Former President Donald Trump lobbed heavy criticism towards the House select committee investigating the January 6 riots during a lengthy speech at the Faith & Freedom conference in Nashville. CNN’s Erin Burnett analyzes Trump’s remarks with former federal prosecutor Elie Honig, former Utah Congresswoman Mia Love and CNN politics reporter Chris Cillizza. #CNN #News
Trump lashes out at January 6 hearings

If the DOJ don’t get this Grifter off the streets, then they are enablers of this madness!
@Kaypo Sia No, you do not need to have experience with something to know some things.
No, you do not need to own a motorcycle or have a license to know how to ride one, but you do need some experience riding one to do it well. Someone that has been trained to ride a motorcycle understands more about that motorcycle than you do. Their opinions about motorcycles carry more weight than yours do, and that is my point.
Yes, an insurrection is bloody and deadly. If the leaders simply give up, the odds are that they will be killed anyway. Typically, the leaders and their forces do not give up and so a true insurrection is violent, bloody, and deadly. My personal observation as an observer helping our people and allies get to safety combined with my personal observation fighting against active insurrectionists while serving the USMC carries infinitely more weight than your opinions, which are based on your complete lack of experience. My opinions are based on empirical evidence.
Yes, I am aware of what Trump is being accused of. As a law enforcement officer with 25+ years of law enforcement and courtroom experience, I understand that being accused of something means nothing. Anyone can be accused of anything by anyone at any time. An accusation alone will always remain completely irrelevant.
If Trump is found guilty of anything, it will not be of incitement of insurrection. The little evidence that exists does not support that conclusion.
Nothing that I have posted has been based on how I feel, but rather it is based on my education, training, and experience, which is extensive.
Trump said that Pence “lacked the courage to act”. Actually, he lacked the authority.
@Mad Dogs & Englishmen ahhh good, then Kamala Harris can do it in 2024
It’s truely amazing how many people just accept what Mango Mussolini says as fact.
@Jean D’Arc BWAAHAAHAA!! No joke!
@michael shultz oddly I don’t disagree with much of what you said. Except the part about the left not being about classical liberalism. And the bit about nationalism not being left or right ……sort of.
Current liberal ideology in the US is entirely about individual rights. The right to have abortion (based on a womens choice), the right to marry who you want, the right to dress the way you want. Etc. it’s totally focused on the rights of the individual. The odd thing is – modern conservatives also focus on individual rights – but only in specific cases. The right to bear arms for example.
The reason I call Trump a fascist is because he actually does believe in the same stuff. For example the collective aspects – trump is all about doing it his way. He tried to pressure Carrier, Harley Davidson etc. he would dictate what companies did if he had the chance.
I think the thing that I’ve found most bizarre over the past 7 years is that conservatives have embarrassed Trump. When there is nothing in his ideology that is remotely Regamesgue. (Sic?).
He’s nuttier than squirrel turds. How anyone takes this guy seriously is beyond me.
@Granny Qute you gotta watch other news outlets granny
DT reminds me of a musical pop star that overstayed their popularity. The crowds keep getting smaller and smaller. Unfortunately, he still holds enough of a base to be an asset to the Republicans.
His base is growing, you obviously live under a rock with Biden
Last fight
Trump is even more popular now than before lol
@Drastic Thompson Troll.
Trump: “I never Lied when I was telling you the lie that I was just lying to you about, that was debunked as soon as I got done lying to you”.
@Carlos Baez how about the traitor
@Terry Hurtado God be with her
@Maya I’m good and you are guessing
@Carlos Baez Nice
He never called him a wimp but he just called him weak? Right. The man lies like he breathes. Heavily, rapidly, constantly and infinitely.
This man is a disgrace and people are still standing by him which is sickening
Hello Charlene how are you doing today.
“Mr. Trump, right after breakfast, had the Stop the Steal Rally, where he incited the January 6th insurrection.”
Trump: “Hey, I didn’t have breakfast that day!”
Like he ever skipped a meal.
Fat shaming inclusive folks. Huh? What a bigot.
Wimp definition: a weak and cowardly or unadventurous person.
Basically he did call Mike Pence a wimp
Trump CONSTANTLY having to dispute and disparage every last single person who has worked with him.
@Main so your answer is “bohooo, I’m mentally 3 years old and…samesies!”
@Cheliozz 304 are you projecting or just another product of a broken home.
@Cheliozz 304 now that the orange man bad has been out for two years when does the good stuff start?
@Harold Moore thought everyone voted democrat for things to get better.
So when does that start. Did we build anything back better yet?
I’m an independent and voted for him last time. Everybody makes mistakes though and the group chat that I’m involved with has like 120,000 independence in it and all of them feel about the same way they’ll never vote Republican again after what they tried to do.
If this committee was a person it would be Jussie Smollett
Thank u.
@michael shultz Voting choices are based in ‘thinking’, not based on ‘feelings’. The capacity to evaluate underpins the understanding of political policies. America has indeed become an embarrassment to her allies – that’s only one unfortunate side effect of America’s domestic terrorism.
@Jose Williams The Republicans traditionally use facts, logic, and critical thinking. They take the time to do the research. They consider the evidence that they’ve found and then they vote based on what they think. This is so well known that it is part of the cold, calculating, conservative stereotype. I’m sharp contrast, Democrats are traditionally ruled by their emotions and they react to the world around them accordingly. They rarely do any research and if they do then it’s almost never enough and never outside of their echo chamber. They do not consider the evidence because they’ve never bothered to read it, much less look for it. They vote based on how they feel.
So you’re partly right. The Republicans do not vote based on how they feel, but the Democrats do.
The USA has become an embarrassment to our allies whenever the Democrats are in charge. This became especially true starting with JFK.
I fight against domestic terrorists every day. They call themselves Antifa, BLM, and other names.
Yeah, it made me laugh when I saw Bill Barr, during serious testimony…”CHUCKLE” at his own president. Thus implying the insanity of the President was comical…I fell out my seat when I saw that!
@꧁ღSwnsasyღ꧂ Yeah, I’m Hip….I’m not really a fan of Bill Barr, but I’m with you on that…His unceremonious posture I found quite impressive also…I’ve replayed that little segment several times, because Barr took a few moments to show his own amusement at the idiotcricies of the President…yeah, that’s a classic (Just for that alone, I’m willing to bet, Trump and him aren’t friends anymore

Last fight
i don’t think he thinks he’s insane. he said he would still vote for him if he’s the nominee. TRUMP2024
“There’s this thing called disinformation,” says the King of Disinformation!
This is precisely why I am convinced he is insane!!!
@Terry Hurtado Terry = Bot
Trump: I object!
Judge: why is that Mr Trump?
Trump: It’s devastating to my case!
Judge: Overruled!
Trump: Good call…but I still won this election by a landslide.
He says he never called him a wimp, but then 2 seconds later called him one of these ‘weak people’!
Vote Trump once, shame on him. But vote Trump twice, shame on you!
@Evan Daugherty Well informed people always vote for policies, not meaningless political slogans like ‘make America great again’. That’s egotistical empty rhetoric.
“I never called Mike Pence a wimp”
Literally, not 20 seconds later…
“He’s weak.”
Last fight
But he DID call him a wimp repeatedly, as witnessed by one of his top advisors.
Does anyone believe a word that comes out of Trumpo’s mouth?
“he had a chance be historic” Yeah he did, the vice president abandoning democracy and aiding a coup would be pretty historic. glad he didn’t take that chance
The government of the USA is not a true democracy and was never intended to be a true democracy. Our Founding Fathers understood that a true democracy would lead to mob rule and anarchy. As such, they rejected that form of government and instead they adopted a federal constitutional republic. There was never any democracy to abandon. Have you ever noticed that the word, “democracy” is not found in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution? Some may argue that we are a representative democracy, but in practice it doesn’t work that way.
There was never an attempted coup either.
“I never called Pence a wimp. I said he lacked courage. He had a chance to be great. But he wimped out. He obeyed the law. Only pussies obey the law. But I never called him a wimp”.
Trump’s audience: “YAAAAYYYYY!!!”
The fact we have to do all of this because a grown man can’t accept defeat and is too egotistical and privileged and believes laws don’t apply to him, is insane to me.