President Trump announced on Twitter that Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) will no longer be a nominee for the director of national intelligence. #CNN #News
Trump: John Ratcliffe no longer Director of National Intelligence nominee

President Trump announced on Twitter that Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) will no longer be a nominee for the director of national intelligence. #CNN #News
Only the best people! Trump is such an imbecile.

@Jose Villasenor I bet you left those red lipstick kisses around Trump’s mushroom head.
@William H I pity little Billy H. He is just struggling with his personal demons. Obsessed with the sexual identities of others because he is ashamed of himself.
@William H the way you describe molestation is incredible. It’s as if you are providing a play by play of your own experience. Please get some counseling bubba. You and your family will benefit.
@Jose Villasenor
@Jonathan Noland guess Darwin was wrong about you and village idiots
wasn’t Trump praising Ratcliffe last night?!
The news cycle moves at the speed of Trump, which is to say, racing blindly at breakneck speeds hanging off the back of a golf cart driving like a madman in a tweetstorm.
@Miguel Gordillo
Maybe though A FACT/
trump wanted him as he knew nothing about the job and a proven liar like the rest, but Congress and many repturds showed he was a liar and had no chance, and the gutless trump tried to blame someone else as always.
maybe he didnt want the job, but thanked trump for wanting him in his corrupt gang.
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber wow that is rich coming from a trump parrot that supports the very guy that was quite willing to take healthcare away fro 30 million Americans…go back under your rock you ignorant trump parrot…
Trump only hires criminals. I guess John wasn’t corrupt enough.
@DDKaraokeOutlaw Exactly! McMoscow killed 3 election security bills in one day, but 9 in total! If he doesn’t want to be called “Moscow Mitch”, start playing for our team, instead of holding the doors open for Russian interference. He made his bed, now he’s gotta lie in it.
Investigate for yourself. Discrediting the fake news is so easy if you would only open your eyes. They intentionally mislead you and blatantly lie.
And your a dumbass. Congrats
DDKaraokeOutlaw I always respect the comments of others whether I agree or not.
Leave partisan politics aside.
There is this vast psychosis of illogical conspiracy that the most powerful Nation on earth with literally tens of thousands of people boots in cyberspace and on the ground is either subsidiary or operating at the effect of Russia and its Government.
Have a little faith … we ain’t that inept.
There is no Moscow Mitch or even Democratic Leadership who posses power and influence over our intelligence capacities.
Russia’s Economy much smaller than that of the State Of California
and as such does not even approach an ability to act in arenas claimed.
Re: the Election and Voting Bill
their is only one sure way eliminate fraud .. thru Photo Fingerprinted ID.
available free to all eligible to Vote.
with real receipted paper ballots.
The aforementioned has nothing to do with the Politics of either Party.
Anything short of it is bullshit. If we can stop Casino Gambling Cheats we can Secure our Elections.
Trump needs to get his self together.
Since when did experience and qualifications matter to Trump?
*Pedophile democrats:* _”Women have dicks, men can give birth and pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Now, let’s black face, dress in fancy klan outfit, legalize infanticide, stage some fake hate crimes and kill some white kid for smiling”_
@J. H learn to speak English you Russian Bot
@J. H Your English is horrible
@J. H Stupid mf learn the language
@J. H When you are dead, you don’t know that you’re dead, and it only bothers the people around you, ……… it’s just like being stupid
That’s odd, I thought being unqualified was qualification for this administration.
@Bobby Brown Since, Leonza7 isn’t a tRump supporter, she is disqualified. But, you on the other hand are one so you should apply. Remember, tRump loves the poorly educated.
DDKaraokeOutlaw yea like your precious aoc, give me a break.
Trump vetting process: did he say nice things about me?
You’re hired!
@WTF Again?
Yes and librtards ask types of questions . especially when they follow their leader called fake news CNN .
@WTF Again?
Someone’s really upset that their commander-in-chief isn’t fake news CNN
conference Justice
Mueller cited CNN reporting over 26 times in his report. Not fake news.
conference Justice
Like the rest of your ilk, you can’t even conceive of the idea of listening to multiple viewpoints, checking key assertions, applying logic and skepticism in order to arrive at the truth.
How do people like you, with deeply defective, and misused minds even manage to survive?
It’s a mystery.
@WTF Again?
Mueller time needs to pay the Barr Tap .
LOL! So this guy wouldn’t give Trump what he wanted.
Another Drumpf boot-licker bites the dust.
Keep up the pressure gang!
Not only didn’t get the job, now the country knows he lied in his resume.
@William H how old are you? 14?
@William H probably cause your mum’s tongue is stuck in it.
SURVEY: Which do you enjoy the most on cnn channel?
1. Trolling easily offended pedophile democrats
2. The up to down vote ratio
Obama is to blame for many things.

@William H
Like the sequester republicans put on the military during Obama’s terms.
Then blame him for the weakened military.
Fuckall you dotards with your lies.
Another corrupt crook bites the dust!
Another one gone,

another one gone,
another one bites the dust!
Trump, we’re get you too,
another one bites the dust!
SURVEY: As a democrat, which fact offends you the most?
1. That democrats cannot meme
2. That Trump will win again in 2020
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber
trump serving time in jail and not being executed, like he should be.
or surviving each day when he should be taking a bullet.
@Hawkzblade you got serious daddy issues lol
@Daniel G
doesnt say much for the brainless who stick up for pos on chief.
Who’s next want to audition to kiss Trump’s a**??!!!

Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber
@Jim Alley Hi, as a pedophile democrat, which slur do you prefer against anyone who does not agree with you?
1. _”You’re a nazi!”_
2. _”You’re a racist!”_
@Suzy Q Lindsey Graham surely will get the post
Moscow Mitch is working with the President on some candidates.
President Putin is vetting them now.
You mean a 30 second sound bite from the Mueller hearing wasn’t enough?
Another rat jumps off the sinking ship.
It’s easy to tell you are HOMOSEXUAL.
William H
I’m not interested in you, William Homo. I like women. Feel free to bend forward and eat your own dong.
RAT-cliffe didn’t;’t jump ship. He was SHOVED!!!
That’ll teach him not to buy cheap knee pads!
This rat went off the cliff, trump’s kiss of death, good boy donny
45 tried to install a mole/saboteur as head of the IC. It didn’t work.
Somebody realized that Ratcliffe was also a passenger on Epstein’s Lolita Express. NEXT!
If ya think Rat-cliff is bad, wait till we see Trump’s new choice~!