Trump, who has been sharply critical of Stone’s case, on Friday said he’s considering using his executive clemency powers to keep his friend out of prison. “I’ll be looking at it,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “I think Roger Stone was very unfairly treated.” Aired on 07/10/2020.
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Trump: I’ll Be Looking At A Pardon For Roger Stone | MSNBC
Stone is a criminal. Why does Trump always defend and protect criminals?
Birds of a feather flock together they are all JAIL BIRDS
why is water wet….. you fkn know why
@Pat Veldon magas cant read.
Stone was commuted..Fake news is late reporting it or most likely incompetent..If Russiagate was proven fake ,that means everything else was fake..Stone was the victim
Criminals stick together
These traitors need to be brought to justice. He only wants to pardon because stone has dirt on him.
” No one is above the law ” including Stone. Pay your debt to society.
When you accept a pardon you lose your 5th Amendment right. If he has dirt on Trump call him
what dirt?
They are all KLAN.. Trump is the birther bozo and stone is the leader of the “proud boys” or alt klan thugs…
Obama coup was real..The criminals just got caught..Fake news is hiding the fact that Senate hearings started and Rosenstein began the snitching..Soon Durham report will come out..Bruce Orr just testified behind close doors..He is also snitching..50 ex Obama administration people were just subpoena..FBI was already caught lying to a fisa court to get fake warrants..FBI got caught setting up Flynn..THEY GOT CAUGHT..Durham report will come out right before election and blow up Biden..He has to explain why he unmasked Flynn and leaked classified material to the press..10 year felony
He will get a pardon because this is what Trump does! He is a POS! But if these returns show that Trump is a huge criminal, is it possible for all these pardons to be overturned?
@Chrissyce Who told you that nonsense?
@Jordan Wallace
The only reason that trump hasn’t decided whether or not he will pardon stone yet, is because he needs to get his marching orders from President Putin first!
If president trump had been president in the early 1940’s America would not have been speaking English today they would be speaking German or Japanese!
no its not possible you dumbshit!
trump is the president. you cannot overturn a pardon
@Walter White a pardon CAN be overturned if it was given for a corrupt purpose
Nope. Next!
LOL, is anyone really surprised??? At this point he really feels like he has nothing to lose.
thuggin while white
The hoodlum unfortunately this appears to be true. Time to take our country back.
Trump hasn’t lost at anything yet..The left has lost at everything they tried the last 4 years.. You got it backwards just where fake media wants ya..Also Stone was pardon 4 hours ago..Fake news wouldn’t know that because fake news comes first for them
@Joey Pail the klan krout lost bigtime.. Even FAUX noise laura Ingraham.. and the trash crew admitted trump will lose.. why? older white qips hate the way he is handling the virus.. the generals and military are turning against him, his ratings are at the lowest ever.. his 40% support is from swamprat dwellers.. like u
Joey Pail no because people keep supporting his crime spree. Time to support your country not sleazy people like Stone. You know he has a tramp stamp of Nixon on his back. Do you? And don’t try to tell me Nixon wasn’t a crook.
He even looks like the penguin from Batman movies
or a Dead Alien !!!
Still not a criminal
Richard Nixon is about to be pardoned for the second time, even though he’s just a tattoo on Roger Stone’s back.
is that kinda like a reverse nickname?
uranium one?
Fast and Furious?
Russian Collusion?
covid-19 Scamdemic?
Ukraine/Hunter Biden Scandal?
33,000 emails?
@john emeigh Vietnam was a waste of time and many people you know died for absolutely nothing, congrats.
@Connor Brady Yes. I agree. Unlike me, many, most had no choice. There is no congratulations to be had. We had a job. We did that very well. It was very complex. I am not here to defend me, nor anyone else. It WAS more than an adventure. On my soul, I killed. I do NOT feel badly. I did my job.
That wasn’t Roger Stone’s back! that was youre Mom’s back! remember?
The Criminal in Chief looking at pardoning a criminal. How strange.
Blake Bowers yea the FBI is being cleaned out of traitors. Traitors who should be in jail themselves
@Dan yes he is
you stepped in that one
He just commuted Stone! #trump2020
The criminals were Obama and gang,,Obama coup was just proved and fake media is hiding it
This is what corruption looks like.
If this is corruption, sign me up!! #trump2020 #maga4life
@Dan did you even look at what he was convicted of? If a president has the power to pardon people that are witness to his criminality…can you see there is a problem with that? This is what dictators do.
@Walter White congratulations , on naming the top conspiracy theories. Do you have a point?
Mikey even if Trump did do something (which he did not) Stone would never talk to the police about it. Stone did nothing wrong and neither did Trump. I can say if Trump did something really bad Stone would not be his friend or like him at all.
@Dan Lying to congress is against the law, trying to persuade a witness against testifying is against the law, what don’t you get. You good with a criminal president?
All trump’s gangster are getting pervert-dential treatment…this man is a slime.
What are you even talking about?
@Dan your master.
light it up no your still not making any sense
@Dan He’s saying stone is a criminal and so is trump
@John Mcsorley Righty, I shouldn’t have to explain that to such incredibly intelligent Republican.
if he give this guy a pardon it shows he is corrupt and is a criminal himself. God US just lock him up.
@Dan – Except for lying, perjury, obstruction, engaging in criminal behavior, tampering with an election. Just the kind of nothing that would send anyone else to jail for life. But he’s special… a special kind of crook that is.
Trump enjoys being seen as a criminal by liberals. If fits with his mafia-wannabe personna. He thinks he’s tough, but he’s as tough as a sheet of wet toilet paper.
D B Hope Roger does not get a pardon
Auckland. NZ
put everybody in jail, db?
uranium one?
Fast and Furious?
Russian Collusion?
covid-19 Scamdemic?
Ukraine/Hunter Biden Scandal?
33,000 emails?
@Walter White – Ok, you realize that the criminals in everything you mentioned were all Republican cons, right? So, I agree: put them ALL in jail.
Pls dont fall for the shiny object. He knows if he throws out a hint of a pardon for roger stone, that it would overtake the other news like the covid spread.
yeah, and fellow veterans, let us never forget that trump was “okay with Putin” putting a bounty on US soldiers.
like the fake pandemic never?
uranium one?
Fast and Furious?
Russian Collusion?
covid-19 Scamdemic?
Ukraine/Hunter Biden Scandal?
33,000 emails?
He was pardon..Fake msnbc is late reporting it..There late because they are fake and incompetent and Trump is the boss
Roger looks like he hangs around parks telling women and children “I’m your huckleberry.”
You meant dingleberry right?
@John Lightfoot Too late. Go feed and party with the sheep.
R L T One criminal freeing another criminal.
I’m a part time villain & a semi professional bottom feeder.
Well…. he wont be hanging around any jail thats for sure.
Donald Trump practically makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. In fact, he and his entire family make every well known criminal organisation look like a band of small time crooks.
Well, at least Nixon took the noble way out and resigned “for the good of the country”. and saved some prison time too. Donny! you there?
Did you know, Stone has a face portrait of Nixon tattooed on his back.
Fellow henchmen get pardons in Trumplandia…NOT FOR MUCH LONGER…VOTE BLUE, America!
The Trump corruption just keeps on coming. He makes America a little worse each day he’s president.
TRUMP 2020!
@R L T
All America’s enemies hope so!!
@Jim Battersbee Boogleshoo…so you are speaking for all America’s enemies? Hmm….you have delusions of grandeur Boobieshoo…..all those years of huffing has taken a toll on Jimbo Boogershoo.
@R L T the krout is out 2020!!!!
@R L T
Trump 2020!!!
Trump needs to convince the people he expects to commit criminal acts for him in the 2020 election that they will be above the law.
im so glad u brought that up andrew. did you say above the law?
uranium one?
Fast and Furious?
Russian Collusion?
covid-19 Scamdemic?
Ukraine/Hunter Biden Scandal?
33,000 emails?
That’s fine. In January Roger Stone can be indicted a second time for impending State charges. Prosecutors did that on purpose because they knew this was going to happen.By the grace of God if trump loses Stone can still go to prison.

Can’t pardon a state crime iirc lol
There isn’t an item on the presidential powers roster trump won’t abuse.
He’s got the POwer!!! Use it.
@Sma 556 And abuse it!!!
@Rico Williams It’s an opinion article it’s not based on objective information. The person who wrote the article is a known anti-Trump activist.
It’s just not acceptable to source from a biased report.
@The hoodlum Same with liberal Democrat mayors who defund the POlice.
@Jordan Wallace Show me evidence he’s an anti trump activist.
This fake president has exposed all the flaws and corruption in the system.
Well… he is YOUR FAke, President.
Yep. The Democrat system
Trumps Greatest achievement while in the Office…
Pardoning Criminals
Oh, but the far right might say it is the slaughter of 300,000 people they don’t think should be here.
Too many to mention.