Trump told a rally crowd, 'We're going to defeat socialism and put a man on the face of the moon.' To clarify… we've already put a man on the face of the moon. Aired on 10/11/19.
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Trump In 2019: We're Going To Put A Man On The Face Of The Moon | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Those brain cells are misfiring…
What brain cells?
When there’s only a few firing that will happen.
He’s only doing what he’s always done – difference now is he seems not to be able to remember what he said a minute before.
he’s a spark plug shy thats for sure
*Can’t fix stupid but the hats make it easier to identify.*
@Jay Morgan
“gormless(Adjective) Lacking intelligence, sense or discernment, often implying lack of capacity of will to remedy the condition. gormless(Adjective) Inexperienced, naïve, innocent to the point of foolishness.
thanx for the word, dude, most appreciated
@Johnny Bravo
feel all tough now do you?
you really think your little popguns stand a chance against the military?
how true that is just look at the fools with their red hats on
@RuBaron715 and cause cancer
Too much meth, yet again.
i don’t think it’s meth, he’s really that dumb. he doesn’t read or listen to anyone else.
I wish we could blame meth. This is his own fat self.
Donald’s impeachment would be a small step for America. His departure from office a giant leap for mankind.
at the cackling Serpent children buried in lies
@king of the swing. Your a trump nazi troll what you think about that.
@touchwood108 you touching your wood again
He wants to put himself on the moon just to stay outta prison. Smart man
No, he said a MAN, not a turd
Maybe he wants to build a Trump hotel there. It is unspoiled real estate.
This guy, has to be really sick in the head. He’s the stupidest person I’ve ever seen. Or how the orange balloon likes to put it. Donald trump is the stupidest person in the history of mankind
fine with me, just one caveat…no suit
At least he comes by it honestly. He’s probably sitting around brainstorming (LMAO) thinking, “man, America, what a great place. We’ve had airports since 1776 and we have yet to put a man on moon. It’s like right there too. You can see it. I can almost reach it from my tree house.”

He’s about like 50 years too late
@Jugganuat – *Nope, he can’t read…heeelllloooo! And I doubt that there are coloring book versions of classified documents.*
@joe mazamutto yeah…1650s
@Lumis Sappier

How can you jump from socialism to putting a man on the moon ? Rick Perry wrote that
Yeah and girls will hoola hoop with the rings of santern, when they do another episode of the world”s dumbest criminals trump is a shoe in, i got a brain freeze on that one.
I think he knows that government-run space programs _are_ socialism. He’s on his emperor-with-no-clothes trip, but in his case it’s the emperor with no brain.
Plagiarised from a JFK speech? He was popular, right?
They have gutted this country and put a perpetual smile on Vladimir Putin’s face!!!!!
Die hard with a VENGEANCE… It’s always about MONEY. GOP+NRA+KKK=KGB.
The announcement to abandon the Kurds & Syria happened on Putin’s birthday…….. enough said how traitorous this President is to deliver such an obvious gift to Putin & Russia.
Look at you ignorant turns trying to think for yourselves. So special, ha ha ha ha
@griffinwm Love Beau! A true voice of reason and sanity.
Trump is gonna build a wall on the moon and have mars pay for it!!!!
@snoop alert wrong
@Don Schilling nope and they’re prepping to more building sites
I’d like to take whatever drug he uses just once and record it, just to see how much stupid stuff it would make me say.
I mean, I’ve met a lot of idiots but this guy is off the charts.
he snorts Adderal…hitler was also a drug addict!
Never seen such a total absence of shame. Bewildering.
This is so embarrassing, and I’m not even American…LOL !
@Maryann Martell I’m really sorry for you…but I think your country will rise stronger after Trump. You will always be, for us Europeans, our sisters and brothers (but after Trump leaves the oval office or course)
I’m danish and I’m only here for the comments… laughing so hard
You’re the embarrassment for getting duped by msnbc be Serpent brainwashing operatives
Count your blessings, I always say.
Oh so he’s no longer going to cure cancer…
He can just say he already cured cancer, just like his lies about already building the wall, and his rally goers will lap it up.
And he’s going to stop the persecution of homosexuality across the entire globe. >eyeroll<
He’ll do that on weekends, while watching Fox & Friends.
Houston, the White House has a problem.
@SouthSide Chicago
What do you think about all failed promises he made at the campaign?
Trump makes it so easy! the guy is a total joke.
@The Punisher Is that why he is so orange?
@SouthSide Chicago
” but nobody has ever since?”
Landing on the moon has been a difficult feat, but it has been done by both manned and unmanned spacecraft. The very first nation to reach the surface of the Moon was the Soviet Union. A man-made spacecraft known as the Luna 2 arrived at the surface of the moon in 1959.
Fast forward a decade later, and the first manned mission landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. This mission was known as Apollo 11 and was launched by the United States. Commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon.
From 1966 to 1976, the U.S. and Soviet Union launched a total of 12 unmanned spacecraft to perform scientific operations on the surface of the moon.
As of early 2019, there have been additional nations that have had unmanned crash landings on the moon. Those nations include Japan, the United States, French Guiana, China, and India. In 2013, China’s Chang-e 3 made an unmanned landing on the moon. The Change’4 – also launched by China – was the first spacecraft to reach the far side of the moon. This occurred on January 3, 2019.
as for “manned landings, why bother?
we already know what isn’t there
and robotics can preform the feats just as well as man
@Dumpty Humpty Well the biggest promise was tackling illegal immigration. I think that’s been handled pretty wall so far, especially when you finally see The Wall being built, although 1.7 miles isn’t much..but he still has another year plus ICE has been doing terrific. As a matter of fact my neighbors 2 doors down were finally taken by ICE last Thursday after the husband had the police called on him for beating his children. anyways, the economy was another promise, and last time i checked it was doing great, especially yesterday after the deal with China i think it went up 300 points? I know what you’re getting at, so why don’t you tell me what President in the history of our country was able to deliver on every promise? You can’t, because there’s never been one. Remember, there’s a process that includes the house opposition and Trump is the ONLY President that has had to deal with such great opposition because they are just angry that he won, and that’s irrefutable.
Johnny Boy!!!! Stop lying
Johnny Bravo details please
@kevin bacon he has no details. He would say anything to lie for his savior. Just like his momma.
omg this orange clown is brain-dead.
@Andrew Gocken no stop saying that. Liberals aren’t’ blindly fallowing a leader like donald trump
He’s hoping there’s no extradition treaty with the Moon.
lol sO TRUE
And those brain dead idiots cheered it on as if he said “taco Tuesdays”.
Saparagus Ur very near correct about it being half of the country, so yea it is a little terrifying
Lego movie reference?
I just cant believe it these people act like he can say or do nothing wrong where did they come from
That stadium should have been silent but since he said the word socialism before YEEEEEEEEHHHAHAAHAAAWWWWW YEEAAAAA
This is going to cause problems in Trumpanzee World. Half his audience believe the 1969 moon landing was a hoax. The other 50 per cent think the earth is flat.