As he continues to refuse to concede the 2020 election to Joe Biden, Trump is doing everything he can to make life difficult for the president-elect. Rick Wilson and Sam Stein discuss. Aired on 12/21/2020.
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#Trump #Biden #MSNBC
Trump Is Doing His Best To Leave A Mess For Biden To Fix | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
A Republican leaves a mess for a Democrat to clean up? Shock me shock me! Happens every time.
@herbert fields
Overall, we rate Populist.Press far right biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and misinformation as well as a complete lack of transparency and serving as an imposter website. (Media Bias Fact Check)
So, there’s that.
@peter blood i dont know who you are…but your rating means nothing….populistpress is stating facts here….deal with it.
I am a swing voter I voted for Obama and I voted for Trump. Trump by far got more things done than any other president!
@herbert fields Daydream believer.
Democrats need to do their own thing and stop pandering towards Republicans. They’ll never change so might as well get good things done after winning the Senate, stop thinking Republicans will change ever, get our stuff done from here on out
Karen!!! Your name says it all
Dupe, dupee doo.
What’s stuff can you be specific
I take a moderate Democrat point of view, like the President-elect. We need to lead and we need to extend our hands across the aisle to Republicans moderates telling them them, “Hey, let’s unite. Come with us and leave tRump and his extreme right cronies behind.”
We need to LEAD this country and not leave our fellow Americans behind like tRump did to us.
@Joe Bloe Not yet they haven’t won the Senate. It’s looking more and more like they won’t
He is so jealous of obama and his popularity he is sick
@LA Gangster he gave our troops nothing, nothing at all. In fact he took things away. He did broker a peace deal in the middle east, the Palestinians arent even at the table. He betrayed our allies. And Space Force and the Gaurdians of the Galaxy is a joke. I didn’t know Joe Bidden was the cause of all the wars the last 47 years, I bet him and Chavez are in cahoots and have been planning a massive socialist takeover.

Excuse me, “didn’t ” broker a deal in the middle east…
@Chaos Let’s look at him as a leader in the free world. Ask what world leaders thought of him and viewed him versus some people from that geographical basin of the world who did not have any contact to him or with him!!!!!.
@kathy weis Cool story. ima come looking for ya on here to call you out when your boy Biden starts a new war. Take care
@LA Gangster ok L.A. Gansta, your name cracks me up….

May I correkt you: Trump leaves a mess to the american people.
Toh yes
oh wow
correkt? Yeah, that about sums up you…No GED and no brains. Nuff said.
@Release The Kraken lol go ahead and deflect the truth buddy, if mocking a simple typo makes you feel vindicated in your desperate attempt to defend a lazy orange fat a$$ then grasp at the remaining straws you have left. After all, mocking little stuff is all you have since Trump leaves in a month…
@Release The Kraken Maybe English is not his native tongue. Maybe he suffers from dyslexia. Maybe it was just a typo.
It is entirely possible for someone to make a simple spelling error, without having to be stupid.
Your comment is a logical fallacy, attacking me person instead of focusing on his statement. Easier to jump on an error, that to make a thoughtful, relevant response. But not particularly useful.
Yes I agree

Why won’t anyone just say that trump needs to be swiftly dealt with, he’s plotting a coup, do something people, take out back and you know what to do
A man without integrity and decency, that is the 45th.
you got to be one of those second generation asian…. you have no ideal girl… Obama was the worst president in history and biden ? well he will be the most corrupt president in history
You just described the Democratic Party.
BREAKING! Huge Move to DECERTIFY Election Coming out of Georgia!!! MORE VIEWER THAN CNN
@Brajesh Singh so barr recently coming out and saying Trumps full of hot air that’s on his side
no wonder Trump lost with allies like that lol.
@Drought Tolerant Is that what the people want? Dictator to make laws for us?
Just like a spoiled child, if I can’t have it, no one can.
Tanya Joseph, Well said . . .
No one can have what? The US? If he can’t rule the US we can’t exist here?!
I’m taking my ball and going home – except I don’t have a home where anyone wants me!
Doh yes
oh wow
Wake up..he was there to help the people not the gover
I just need them to lysol that entire place after they all leave. Every nook and cranny.
Yeah well that’s if they haven’t drank it all

Absolutely! To be completely safe, they should wait a couple weeks after the cleansing to move in. Also, whoever does the cleaning should wear full ppe.
Use holy water! Get a priest in there to burn incense possible exorcism.
Petty little boy throws a tantrum when he loses. He’s a blight on American history.
He’s a delusional maniac who has caused untold damage to your country,from London
Petty little boys don’t have control of the most powerful military on earth, access to nuclear weapons or the authority to legally initiate a state of national emergency in order to perpetuate pettiness.
…an orange stain on the American flag…
we should try to keep him out of history books??? maybe not.
@redhead stepchild No leave him and every single corrupted person that supported and defended him in the books so they can be forever shamed in United States history
Such a Childish and destructive man! I have seen a mess from the beginning this is beyond anger for me. Left or right it should be about the people.
Leaving a mess is what Republicons do.
Everything is Russia approved!
tRump leaves a mess without even trying.
Thee most hateful, vindictive, petulant adult child I have ever had the misfortune of indirectly encountering.
@Release The Kraken 1.
. Whatever settles your stomach.
2. Yes, I’m a girl. Shucks. I’ll bet ‘Nicole’ gave it away. Darn.
3. The irony of calling me a dummy and my entire family stupid.
Imagine changing your handle to “Release The Kracken” because you heard some lying, middle aged woman say it.
@Black Knight The fact that you have yet to use punctuation tells me you just might be what you call others. Happy Holidays!
@Nicole Watkins I love everything you have said. #truth
@Nicole Watkins dont do happy holiday’s!!!
I am old school!!
Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year to you and your family
@Black Knight hypothetically speaking what if Trump is infact fired. What will you do then?
“Scorched earth” mentality
I’m happy this Real Estate Agent is leaving the White House.
Remember the Republican outrage when the Clinton staff took the W’s off their keyboards?
This is the most vile, vindictive, egotistical, bully ever to darken our democracy and I’m so glad he got the
Trump is trying to make sure another Republican never gets in the WH.