A CNN panel responds to a misleading tweet by President Trump as Tropical Storm Dorian closes in on Puerto Rico. #CNN #News
Trump in misleading Puerto Rico tweet: ‘Will it ever end?’

A CNN panel responds to a misleading tweet by President Trump as Tropical Storm Dorian closes in on Puerto Rico. #CNN #News
Trump has a golf course there but not anymore
not only Puerto Rico is affected we also have the American Virgin Islands that are still trying to recover from too horrible hurricanes back to back in less than a week of each other.
After visiting there recently it breaks my heart how much they still need help. And may only 20% of their hotels were in open functioning capacity.
So on top of rebuilding they’re losing their tourism revenue.
How is it that we can forget about Americans on American soil just because they aren’t allowed or given a vote!?!?!?
@Nancy Rocks oh yeah there’s no corruption here is there?
@LIBERAL LOONS you’re full of s***. Federal aide always helps in natural disasters
@Nancy Crisman you’re a f****** c***. My parents live there half the year and it is not what you say. So they don’t deserve anything? The government is corrupt in the people should suffer you f****** b****
@LIBERAL LOONS you’re a f****** c***
@Hueborn but but but but but but but but Hillary but but Obama but but Hillary but but Obama shuuuuuuuuuuuut uppppp idiot
I hereby order all hurricanes heading toward the US to look immediately for somewhere else to land. Your favorite Genius
TheSilent People
They just need to head north… then when they get to the WALL, turn left… then RIGHT!!! Then left again…
Making a joke out of Refugee laws won’t change their day in court when 90% get sent packing.
Maybe those hurricanes can gather and do a one time fly over…over Mar-a-Lago.
Thesilent People, CNN wants you to jump off a cliff. Make sure you tell ya family you love them first ok!

TheSilent People …maybe Trumpy Lump will put tariffs on the hurricanes …..charge them extra if they kill a lot of people ….PR hadn’t rebuilt from the Maria! Trump blames the people saying they are lazy and corrupt…projection or what? What a guy!
Nothing about the lives at risk. Hazard for humanity
Totally missed opportunity for him to shout out his Pepsi Club homeboys, mad respect for keeping it real. One love. Also coulda dropped a note or two about PETA and some the amazing work they been doing lately. Guess Trump hates puppies and kitties.
D. R. I think that’s kind of obvious you dumbass
D. R. ….so far the comments in this site are spot on! There are intelligent
people in the world
! The island
of PR and the
Virgin Islands
are part of the US but Trump doesn’t realize that! These people are brown so Trumpy thinks they are not American! This man is an idiot….he embarrassed
himself and the US at the G7 ! It was awful….an incoherent, mumbling old Dotard trying to make a speech to world
leaders….this idiot President has to go.! I hate putting the word President and Trump in the same sentence! I’ve also noted that many of the Trumpers on this site have gone back into their caves over the past few weeks…like Kev lar,Andrew Garcia,Sundial and Thomas Fletcher…to name a few! Have they finally grown brains
….what’s up! ?
If you think his words ” will it never end” is about the money and not about the impending disaster…. then you really have drank the CNN cool aid .
Jeez Puerto Rico….stop having hurricane season would ya ?
@Nancy Rocks after what happened before you don’t kid. Wtf is wrong with you
Nancy Rocks How can you be sure he was joking?
Nancy Rocks If he is then it’s not that funny.
What a good desription of his subjects. The King of the Jews folk are assholes. It’s spot on. But it’s antisemitic. Bigot!
Is not like a like the weather in my island. I hate tropical climate, the heat is barbaric. I would love to live in a place that cold most of the time, I wish I lived in New Hampshire where my uncle is. Cold wind and snow hmmm.
According to trump he can just nuke hurricanes so they dont need funding anyways. Smfh…….
Not to worry the stable genius will bring paper towels.
He threw paper towels because the toilet paper are for the freeloaders aliens from DR the queen of welfare and other countries that come to live at expenses of the tax payers including PR that is part of the census. Find your country on the list. @t
@Jazs and ari The republiKKKLANS just made the farmers the new welfare queens. Dam commie/socialist scum !!
I could just see them handing him heavy cans of food and him throwing them at the people and knocking them out.
@jon122569 you’ll die when the war happens
Trump is costing Americans more than these storms.
If something needs to end, it’s his stupidity!
@Akela DeWolf Your sexual prowess won’t help in making America Great again… Intelligent will
@M. A. Wow… So rightist vocabulary is mainly swear words… Good job
@Al Len With his support for White Nationalist, Trump made sure Blacks just feel more discriminated at works and paid less even if they got jobs… The short term effect of stocks and wages rising is unmatched with long term threat of recession and stunted world economy… Thanks trump
nazmi nazmi he doesn’t support white nationalist, you moron. Just another thing you willingly swallow that the main stream media dangles in front of your face without so much as a gag reflex.
In the speech that the media willfully lies about where he says there’s good people on both sides… There were good people on both sides. Some came to just protest the fascist tearing down of statues and monuments. He explicitly said that he condemns white supremacists totally Those words were explicitly stated in that very statement that the media lies to you about and used and you are too stupid or lazy to follow up on.
Go ahead check it I’ll bet you $1 million he explicitly says it you fucking dolt
you got that RIGHT
Will it ever end?
I thought you said climate change was a myth
@Eric Larsen wrote, “What are you people going to do when the dominoes start falling?” – If it’s all the same to you, we’ll worry about that bridge when we cross it because it may be we may never need to.
@Eric Larsen wrote, “You know, the border wall upon which Trump ran, and got elected on? :)” The one he shut down the government for and played checkers with federal payrolls with but not before saying Mexico would pay for it. That wall? (Slow clap)

@Mind Freshener that doctor seams very credible. To what do you take exception with Mark shrime? Did he do a study that was “debunked” you know that is what peer review is for. So if he was published and did not stand the scrutiny of the peer review process his study would never be cited and would just die. You should probably learn a little about the subject before making up your mind, regardless of whom you heard say it this one time.
@Eric Larsen – Btw do you have any scientific authority to validate that humans are not the cause of climate change since we started measuring from say 1950 to present day? If you do have the scientific authority stating this, please feel free to post the findings here.
@some guy Did you know that research grants come from the Government and its daughter entities who take the Government’s tax exemptions to finance it?
Learn a few things about Scholasticism.
And just before you go on to deflecting that “not every Government is the same”, visit BIS, click on its [Member Central Banks] button to see where all Governments get their money from.
Trump asks “Will it ever end?”. Hopefully in 2020 if there is a God.
This is why I’m a pagan now. Christianity are hypocrites, always desperate to see the good in people, especially when there just plain bad.
If you don’t vote for President Trump in 2020 you are a racist libtard.
Thats Trump right?? The God himself

@Adam Eaton LOL wait until 2020…you’ll see
@BERNRED 1984 Mueller report confirmed everything I thought about corrupt Trump….Russia interfered, Trump welcomed their interference, Trump tried to obstruct justice numerous times…. he’s despicable, you’re despicable too.
@Diane Cadeau Trump win again in 2020
Puerto Ricans marched to fight corruption on their island, I hope they do the same in Washington, most Americans will support them
Trump’s America…
See history we”re fated to learn from
being made before your eyes.
When Will it ever end? Puerto Rico just tell the storms to go away. We all know that’s how it works!
Tell the christians to pray on it ! LOL.
It’s not gonna end anytime soon. May I suggest you resign? You won’t have to bother with it anymore……
trump´s complaining is his preparation for selling Puerto Rico, just wait a few days…
He’s pissed bc he was going to offer it up for Greenland.
good deal, lets get out! we can spend OUR MONEY where we make it, BACK HOME! who needs to fly or have a LONG boat trip. jus stay home.
Yep they move the Island so that the Hurricane will hit it. That way they get money. What a GOOF !!!!
President Trump =
, he and his family are the true definition of economic privilege.
Jealous much??
Lilhopper=dumbass fucktard idiot.

Dam Puerto Rican’s they keep startin all these hurricanes…don’t they know they have to rake the leaves!