Former President Trump's legal team has filed their pre-trial brief calling on the Senate to dismiss the article of impeachment and questioning if the proceeding I constitutional. NBC's Peter Alexander reports from the White House. Aired on 2/2/2021.
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#Trump #ImpeachmentTrial #MSNBC
Trump Legal Team Calls On Senate To Dismiss Impeachment Trial | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
This may not be as hunky dory as the GOP think…they sound really rattled. What are they so frightened of ?
There might be a some hidden defectors.
We’re after all the kid’s of the Russian spies that got abandoned when Reagan exposed it all.
They use public media .
We find and bury.
I look forward to some future date when we learn what the Russians got as kompromat on the GOP when they hacked the RNC.
Ytis that
oh wow
That BS, if you yell fire in a theater and people get hurt or killed because of you action that’s a crime. You incited a rush to get out. When there is no fire at all
If Michael Cohen testifies…get out the popcorn and Raisinets!
Imagine what’ll happen when they bring out the evidence against Hannity and Trump that was recovered from Cohens safe.
Don’t forget whats his name…. Las Parnas? The Russian guy Trump said he Didn’t know but shows up in Hundreds of photos with Trump and or his friends& fam.
I want ice cream and Dr. Pepper. And peanut Butter Cookies!
@Aunt Edna Red Vines all day!
I think that many knew that winning would not be enough for them
I think he went to the court house and asked the law librarian what to do.
You truly are LOW IQ!
@WatchHumor Oh…bigly words confusing you….keep crying snowflake.
Ttis that
oh wow
But he was still in office until the end of January 19th
and you can’t argue that he wasn’t as he was issuing pardon’s on that day.
For the families who lost loved ones during The Siege
my heart and prayers goes out to you.. this should have never been a part of American history justice will prevail
@Gloria K the only 1 term president we’ve had since the 70s besides trump was Bush sr, therefore hes the only one to have conceded the PRESIDENCY.
@Chris Faudree Yes, NO ONE CONCEDES A PRESIDENCY. Elections are conceded. A Presidency involves a transfer of Power.
@Gloria K you should Google the word concede
@Chris Faudree LOL Yes, you should!
@Gloria K surrender or yield (something that one possesses). People like you are insane, you lost the argument, then continue to argue except using my points and consider it a win. Unreal
Drag every single one of them into Congress to testify in front of the nation. The WHOLE conspiracy up there for all to see.
@Choreboy LOL, turn yourself fin already.
Hi joe i agree with you
@karen court I’m glad someone is thinking!
Ps. This isn’t said enough, so… sorry about the “karen” comments everywhere. I’ve got a few friends with the name and it is driving many of them up the wall.
@Choreboy I watch news from all over. Yeah, lots of it has a left wing bias because so does reality and I like facts. Bite me.
@Jo Marsden if someone were to call me a ‘Karen’ I guess I’d have to call them a ‘Bullwinkle’ …’cuz it’s so bloody stupid
Because they really don’t want to go through the nightmare of having him speak at the trial and inevitably going off script.
Yeah!! You’re telling it like it is! Straight facts!!
Oh, I hope he does speak! He may just bury himself with his arrogance.
“Believe me, I know all about impeachment. I’m the best at getting impeached. I’m the most impeached president in all history” hahhaahhaah
Ttis that
oh wow
He was impeached during his presidency
@MegaKittykat05 oh, you are such a naughty kitty! On point too, I loves it!
You were caught spying Barry
That’s like a robber saying, ” but I’m not in your house now?”
@Supermuttt Exactly.
Correct. In fact, Trump was impeached TWICE during his presidency.
So essentially you can’t indict a sitting president and you can’t impeach a non-sitting president? Wow. What a system….For corruption and crime.
Outright insanity huh, making up the rules to the game as you go, is called cheating
! No one likes playing with cheaters!! 
@Purple Buttafly what? whos side are you even on?
….but he was impeached before he left.
Only the Dictator is above the law.
Ftis that
oh wow
He has to be accountable or the American people will lose all fai5h in this government period
He LITERALLY told them both before and after the incident happend to go out and peacefully protest. He didnt incite violence. Youre incorrect if you say otherwise.
I’ve just read the Jonathan Swan/Axios report on the meeting at the WH 12/18/20 with people including Sydney Powell, and Flynn. Wow wow wow.
If Officer Barbrady from South Park was here he would say “Nothing to see here.”
Was that the document where they spelled United States incorrectly
“Unites States” – crack legal team 
They didn’t have time to spell check. They were just hired & they’re busy listening to the genius tell them how to defend him, you see.
@v blackwell DT has all the best werds.
Ttis that
oh wow
If he can’t be punished for the things he has done by the Senate then charge him as a regular citizen end put him behind bars for life
Insane request.
The Impeached convicted himself by having committed the crimes.
The crime of disagreeing with Democrats
This man incited a insurrection and his lawyers want the case dismiss !

I would guess that Jeffrey Dahmer’s legal team also requested a dismissal first thing.
I wanna see his protesters get called.