‘Trump Is A Clear And Present Danger’ To U.S. National Security: Clinton | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks about how the Donald Trump's debts, exposed by recent New York Times reporting, represent a national security liability, and wonders if some of that indebtedness explains Trump's deference to Vladimir Putin. Aired on 09/29/2020.
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'Trump Is A Clear And Present Danger' To U.S. National Security: Clinton | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. Trump IS a TRAITOR!!! Time to face facts folks. Trump is compromised by his MASSIVE Russian loans coming due!!!

    2. D S : If you call a diet of fast food and sodas, “fine,” I guess he is? Did you know that lying is chemically self reinforcing to the brain? You use the amygdala less and less, preventing you from feeling emotion. Consider the number of notorious, serious lies Donny tells, on a moment by moment basis? He’s literally brain damaged. To the point where he’s devoid of the emotional capacity for empathy and the emotion necessary for conscience. That’s what’s known, in the trade, as a, “SOCIOPATH.” He’s a danger to himself and others and should be under secure medical observation. Preferably in a prison hospital

  1. Excellent question… Who does he owe that 421 million dollars to??! Not that Chris Wallace or Biden would have had the chance to ask anything at that circus tonight!!!

    1. Debate takeaways:
      They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates
      The immediate takeaways were that:
      ** Trump was taking on two politicians
      ** Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times to just 15 times for Joe Biden
      ** Joe Biden couldn’t answer a question
      ** Joe Biden’s name-calling was disgusting and inappropriate
      ** Joe Biden made 33 false or misleading statements
      ** Democrats have to lie to the public about their policies and plans because they are so unpopular and destructive
      Democrats left the debate thoroughly defeated.
      They know they lost. How do we know that?
      Because top Democrats are now all calling for Joe Biden to cancel any future debates. They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates

      HUGE! Hispanic Voters at Telemundo Say President Trump OVERWHELMINGLY Won Debate 66% to 34%

      Ohio snap poll 75% Trump 25% Biden.

      The C-Span poll declared Trump the winner with over 230,000 people voting

    1. @N T Pick a swing state and help them 🌊🌊🌊 go blue. Montana, Iowa, Maine. North Carolina. The presidency is not enough

    1. Debate takeaways:
      They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates
      The immediate takeaways were that:
      ** Trump was taking on two politicians
      ** Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times to just 15 times for Joe Biden
      ** Joe Biden couldn’t answer a question
      ** Joe Biden’s name-calling was disgusting and inappropriate
      ** Joe Biden made 33 false or misleading statements
      ** Democrats have to lie to the public about their policies and plans because they are so unpopular and destructive
      Democrats left the debate thoroughly defeated.
      They know they lost. How do we know that?
      Because top Democrats are now all calling for Joe Biden to cancel any future debates. They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates

      HUGE! Hispanic Voters at Telemundo Say President Trump OVERWHELMINGLY Won Debate 66% to 34%

      Ohio snap poll 75% Trump 25% Biden.

      The C-Span poll declared Trump the winner with over 230,000 people voting

    2. No one in Russia gave Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars for speaking like Clinton after the uranium one illegal deal Hillary made to line their pockets but I guess andrenachrome is too expensive it ought to be a non commodity anyone that supports Biden Obama or the Clinton’s must be doing that as well..like Sandra Bullock admitted to on the Ellen show.😇💓 Watch it before you reply to this comment.

    3. @tahiti treat Putin real is a Corsican I believe that’s the spelling correct me if wronged..he’s never been a communist just born in a communist country
      .Sanders is souless in my opinion..in it for the money.

  2. Trump was acting like a mad man on speed….this guy is unhinged and if there’s people out there still supporting him after tonight…God help them

    1. @Paul Knowsit Rubbish! I actually watched the whole thing live and I saw a rational, lucid Biden and a President who wandered off the topic question repeatedly – either forgetting the question halfway through his answer, or disrespecting Americans by being deliberately evasive. Trump was red-faced, sweating and talking over Wallace and Biden in a desperate tactic stop voters hearing the truth.

    2. @ronald Escoto I think Paul must have signed off. He got thirsty for some more koolaid. I believe the guy must bathe in it too. And use it as an enema flush. Geez.

  3. My guess would be Oleg Dirapaska. Remember the sanctions Trump lifted. Then the money Deripaska “invested” in Kentucky.

    1. @long99brit mail-in ballots are going to be thrown out. you’ll see, another electoral majority win for trump..and then his son runs in 2024. you still here by then?

    1. halalslagt en dansk panser og gør Allah glad by believing every one who disagrees w you is a pedophile, you help insure no actual pedophiles are ever held to account. bc you think opinions and facts are the same thing, you’ve decided facts are worthless- and thats deadly dangerous.
      so if youre not a troll- – then I pity you. You have no critical thinking ability, no concern for truth or integrity.

    2. @Maharajji NKB ….I have a question for you. Why do you suppose there is a once in a 100 year pandemic, economic carnage, fires raging across the states, racial unrest, etc? America is at a precipice because the “evil” you speak of is currently in office. Our country cannot heal until the gaping, festering infection is cleansed. That cleansing will being the minute Trump and his grifting, sycophantic, lying deplorables are voted out of office. Capiche?

    1. Trump BARELY manages to play one on TV. What I saw tonight was a loudmouth, megalomaniacal Dictator, NOT a distinguished President. Trump embarrassed himself, but more importantly, he embarrassed the country.

    1. Mj light , you either didn’t hear about him being unhinged after missing his call with Putin or you don’t want to admit that Trump’s a national security risk. So which is it??

    1. And this is what I’m hoping for ? His KARMA has got to pull this Monster down…its just down the road .. BIDEN-HARRIS 2020💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙For a DECENT AMERICA

  4. Trump poses a national security risk even AFTER he leaves office because of the info he has about our weapons, etc. Dangerous Donny!

    1. Covid is extremely dangerous because grand ma
      But then, Covid is not dangerous at all because Burn, Loot, Murder

    2. @jean reynolds Really? You are *_really_* that stupid? The founders of Burn, Loot, Murder themselves publicly announced they are *_trained marxists_* and *_democrat mayors_* support them publicly as does btw, *_kamela harris_*

    1. Debate takeaways:
      They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates
      The immediate takeaways were that:
      ** Trump was taking on two politicians
      ** Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times to just 15 times for Joe Biden
      ** Joe Biden couldn’t answer a question
      ** Joe Biden’s name-calling was disgusting and inappropriate
      ** Joe Biden made 33 false or misleading statements
      ** Democrats have to lie to the public about their policies and plans because they are so unpopular and destructive
      Democrats left the debate thoroughly defeated.
      They know they lost. How do we know that?
      Because top Democrats are now all calling for Joe Biden to cancel any future debates. They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates

      HUGE! Hispanic Voters at Telemundo Say President Trump OVERWHELMINGLY Won Debate 66% to 34%

      Ohio snap poll 75% Trump 25% Biden.

      The C-Span poll declared Trump the winner with over 230,000 people voting

    2. Marshall Ray trump was interrupted because he wouldn’t stop telling lies. And your offended by Biden calling trump a clown or to ship up. Trump is the biggest bully name caller in the history of politics. Trump should be put in a straight jacket. The man is fried And obviously your collecting your information from Fox News. Cheers

  5. He refused to commit to a peaceful transition if he loses. He is a clear and present threat to the American people.

    1. Did you listen to the debate, Biden said exactly that.. Trump.. Well, he didn’t.
      Next BS statement from you will be shot down exactly the same

  6. I’m not into conspiracy. I’m not into hyperbole. My opinion is this. Tramp is a real danger to democracy and America.

    1. ​@Abu Rahim Easy. Those of us writing strong opposition to Trump are not being arrested and put in jail. The voice of the people will be heard in the press and TV. Investigative reporting flourishes. This “debate” was aired live, we all watched it as Trump disintegrated before our eyes. And we shall vote and not know the outcome beforehand.

    2. @Paul Somers Investigative reporting flourishes. Same as Bob Woodward withheld information, he received from Trump to allow for a book deal. Then he criticized Trump for his statement and decision. Why didn’t Bob the journalist report that to the public back in March? A reporter’s job is to report news. That was news. But for Bob, a book deal was more important then informing the American public. American journalists keep American public functional illiterate and blind to the world around them.

    1. As so many proved when they attended, on July 4th no less, a nice holiday in Moscow sponsored by the Russian government….go figure. Also don’t forget the tens of millions of dollars Russians funneled to the NRA for assisting the GOP in their elections, forever known as the Government of Putin.

    1. @T C my point is most people aren’t as hateful as you. Thats the third time I’ve told you the same thing. And you share that personality trait with the left. This is why Biden will loose. Please specify which word is too big so that you may understand.

    2. travis anders, you are defending a racist organization. You expect people to just let that slide? I push back and you say that I am full of hate? I assure you, it’s just toward racists.

  7. World: Amend your constitutions so that pathological liars never get a shot at ANY government position. Let’s see the silver lining of this mess and move forward

    1. @Marshall Ray Lol being nominated for a Nobel prize is not important, give me your details and I’ll nominate you, well I will if they have one for stupidity.

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