With a month and a half still to go in office, Trump is spending all his time continuing to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him. Errin Haines joins to discuss. Aired on 12/5/2020.
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#Trump #Covid #MSNBC
Trump Ignores Economy & Covid To Wage Failed War On Election | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
And the SAD thing IS…Trump Supporters STILL bow down and kiss his feet. I guess they don’t need stimulus or COVID help.
That is not sad at all. let THEM pay for this guys parachute. They are responsible for puttin him in office, only fair that they pay for it. Besides, they feel the economy is the best in US history, and they all have jobs according to unemployment stats. so they can afford it.
An absolute MORON being worshiped by other morons.
@Bobby Moss He isn’t using it for, ” the defense fund,” he has no defense,he has no hope of defense,there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
@Gozer The Gatekeeper really, when?
They bow and all but they are definitely not sheep, herding together at rallies and all saying the same stuff as their shep… dear leader
Yea Trump really loves this country…he should be ashamed..also his voters..
He care for no one but himself
Awesome idea.
But you can’t fix stupid
Those who support Trump will have to face years and years of the most horrible regrets imaginable.
Trump doesn’t love this Country. He loves being in power. He loves money, he’s a lover of himself.
Oompa Loompa’s Putin’s second highest ranking KGB officer.
That’s an insult to oompa loompas. They don’t wanna be associated with Trump.
@Andrei Z isn’t that called copartment or something like that by Russian intel ops?
Putin would never associate himself with someone that embarrasses himself and insults his own country this way. He worries about his images as well.
@kaydee lady YOU AIN’T LYING!
“If I don’t get to win, I’m draggin’ the whole GOP plus the whole country down with me !” Sounds a lot like his idol: HITLER
@Hippie Style And what happens when the Supreme Court finds no fraud? Like every other court in the country….. More Americans aren’t with Trump 100%.
@Hippie Style You know you sound dumb and stupid , right???
@Karen Taylor well I’m not the brightest person in the world, but no one here actually answered any of my questions either.
@Jus One do you really believe Joe Biden got more votes than Barack Obama?
Yes I do. I don’t think you understand how much people detest Trump and how bad people are craving a normal president also we are in the middle of a pandemic crisis economic crisis social crisis eviction crisis and etc… When Obama ran we were not going through any of that but all these crisis encourage more Americans to vote. People are ready for change I’m an Independent who looks at reality and the reality is America is the worst it’s ever been.
Golf, maoning about he lost, golf, moaning about the election – he is showing he is a self centred moron who is also a very poor golfer (unless he can cheat)
Here you can have a good laugh about him https://youtu.be/AoWPT17E9f8
Unless you would rather cry
It’s difficult to swing a club whilst wearing a diaper.
He doesn’t care.
He never did.
@Alan Wayne And never will.
The cowardly president trump’s gone awol,, what a hero!!
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
@A S dictator don trump is a neglectful murderer of US citizens.
Trump has tried to get out of serving his country under the 25th Amendment. He’s been doing a Klinger this whole time.
I disagree, once he saw it was profitable. Trump’s greedy nature kicked in high gear
Trump’s COVID-19 response:
He’s sulking snorking adderall and filling a diaper
His legacy exactly!!!!!
From the White House to the Jail House!!!!!
George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen?
He maybe forced to drop that bar of soap in the showers
His legacy exactly!!!!!
From the White House to the Jail House!!!!!
Among many others, at least 270 000 people and their families wish he didn’t come down that escalator. Oh, and wish that he wasn’t enabled by McConnell, Barr et al.
When you are a narcissist, what do you think is his most important issue? Himself!
George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen?
The most important issue is the integrity of the election.Pres.Trump is trying to preserve it while DemoKKKrats are trying to destroy it.
@David Eby What about the integrity of the fake Christain and fake family values Republicans? Or what about Trump’s integrity? Who buys a Slavic call girl who is a college dropout and brings her family here on chain immigration? Dirty dealing Donald Trump that’s who. Look at Rudy Giuliani trying to convince the courts will voter fraud but has NO evidence. Ever My Cousin Vinny needed evidence. No proof but what a gal from grace since the 911 days. Trump has made Rudy a joke.
@David Eby so, insults in misspelling?
Is that what makes your comments superior because they all propaganda spelling.
Is that what you are? Can you make a coherent not spammy comment?
@Random Internet User Insults?
Thanks Trump for putting yourself First and America Last !
The motto of the Republican Party
Why do the press show up ? They should all stand up and walk out when he won’t answer a question about Covid and stimulus
I agree, the media needs to stop giving him any airtime.
I like Jimmy Kimmel’s latest name for tRump: Uncle Scam.
Kimmel is cool.
Drumpf does not care. At all. He never has, and he never will. ‘Nuff said.
Sure he does, he cares about him, and him and the money he can make, and him, and his family a little, and him, so, i think it’s safe to say, he looks in the mirror and cares about him
@habitant71 Brilliant!
@Phil Groves minor error in there. I’m still amazed at the last 4 years, I live north of you folks. He’s tilted the world on is ear and he’s amplified a false narrative on the right. His cause and effect has unfortunately caused a lot of people to make bad decisions. He was delusional years ago, he got a bunch of angry people to believe the garbage he flouted that he racially attacked his predecessor consistently about. This is going to get worse and I don’t think it ends well or peacefully on the 20th. Good luck
@habitant71 Yep – you nailed it. And I am indeed more worried about the next 45 days. He is a very dangerous character. Stay safe!
@Phil Groves you too, all the best. There will be an eventual positive outcome
we already knew he was an imbecile, now he’s just pitiful!
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
@A S Stating bible verses in an unrelated context is pointless. Trump is NOT Jesus, and he doesn’t deserve an ounce of any kind of respect.
Trump is 100% focused on raising money for his “defense fund”. That’s all. Simple and lucrative business