Alan Dershowitz, one of President Donald Trump's impeachment attorneys, discusses his role on the President's legal team. #CNN #News
Trump impeachment attorney Alan Dershowitz describes legal strategy

Alan Dershowitz, one of President Donald Trump's impeachment attorneys, discusses his role on the President's legal team. #CNN #News
Being the “Devil’s advocate” is supposed to be metaphorical, not a job description!
From the beginning—that is to say, from November 9, 2016—impeachment has been a cause in search of a trigger, an occasion. The president’s enemies hoped they’d finally hit pay dirt when an anonymous “whistle blower” alleged that the president made, or attempted to make, foreign aid to Ukraine contingent on that country’s government investigating his likely 2020 challenger. Or, in other words, that Trump attempted to “collude” with a foreign power to influence an American election. Where have we heard that before? It only took two years, $32 million, 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents and other staff, 2,800 subpoenas, and 500 witnesses for a special counsel to “not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” according to the Mueller Report. Yet here we go again?
Adolfo Cardoza is an idiot
Bellicose Ataraxia and yet look how many tens of millions were recovered and how many people plead guilty and are in jail.
@Ed S So, the ends justifies the means?
It’s ok to defraud the FISA court and trample on American citizens rights as long as we are able to confiscate money and put away people on crimes that were either declined for prosecution a decade prior (Manafort) or process crimes tar others aren’t held to the same standard of (Flynn)?
Why wasn’t the Podesta’s arrested, tried and sentenced with Manafort, considering they were all working together?
Why hasn’t McCabe, Comey, Hillary Clinton, ect all charged with Perjury considering there is plenty of video evidence of them lying to Congress?
Why are people so ok with enforcing the laws on some, but not on others?
Abuse of power is exactly why we have an impeachment clause. Come on, man.
@sal been wrong Imbecile LMAO

@1G3001 Shutup filth
@Mentos 93 wrong Imbecile LMAO

Our beloved rightfully elected dear great anointed King and Supreme Leader TRUMP is breaking all economic records!!!! Enjoy your money!!!!
Mentos 93 – Derpty Doo!
You mean sham impeachment by the democrats in the first place
Inspector General Michael Horowitz finally damned the FBI during his testimony Wednesday when he said he would be “skeptical” that there was anything accidental in the egregious catalog of errors the bureau committed in its spying operation on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. It took five hours of questioning about the FBI’s motivations, but Horowitz, prudent and impartial as he is, finally delivered the money shot. Asked by Republican Sen. Mike Crapo if the 17 “significant errors or omissions” he found in the FBI’s surveillance operation could possibly be “accidental,” Horowitz said: “I would be skeptical.”He went on to explain that “the answers we got were not satisfactory [so] we’re left trying to understand how could all these errors have occurred over a nine-month period on three teams hand-picked, on … the highest-profile case of the FBI, going to the very top of the organization, involving a presidential campaign.” The Justice Department’s independent inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, and his team uncovered a staggeringly dysfunctional and error-ridden process in how the F.B.I. went about obtaining and renewing court permission under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, to wiretap Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. Most of those targets never learn that their privacy has been invaded, but some are sent to prison on the basis of evidence derived from the surveillance. And unlike in ordinary criminal wiretap cases, defendants are not permitted to see what investigators told the court about them to obtain permission to eavesdrop on their calls and emails.
R. A. Idiot detected.
CNN should stop bringing on this Rapist. Alan has lost all credibilities left in his pedophiliac life.
whatever happened to overwhelming evidence? it is flatulence in the atmosphere only Greta can see. the Democrats are trying to turn this into a Pro-Democrat circus….Rush Limbaugh on Nov.11th announced Lev Parnas was being groomed by the Democrats, they could have subpoenaed him, he is not protected by executive privilege….which should tell you it is all a sham. Executive privilege is the Constitution…..the Democrats are trying to convict via ESP…. what they believe President Trump was thinking face the facts, the White House provided Mueller more than 20,000 pages of materials, and the campaign has provided more than 1.4 million pages. It says more than 20 White House personnel have given interviews, including eight from the White House counsel’s office. Seventeen campaign employees “plus 11 additional individuals” have given interviews, Trump’s attorneys say. “The cooperation and transparency are unprecedented,
I call everyone who disagrees with me a rapist as well
@Janet Airlines op is referring to the fact that Dersh defended Epstein in court and famously got massages in his underwear from Epstein’s “massage girls”
CNN Brought in felon Michael Avenatti every single day and even anointed him as the next president. Where was your fake out rage then?
Do trumps enablers NEED a strategy? Don’t we already know Senate Republicans won’t remove trump
Why would you want to remove Trump? I’ve read the articles of impeachment very carefully first of all there’s zero clams listed. And the articles were sent over with no bipartisan support. In fact the only bipartisan was against impeachment when three of your Democrat friends came over to our side and one even left your party and joined the Republicans because it was so corrupt.
Matt Gaetz congressman Trumps Republican enablers in Congress have no intention of removing this corrupt dishonest lawless pathological liar criminal. Why do you support a president who’s told over 16 THOUSAND documented lies since taking office and is using the presidency to financially enrich himself and his family
“I would like you to do us a favor, though”
-Donald Trump to Zelensky after Illegally withholding Congressional approved aid to Ukraine.
the Democrats claim Trump dog-whistled Putin to release Hillary’s emails….he was joking, evidently above Democrats I.Q. but if he was Putin’s puppet why would he need to ask…and where are the emails…actually President Obama was Putin’s toyboy, promising off-mic to sell out America’s nuclear defense…add it up…Obama knew Putin was invading Crimea…Trump withheld aid to Ukraine for 55 days…Obama 4 years…even had his ambassador write on op-ed to say no military aid for Ukraine…was so assured Hillary was going to win he did nothing to stop Russia’s interference in 2015…instead he sent Ukraine blankets and box lunches…Trump sent tank-killing weapons and as far as Russia goes sold out 20% of our uranium he and Hillary probably sent to North Korea and Iran and as far as Russia and Trump is concerned President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years
@Bellicose Ataraxia <--Euthanasia is your best option
You were exactly right. Trump asked to do us a favor. The United States of America. And investigate the crimes committed by crooked Joe Biden and Hunter Biden when he did a quid pro quo right on camera threatening to withhold $1 billion in American taxpayer money if Ukraine did not fire the investigator investigating his cocaine addicted son hunters corrupt gas company paying him $83,000 per month. Typical Democrats here in America, no crimes their. Lets MoveOn
@Bellicose Ataraxia The president is in control of all Foreign policies. He has suspended a lot of aid to foreign countries. He ran his campaign on cleaning out corruption and the swamp.
So basically his strategy is lie act like a clown lie again then tell the GOP to fix the whole trial SMH
88Gibson LesPaul no my leftist friend. Actually you’re wrong. Donald Trump won the overall popular vote by a staggering 7.5 million votes in America’s ‘heartland’ and all the swing states.
Hillary Clinton overtook that lead in one state.
Illegal migrant infested California.
The poster child for the liberalism and failed policies, urine, feces, hyperdermic needles, and thousands and thousands of homeless tent encampments on every street corner.
The founding fathers were geniuses.
They knew that one radical crazy liberal state could destroy the rest of America.
Thank goodness they created something that angers leftists.
“It’s called the electoral college.”
@Uptown Philly more like $6.00 or $7.00 an hour I would just stay in bed all day and sleep lol it ain’t worth it lol

Republicans: Listen and play the arguments from the opposing party.
Democrats: re-run their own defense all day and take select clips of republicans less than a minute here and their.
Sad when Fox News is center news compared to cnn and msnbc.
Dershowitz wearing his Orange Sphincter super hero panties.
Alan Dershowitz Need To
His Mouth He Should Have Listened To His Wife And Stay Out Of Trump’s Corruptions Lies !
Whatever reputation he had after left defending OJ Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein has turned to pure Dust. Did he believe that he was going to end his career with bells and whistles? He’s ending his career with nothing but SHAME AND HUMILIATION FOR DEFENDING THESE MAGGOTS.
He’s protecting Israel’s asset, Trump.
DENISE BELL When CNN stop paying you and your money starts to get low look for other place like most of Trumps defendants. $$$$$$$ Money rules the world.
This corrupt lawyer
“the devil protects his own”
2020 is in the bag MAGA
Dershowitz doesn’t mean ANYTHING he says. His words have NO weight, NO substance, NO form, NO color, NO truth. Much like when trump speaks
independent vote
There’s one little inconvenient pesky document that keeps getting in the way of the Democrats impeachment.
“The constitution“
Republicans: Listen and play the arguments from the opposing party.
Democrats: re-run their own defense all day and take select clips of republicans less than a minute here and their.
Sad when Fox News is center news compared to cnn and msnbc.
@Matt Gaetz congressman Go Matt
and thank you for occasionally speaking with us folks which you represent
trump’s* plan is to keep lying and denying
And your plan is to murder more babies once he’s gone.
@Ziroidex you changed the topic from trump’s wickedness so quickly that I nearly got whiplash! Do you have anything substantive to add about trump’s* removal or are you just a dim-witted maga loudmouth?
@Ziroidex How is this relevant? Who is killimg babies? Is the individual right to own a gun the same as an individual right over one’s body? The subject here though is over the destruction of article 2 of the constitution. Stay focused, this is not a time for obfuscation.
We can find out all we need is Witnesses, and Documents!
Moscow Mitch McCoverup needs to allow Witnesses and Documents!
and have the Biden’s required to testify? proving the connection of Hillary-Obama-Fusion GPS-Steele Dossier-Russian and Ukraine Oligarghs-Burisma whatever happened to overwhelming evidence? it is flatulence in the atmosphere only Greta can see. the Democrats are trying to turn this into a Pro-Democrat circus….Rush Limbaugh on Nov.11th announced Lev Parnas was being groomed by the Democrats, they could have subpoenaed him, he is not protected by executive privilege….which should tell you it is all a sham. Executive privilege is the Constitution…..the Democrats are trying to convict via ESP…. what they believe President Trump was thinking face the facts, the White House provided Mueller more than 20,000 pages of materials, and the campaign has provided more than 1.4 million pages. It says more than 20 White House personnel have given interviews, including eight from the White House counsel’s office. Seventeen campaign employees “plus 11 additional individuals” have given interviews, Trump’s attorneys say. “The cooperation and transparency are unprecedented,
@Bellicose Ataraxia Throw em all on the stand. Try them and fry them.
@Bellicose Ataraxia So you are saying that Trump can break the law, but not anybody else?
What’s hilarious is that these lawyers and officials are destroying their credibility and legacy for an unscrupulous president who won’t blink an eye before throwing them under the bus.
@Julie Fleming Thanks for the giggle!
@Varekai Ascendant it’s beginning to look far more likely that Adam Schiff is the one that will be found behind bars!
@Varekai Ascendant watch the impeachment hearings from today! It took them less than 2 and 1/2 hours to totally destroy the impeachment argument, and to show how big of a fraud Adam Schiff is!
@Varekai Ascendant – LOL, yes!
@Matt Gaetz congressman Donald Trump Talking Figgure, Says 17 Different Audio Lines In President Trump’s Own Voice.
Why Not Having The Orange Turd Testified In Person and under Oath, just like Clinton did?
@Congressman Jim Jordan Whatever Gym Jordan, go ahead and join Dr. Richard Strauss..

just like his willingness to show his tax returns
Because they’d tear him apart. He doesn’t have to brains to defend himself.
@Congressman Jim Jordan LOL..There doesn’t have to be an underlying crime to be impeached cult member. Just ask Graham, he said it himself. And just there IS a crime, or perhaps you missed the GAO report that states traitor boy BROKE THE LAW when he withheld the Congress approved funds..And just FYI, a sham trial isn’t going to make traitor boy politically stronger, it will simply spell the end of the GOP. Only traitors will ever vote for them again. Enjoy when #3 is taken into custody come Jan. of 2021. He has a whole stack of felonies already waiting for him….
It’s gonna get thrown out for no crime.. The dems hate Bernie they are keeping him tied up there..
Ken Starr and Pantless Dersh The Perv. Defended Jeffrey Epstein, got him a sweet deal and now they are defending another Sexual Predator on Trump.

The more guilty they are the more he wants to defend them.
you remind me of Adam….Schiff is a scatological wind bag…..we do believe he is a coprophagic sordid human with urophagia tendencies
@Bellicose Ataraxia So………you support pedophiles and their mates. Good stuff, deplorable.
Ken Starr got a draft deferment for psoriasis. I would have given him some lotion, and a gun, and said…”good luck, patriot!”
The slime just rolls off him.
pssst….Schiff is a scatological wind bag…..we do believe he is a coprophagic sordid human with urophagia tendencies
Republicans: Listen and play the arguments from the opposing party.
Democrats: re-run their own defense all day and take select clips of republicans less than a minute here and their.
Sad when Fox News is center news compared to cnn and msnbc.
Duely elected.. seriously
he was put in there by Putin!

@SJA and the paranoia
is that you hilary
You are correct, anyone who says he or she, assuming genders here sorry, is not ignorant is a fool. Of course I am ignorant, I do not know everything about politics. I just know I was fooled in 2015/16 by the media especially CNN and their famous poll that HILLARY WILL WIN. I was fooled then, never again. I will not even believe FOX. I listen to everything, read as much as I can and make my determination. I like Trump because he is independent in action and thought, he does talk too much crap, but he is authentic, loves this country and is working very hard. What makes you not like Trump? Please be specific, do not tell me he is a dictator or racist or some such nonsense. Does Trump just mess up you view of the world and this country?
@ryvr madduck they only argument they have is orange man bad
Mueller already debunked that.
Try to keep up.
Is he paying for this interview!!!not when you telling the legislators what to bring into the law!!
If this bozo didn’t have Moscow Mitch rigging this, these lawyers wouldn’t have shown their faces. If someone is holding the victim down, Dershowitz is there to climb on.
Alan Dershowitz’s defense of Trump in the Senate impeachment trial, according to Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe: “Alan is completely wacko on this.”