President Donald Trump falsely claims that he didn't say the US will get to 5 million daily coronavirus tests soon. CNN's Brooke Baldwin and Dr. Sanjay Gupta replay that tape.
#CNN #News
Trump: I didn’t say it. (He did, and here is the tape.)

President Donald Trump falsely claims that he didn't say the US will get to 5 million daily coronavirus tests soon. CNN's Brooke Baldwin and Dr. Sanjay Gupta replay that tape.
#CNN #News
If this country opens too early, and If I am required to go back to school, I’m wearing a mask. There’s no way I’m going into a public place unprotected.
Eli Dicken get ready guys.. this is gonna be a bumpy ride.
Thomas Blaine Why can’t you?
Gorden Gecko I’m aware of that. I haven’t been in a public place since March 21st. I’ve been taking all necessary precautions.
Not that I think they should, believe me! Just curious. Trump is planning rallies which is scary.
@Elizabeth Verrill some one with a mask walked Into a theater and fired a gun into the croud killing people. So you cant cover your face. Makes cosplay harder.
What are we to expect from him when he is continuously talking out of his derrière.
@Crystal Meserve
Out of his orange bum.
Don Anderson … Me: Raises hand .. I know.. I know .. LOL ! * psst… starts with an “s” …. ; ]
Kendra Haddock I am none of the horrible things you just called a lot of people. I support Trump. I would never say such hurtful things about people I don’t know that choose to support someone else like Obama or Biden. I choose to believe that it is every Americans god given right to have an opinion. That’s why I severed in the military. To protect that right. If your guy resonates with what the people want then Trump want get re-elected. No I don’t think Trump is a good guy. I don’t really think people that get into politics are good people. Maybe when they first get elected to office they are. Good luck in the future.
@Crystal Meserve Hahahahaha!!! Waiting for someone else to question his “insane arm movement”. Sideways is the only way they will move????? Probably too fat!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahha!!!!!
Don’t be surprised when a habitual liar tells a lie.
@Eli Dicken My point is that the 5M number is not his. It’s from a Harvard study called ROADMAP TO PANDEMIC RESILIENCE that Kristen from NBC was referring to that states: “We need to deliver 5 million tests per day by early June to deliver a safe social reopening. This number will need to increase over time (ideally by late July) to 20 million a day to fully remobilize the economy”. Trump, being Trump, was saying we will get there as in there will be increased and maximum testing. He was being vague himself and NEVER said 5M, as per CNN. Got it?
@The Great Anointed Lord Trump. The chosen # 1. will crash and burn.
@R Harish he said 5 million. He also said the USA is # 1 at testing. Another bald face lie, from a proven liar
R Harish oh I got it, little buddy.
@truerealityscott there’s no point in arguing with a MAGA person they’re crazy.
He is just a stream of lying consciousness – he just rambles whatever comes into his head regardless of facts or reality. But point that out and his supporters start yelling about Fake News!!
It’s madness that people still think he’s a great leader. He’s barely a functional adult.
@Larry Digangi Why respect the biggest moron idiot in the entire world who is killing people, Trump is a FUCKWIT. So it is ok for the Dump to disrespect everyone, but not the other way around, get a life moron.
I agree with you. He’s followers thinks he is a great president. Oh! My is Coronavirus is not enough to wake them up! People are dying! That orange man is a joke!
And the GOP goes after Biden for his own stumbling through speeches. Biden probably has some cognitive decline, but Trump makes Biden look positively eloquent.
At least he’s entertaining…”drinking disinfectant”…LOL!… you got to admit that’s funny!
@Whistleblower You forgot about syphilis…
Deadly combination: pathological liar with dementia
@Lamo Lamo “the official national vote tally was 48% for Clinton, 46% for Trump” (Pew)
@Mark Larson dont lie
@Rowan Spiritwalker I’m still counting. Hold on.
Yes. Dementia. Someone else thinks so, too. There’s no way he’s running the country, that he has anything whatever to do with it. Someone is pulling his strings.
Can’t trust a single word that comes out of Lyin’ Trump’s mouth.
When Trump walks out to the microphone, the music in the background should be the hook to Fleetwood Mac’s Sweet Little Lies.
@P C Your true colors are shining through..Tangerine Turdsicle supporter. Can’t wait to rub it in President Pussygrabber’s sycophantic cult members when JOE BIDEN wins in Nov!
@Tina Gilbert Ah shucks Tina! Thanks! BTW. Does the carpet match the drapes??

If his mouth is moving he’s lying
“we’re more advanced than any country in the world”
… why does he have to say things like this? Optionally, he could just say “we are working very hard in this”, look dignified, and walk away. But no. He seems unable to not lie.
R Harish oh yeah, I remember when he spoke dignified. I think that was… never? Yeah, even before he was president, he never spoke dignified
R Harish if you think this illiterate special needs preteen female has ever uttered a complete dignified sentence, youre worse than he is.
@Eli Dicken Why do you call him a preteen female? tRump is a truly sick individual. Calling him a female as if being female is something bad doesn’t speak very well for you.
Alice C because he cries like a little girl, Alice.
Its a joke lighten up.
@C W we might be moving there. The have good gun laws. Perth very nice.
Fellow Americans , Its Nice Knowing Y’all
Love From Malaysia
Outlaw DudeGaming , ohh man I got out a while ago to
Love from Micronesia
@Russell Hinton Good For You Man , You Got Out Just A Nick Of Time :O
It’s always someone else’s fault when it tanks so he can’t have said it.
He is the fake news president
And yet still more than 40% majority eats up his words like candy… M’rica,
@R Harish …. Yeeeeeh, typical Trumptard… The video shows that Rump said one thing and says something totally different two minutes later…
Yeeeah, you keep drinking the Kool-Aid and put on your Tinfoil Hat, Trumptard…
@R Harish It doesn’t matter if the number is from Harvard, tRump said we are going to be there. If he doesn’t know, he shouldn’t present something like it’s the truth.
@David Renwick Amen brother. Two things you will NEVER hear from tRump in the same sentence: I was wrong; I made a mistake.
@UCOsLdPajmQ4FuP-RWLpfxUA Not only abject failure but willful treason. See the Putin transcripts!
Not me! I am so glad I’m not stupid and gullible
The crooked governor in Florida is the one telling them to stop recording data.
He’s an inspiration to drug addicts everywhere. If you keep it a secret you might just be president.
The amphetamine rumors have been around for a while.
@Brandon Salazar people choose to do drugs, no one forces them. I know it’s serious. Just look at trump what an ugly disgusting horrendous piece of s***he turned out to be for abusing adderall 30+ plus years
@Mark Bey yes, yes I am, I’ve known for years because I’m not a delusional moron who lives in a made up fantasy land like their cult leader
ArjenRobben Mr.Wembley … true, you probably aren’t delusional.
@Mark Bey noo I’m not a magatard if that’s what ur asuming
The 3 wives he cheated on know he’s a liar
Trump: I never marry them
Oh come on…. EVERYONE knows he’s a liar !
Trump : liars this never happened fake news again .
Melania was ‘bought’ out of an ad. I believe she’s the only flotus that has bared her body to the world. Typical for the trump crime syndicate.
Sure sukks all of us dems were outsmarted by him in 2016.
Trump today: “let’s try disinfectant”…..Trump tomorrow: “I never said that”………. he NEVER says anything even when he does say something………Comedy at its best

@Swolelasaurus Rex – That’s it!
uncle Ricky Trump inserted his mushroom penis into the victim he raped. PS Tell Jacob Wohl, this time he’s going to prison and it will be for 5 years at least.
@donald wilson Actions speak louder than words tho. Not to beta males like u but they do in the real world.
New York is where the virus is a real problem.
Xenophobia I guess.
NYC is nothing but bigots according to ur logic sis.
@Swolelasaurus Rex wrote: “you would need a large amount of UV exposure to kill bacteria through the large volume of your body….”
Okay…. But we’re talking about a virus, not bacteria. Also, if UV effectively kills the virus, then why did the pandemic begin in an *OPEN* – *AIR* market? As in, exposed to sunlight during the day.
Liars can’t ever remember all their lies.
How could crooked donny remember all 16000 lies he’s told these last three years
Or all the band-aids they’ve put on all their lies…..and the band-aids they’ve put on the band-aids that they’ve put on all their lies……
There’s actually a wikipedia page dedicated to documenting his lies
I guess he didn’t say “if you wanna test, you get a test. And the test are beautiful and perfect. Not as perfect as the letter, the transcript but close.”
Perpetual LIES!!!!!!!!!
We have a beautiful Perfect wonderful plan for fight pandemic. Result. 60000 American dead
Trump: Literally lies on camera
Trump supporters: He didn’t lie. The fake news media doctored the footage
People with brains: smh
“Five million sounds like a lot….” Yep, it is, Donald. I know it’s a big number, an unimaginably BIG number, hard to wrap your woolly brain around, isn’t it?
I can’t wait for November 2020 election, get rid off this shameless person.
If this was anybody else,backflipping and blatantly lying like this he’d ‘FIRE’ them for sure.