Trump keeps ‘barking’ this at his enemies

President Trump has been known to throw around many different insults at his enemies. But his favorite? Calling people dogs. Chris Cillizza explains.

Donald Trump’s metaphor of choice: ‘Like a dog’

Donald Trump: Isil leader al-Baghdadi 'died like a dog'

Learn All About U.S. Presidents and Their Many Pets, Past and Present

Trump, the first president in a century with no dog, explains why: ‘I don’t have any time.'

Trump Says ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Talented’ Dog Injured in al-Baghdadi Raid

Trump honors Conan the hero dog in White House appearance

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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
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Trump keeps ‘barking’ this at his enemies


    1. @Endless Delirium
      oh…. as if youd know anything about anything …
      Comrade it’s coming to a end all this….
      You don’t understand democracy…
      Thats why , when you were handed it on a plate you let it slip through your grasp…
      Now I’m rich and you are poor…
      A huge land full with massive potential is a shithole…
      You go figure son…

    2. Jackass. By calling someone a Jackass, you are calling them Donald Trump and who the hell wants to be called Donald Jackass Trump other than, Donald Jackass Trump.

    1. @T. The Zombie Whisperer Thats a Democrat for you…they want government evreything even know the founding fathers warned us about big government…they cant even properly do a government ran election but yet they want government health care and not allow private companies they want government to regulate private buisness they want government free college tuition they want government paid family leave they want government universal pre-k they want government Medicare for all including illegal imagrants that don’t pay taxes they want a government “green new deal” they want to turn America in to a socialist country where the government controls over 50% of the money ….hell even one democrat runner Andrew yang wants to charge a robo tax and wealth tax (which wouldnt even pay for half of it) on companies and give 1,000 a month to evrey single American…all that would do is make the companies leave America and then ship there stuff back to America tax free and the democrats want to rais the taxes on major companies to 40% joe biden legit said 40% …..that would destroy this country it would make hundreds of major companies leave …. While on the other hand you have Republicans who want less government and more freedom to the people because all big government does is cause problems and corruption ……but hey according to you evreyone who voted for trump is ignorant 😂😂😂😂yall people are uneducated brainwashed delusional morons…Fox did a segment last week asking people who are voting for a Democrat why they are voting for whoever and legit 71% said on camera just to get trump out of office 😂😂 they don’t even know why they are voting it just to hop on the bandwagon of bad trump bad trump 😂😂😂 Republicans (😂😊😝) VS Democrats (😭🤤😫)

    2. @Thundertrain Do you believe in fairness? If you do then take note, in 2012 the *REPUBLICAN* Iowa Caucus named Mitt Romney as the winner. They then had to say the next day Rick Santorum had won instead. I’m in Des Moines and think states should rotate each caucus. Trump talked and goofed around during National Anthem while Melania held her hand over her heart during Super Bowl game. The idiots running Iowa caucus has no bearing on healthcare.

    3. @Austin Jackson *FFS we already have socialism, it’s called the rich paying nothing and getting a refund for paying nothing*

    4. @Bonnie Parker lmaooo thats not what socialism is you complete moron you obviously are very uneducated but hey i don’t blame you because you might not have time to do the research yourself i blame the education system that the democrats changed when Clinton was in office and then they stopped teaching about these kind of thing they said school shouldn’t have anything to do with politics…but your comment was about rich not paying taxes which i agree they should have to pay some but we have to make it lower or the same then what other countries charge them or they will leave and take the jobs with them and so if its a company like walmart who hires millions of people then i could care less if they pay taxes but if its a company that only has a few people working there then yeah they should pay the same percentage as everyone evreyone else….so please think about things before you speak especially if you wants us to charge the rich 40% like every single democrat that is running has said they will do which willl destroy our country because they all will leave Amazon, Toyota, IBM, Johnson and Johnson, AT@T, GE, GM will all leave they have already said that and some have already done that and just now came back since trump lowered taxes on them ….GM just opened a half mile long plant in Texas Amazon spent 3 billion for a plant in NC and GA Johnson and Johnson in early 2019 finally came back from Mexico and opened there plant in commerce GA who i work for …….but hey according to you and the dems they need to pay 40% of what they make because they are rich …..that is so ignorant…i can’t get over how ignorant that is….do you not think they will leave ….that they are just lieing and will be like oh well here is 40% of my money … they will leave and take millions of jobs with them

    1. I was a long time democrat until shithead Schiff and pissy pelosi tried to impeach Trump for best economy ever.
      Former democrats for Trump

    1. Hey hey hey lookie lookie lookie at the dow jones industrial average.
      All the morons on the left got all excited because they seen it drop a few hundred points the ither day due to the coronavirus.
      . Leave it to the left to hope for America to fail.
      But the reason its up 468 points right now is because the traders are happy that the iowa caucuses failed last night because it shows how much of a mess the democrat party is and there reassured that trump will win 4 more yrs.
      So that alkne tells all anericans what will happen if the dems rig the election again and trump loses.
      We will see a conplete collapse of everything in America and go back to slow,no jobs, businesses leaviing again and all the good that this great president has done for all Americans.
      Its amazing so mnay Americans want to see there families and friends have it so much harder and the cost of everything to sky rockeg just to see trump out of office.
      Ignorance reins supreme in the socialist democrat party

    1. lol democrats talking about dogs while they literally rig the primary right in front of you. Keep the hate going its worked out well for you leftists so far. I am a life long democrat and will never vote left again. It’s clear many agree with me considering how low voter turn out was for iowa. They are rigging it and your talking about dogs and hating on the president. wow just wow

    2. @Eric Larsen They don’t understand why they are losing because they literally think they are better than everyone else, they think they are smarter than everyone else, when in reality and actuality they are insane and misinformed with propaganda like CNN.

    3. @Trump 2020 yo dumbass you still haven’t answered me about how I helped elect AOC when I don’t even live in NY let alone her district

    1. @Tyrade Shift imaginary boogey man because you can’t handle the reality that you’re on the wrong team in America.


      Stay “afraid” of your made up delusion.

      We’re all Russians.

  1. This guy seems at home in more of a Mr Rogers setting. He’s like earnestly explaining what a circus is to children. ‘And the clowns aren’t really always happy, kids. Sometimes they get drunk, and pick on the sideshow freaks…’

    1. @Sheep No More This guy seems at home in more of a Mr Rogers setting. He’s like earnestly explaining what a circus is to children. ‘And the clowns aren’t really always happy, kids. Sometimes they get drunk, and pick on the sideshow freaks…’

  2. When My dog barks at me I always lay on my back and show him my belly it’s to establish dominance. Whenever I see a guy barking that’s him claiming his place and it smell of urine to that’s a good sign that a man has marked his territory

  3. This guy is for laughs
    But in real news
    So I find out this app for the dems doesn’t work I heard the hotline does not work and I heard at this headquarter nobody’s home I also found out that the people who owned this were 2 former Clinton workers go figure perhaps maybe Biden or Warren will be Victorious as for one they don’t want Bernie nor the others wink wink there is nothing new when it comes to the democrats playing dirty even on each other

  4. I subscribed with post notifications on
    School: Spartanburg High School
    State: South Carolina
    City: Spartanburg

  5. Question: which homicidal lunatic leader loved dogs very much, and had a dog named Blondi? I wonder if people worry about their surgeon or pilot’s niceness!

  6. On the contrary, if you spell dog backwards you get the word “god”….so Trump is actually giving them praise!!!!⚔️💎⚖️♦️⚜️🔥⚔️

  7. Finding a viable candidate in the 2029 democrat field is like trying to find a Tootsie Roll in a septic tank.

    1. Well given that people haven’t even started announcing their intent to run in the 2029 election might be the problem.

    2. SailorSocko – Not to worry… if the dems don’t start finding real candidates, 2029 will look a lot like 2020!

  8. at least the dog knows the true value of your medals
    “go check that nuclear explosion boys, there is a medal waiting”

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