Presidential historian Jon Meacham joins to discuss the current issue of extremism within the Republican Party in the wake of Trump's presidency. Aired on 2/6/2021.
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#Trump #Republicans #MSNBC
Trump Isn't Where Republicans' Authoritarian Problem Began | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
We just need reasonable people running for office, and voters will common sense
I wish I could hug you. SO true. SO simple, but NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. people like the tribalism
@BTC 605 not me apparently
Right; we need Trump back and people with enough brain activity to recognize a good thing when they have it…
@tony moore

The Founding Fathers did not believe in EVERYONE being allowed to vote and it’s obvious why.
Denial, day in, day out.
That’s you.
And pleading ignorance
Bush example is before social media and the internet.
Good point.
When the Birch Society was denied takeover of the Republican party it took over Christian fundamentalism instead, which took over the Republican party.
@tony moore This is pretty unhinged, even for a trumpist.
@Matt S When did America stop being great?
@ByeByeDon after we let the other people interested of WASP in.
@ByeByeDon – When did America stop being great? In 2008.
But what Matt S said about the Democrats being Nazis, you are going to be ashamed that you didn’t see it coming.
Let’s start with the List that the Democrats made of all the Trump Supporters. That’s what the Nazis did in their rise to power. Would you like to hear more? Are you sure? LOL!! Your smartazz responses will stop, that’s for fcking sure.
@Matt S Maggot
America doesn’t need two political parties; it needs MORE than two & ranked choice voting.
@Bertalan Oláh you / we need rank choice or approval voting
@Martin Gary your a fool..and hardly worth anyone’s time.
More parties, accountability and term limits.
@kingsboro1 False
Totally agreed! Been saying this for years.
Now on to the next logical question: Why is one of the two parties so inclined to turn to conspiracies, outright lies and projecting their own radicalism onto the opposition?
Still waiting for the pee tapes ?
@Zeroth1507 im not into feet, sorry.
@something cool kool story.
@Calvin Parish Bah bah bull sh$+
@Calvin Parish Yep and we found out just a month ago that that Christopher steele Created the Dossier as Disinformation to help cover For Hilalrys own Email scandal. He admitted it.
we have turned into the country we separated from………………in the beginning…England if any can remember why that happened
The authoritarians in power are terrified of the majority of Americans awakening to their divisive game, and unifying…
Americans need to watch what happens in Myanmar to see how they handle the same problem over there. We both have a Chinese installed regime.
yes! and hopefully soon they will rise to the occasion instead of like some who turned coward the night of the capital invasions’.
@truthinesssss It’s the truth. Now don’t take it personally and plz just stop believing in fox
@The Football Planet The assumption that I believe in Fox reveals a bias, but not mine. Also, I’m not a Republican; and I don’t respect any “journalists” who foment division (including those on Fox). How about you?
@truthinesssss fair enough i guess
*Rumor has it that vast sums of wealth was on the move for the last four years! Hmmm! Can’t imagine such a thing….can you!*
End the Federal Reserve for the Rich. They create the wealth gap. Boycott Walmart and Amazon also. We’re all libertarians now.
This man’s silhouette is legendary
it is; should be added to the American flag before democrats put a swastika on it!
Military service members have to pass the ASVAB to get in. Maybe elected officials should have to do the same. Think that would screen out the bottom 31%.
Who is not the rational actor in this equation? I’m genuinely curious?
HEALTHY competition!
What we have now is far from healthy.
Bush was a war criminal.
Bush: “Read My Lips, No more John Birch Society!”
Everyone Else: Uh Oh!!!
We had a Birch John before we got indoor plumbing.
Just to be clear. DJT is sitting at HOME running his mouth, because his dysfunctional political strategies are ineffective and irrelevant. He held huge loud mouth political rallies that resulted in complete and utter FAILURE.
DJT played the “victim” card for 4 years, even though he was in charge of the repressive federal government. So in essence, DJT was arguing that he was a victim of himself. STUPIDITY.
The Republicans haven’t been “rational actors” since Reagan.