Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) speaks to MTP Daily about gun legislation, his support for impeachment and more.
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Trump Is A 'Very Unreliable Negotiator And A Very Unreliable Partner' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Trump is a failure, such an empty man
john smith
Another deplorable …..
Did you install the golden tiilet already ?
john smith You are a wack job.
@Mike Hunt who is fredo? i hear this name a lot lately
@Jules Gilberto GODFATHER 2
It’s the stupid, weak traitor of a brother in The Godfather
Go Connolly…don’t give up, get him out of office asap.
Why bother going into a detailed list? pResident tRump is unreliable — period. Those who depend on his words are either gullible or masochistic.
low key : Moscow Mitch gets his Russian money, laundered through the NRA. No hope of change, under those circumstances . . . Ban Lobbying? Legalised Corruption, by which the rich can BUY our politics. It’s kind of OBVIOUS? . . . Smh
Nothing that comes out of the mouth of ANY Trump is true. We see that every day, as well as the past two years. Usually it is the opposite.
Moscow fredo
Sounds like he’s setting ole turtle for the fall if it doesn’t happen
Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican Party have sold out. They don’t care about our children Our Lives of families . They pray to the almighty dollar and that’s all they care about. They’re just waiting for the weekend to come by so they can go on to the next b*******.
The key is to get Hannity to face the threats too. What schools do his kids attend?
Thank you Rep. Connolly for standing up.
Cadet Spanky McBonespurs is an imbecile…
John Preston
…. and Criminal, and a Pig, and a Traitor !!!
He’ll cheat you out of your money for free.
No way, handling fees apply.
Wow you guys are good
Ilia Smirnoff thank you and below Pete also
Pete Gromov great addition
When our Public servants can not solve a serious problem the act like chimps in a zoo and toss hands full of poop at each other and bite the hand that feeds them
Their job is to protect their jobs. Legislating costs jobs, see ACA. Doing nothing allows you to scream and blame but is job security. Legislation for the people costs their donors and they in turn seek revenge. 14% of the country has 40 seats in Mitch’s Senate. 86% of the country’s wishes are up to one of Mitch’s senators and he will not allow that senator to vote for the country unless he gets something first. Like 5 SCOTUS seats will permanently be GOP from 2020-2050, and states can be Christian Republics of American Purity. Pledge allegiance to the Christian Republic flags and to the C.R.A.P. for which it stands.
I like your response thankk you
Obviously, Moscow Mitch wants to put up a Republican-only watered down version of the background check bill. He will never allow a bill created by Democrats, no matter how much the public supports it. He’s a partisan hack, through and through. Plus he’s certainly getting money from the NRA.
I wish Trump was taller and closer to that helicopter
Haha. Anyway for that ‘ thing ‘ drop dead somewhere will be fine.
Wow — that is the BEST comment I’ve read all day. If only…
@Val Me too! If wishes we’d all have our catch! And the bigot would be dead! Only wish he’d take the bigot a**hole V.P. with him…
lee wang Good one. Make our lives better…
PEE-PEE prez donnnie drumpf-TURD
At what political price will the “dim-reaper”/aka mutant
act on it!! What is enough to get him to do the right thing? Maybe being voted out of office might be a great signal to those that want to sit on their hands instead of the job they should have been elected to do??
How far is too far before WE THE PEOPLE finally get the REAL public servants back working for the country??? I guess we will see….
What bs pours from his mouth regarding Mitch.
If McConnell truly wanted to do something regarding background checks he could allow the BIPARTISAN bill (the House passed in February) to come to the Senate floor for discussion and a vote.
Does the NRA $$$ give them a stranglehold around Mitch’s neck such that he tightly clutches all the bills from the house to his chest? He proudly calls himself the Grim Reaper. Does he realize that he not only kills bills but is also killing Americans through his behavior?
nerdaterp He is just one of the despicable SOB’s jerking our country around day in and day out. He needs to be thrown out yesterday.
Internationally, we are no longer reliable and solid. Think about that.
Who would sign a trade deal, or any treaty when the person can unilaterally pull out on a whim before the ink has dried? When you’ve told 1,000s of falsehoods in public, who will trust anything you say? what’s the point negoating with Sec. State if neither of you are sure whether they represent the view of the President 2 hours later? From an internationl point of view. Thats the problem.
These people are criminally insane.
Moscow Mitch only answers to Putin and Trump….
The only thing that Mcconnell will pass, is wind.