what I have said here is my own choice and mine alone. And by the way, if what I have said here is truly propaganda, then prove it.
@G L I don’t know what you said because your comments aren’t showing up, but chances are that means whatever you said is true.
Who are the lawmakers and what rule of law are you referring to ? Are you a sensible person?
To be sentenced and NOT have to go straight to Jail is amazing. To bad most in this country can’t have that luxury…
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jen la fina video, kiun vi atendis
IDK….. I don’t actually have a problem with convicted criminals going to jail immediately. I do agree the process should be uniform, not 1 system for rich people and another for everyone else. The inconsistency is the biggest problem to me.
Well you defy a congressional subpoena and see what happens to you. It’s not something that should happen anyway.
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Must be nice to be able to put your jail sentence on pause while you fight it. Most people have to fight it while being locked up, but I guess that’s just the low tier judicial system.
Right On!!!
No one wanted the national guard on that day, should have been sent in..
“Only the mob takes the fifth. If that guy has nothing to hide, why is he taking the fifth amendment?” — Trump.
This is the clip u been looking for:
@Tim she received immunity and was practically laughing the entire time. Are you really this dense?
Seriously? Bannon’s sentence “on pause” while he appeals? Yet they claim there’s not a separate judicial system for the rich!! By all means, lets keep him free to continue his podcast and help incite another insurrection.
Me and you can do the same thing delay tactics if we’re rich but if we’re not rich we’re not on the side of that justice system
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@gelas lawas
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Congress needs to consider overhauling the Justice system. Because the laws have to apply to everyone equally.
@james mooney She appeared before Congress, did you forget?
@Trevor Guthrie Not on public office
@Joseph Rose delusional
All the shows is that our justice system favors the rich and powerful.
@InkOne which federal prison is the luxury one?
jen la fina video, kiun vi atendis
@tishwitch Otisville federal prison camps there called camps low security camps look them up or better yet here FPC Alderson.
FPC Bryan.
FPC Duluth.
FPC Montgomery.
FCI Morgantown Camp.
FPC Pensacola.
FPC Yankton.
Is this a revelation? I think it’s called life .
Trump: “Nobody is giving me a chance to tell my side”
Also Trump: “I’m not showing up to tell my side”
This is the clip u been looking for:
@Duane Ashley How?
@Gerard Flynn : David Byrne wrote a song about it; “Psycho Killer”
His lawyers must have put that reply together between monitoring ambulance calls to chase. They have to get paid somehow.
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NOBODY should appeal a subpoena. seems like something only the mafia would do.
Who knew you could even appeal a subpoena
Like our orange hero said: “Taking the 5th is for criminals”. And I’d add “same for who appeals a subpoena”, it screams “I’m guilty!” What are you afraid of?
Nobody should receive a subpoena from a committee of eleven partisans who have vouchsafed their hatred for you.
I like to eat hot dogs on the 4th. But sometimes I like to just eat a cheeseburger!
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Making the full subpoena public is the least this country is owed. Transparency!
I think the country is owed his flayed hide, but if you want transparency, fine, sure.
Document the process thoroughly.
You missed the point
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@Carl-Henrik Kallström there good ppl you sound
@Carl-Henrik Kallström T R U M P is not how you spell Biden.
This is the clip u been looking for:
I recently listened to the incredibly written speech from JFK after the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and swelled with pride at those beautiful written words. That such a leader was running the country. Fast forward to 2016 and listen to Trump speak with all the understanding of grammar from a 10 year old on a playground mocking anyone who doesn’t like him. I’m afraid the inspirational days of Lincoln, JFK , MLK , RFK are gone forever , buried beneath a mile of unqualified politicians , ego’s and hate. We should be better than this ..
jen la fina video, kiun vi atendis
you are better than this. but justice allowes that your sane an decent country gets lost landing in hell.
@Jürgen West a huge let down, DJT can’t utter more than 3 syllables, WH briefing staffs had to use simple drawings to illustrate the points to the “president”
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The Justice system needs to have the same timeline for everyone.
What’s the crisis?
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absolutely, they need way to long to sentence this crook to jail!
jen la fina video, kiun vi atendis
They had a legal warrant to go to Mara Lago for those documents approved by the judges.
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I just don’t understand how the legal system works like that; it seems so flawed that you can just essentially ignore what the courts say if you want to and never be held accountable
It absolutely blows my mind!! How in the world is this man not buried under the jail by now ..
Because our leaders are so afraid of using their constitutional authority that they’ve chosen to neglect their constitutional responsibilities.
We needed decisive action, within weeks or a couple months of the event. What we’ve gotten has been 2 years of hemming and hawing.
Because you are innocent until proven guilty. Guilty in a court of law and not in the imaginations of your detractors.
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