Trump Holds Pennsylvania Rally As Virus Cases Rise | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president on Tuesday held a large campaign rally at the Pittsburgh International Airport, and the Morning Joe panel discusses the impact of crowds on the spreading of the coronavirus. Aired on 9/23/2020.
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Trump Holds Pennsylvania Rally As Virus Cases Rise | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. as a non-american, i cannot wrap my head around how 40-ish percent of you support him. my heart aches for 60-ish

    1. @Tweetie-Louise WHAT?! WRONG! BIGGIE GOVERNMENT SOCIALISM?! MY GOD,YOU SOUND JUST LIKE A SOULESS GOPer! Your statement is a farfetched, right wing conspiracy theory! Stop bamboozling people! Get an education!

    2. @joyce Loesch 👈 some people can’t see the forest for the trees. Get a grip on reality, the charlatan has a plan B. Never trust a liar

  2. It looks like they handed out brand new RED HATS for this rally. Notice how bright and the same color they are…😕

  3. All these Americans following a man who has lied over 20,000 times (many of them easily provable lies) will be a case study in cult behavior for decades. The lack of basic common sense leaves you shaking your head and shrugging your shoulders.

  4. To save the US from Trump and the Republicans, vote Blue, vote Joe Biden and Harris. Give all the powers to the Democrats to rebalance things for a moment, to save the progress of the last years, to save the US

    ( It’s a prayer that comes from a Frenchwoman who loves the USA, I am of course addressing America, upset by everything that is happening)

    1. @j. wright Sorry moron, but statistically most of the dead would be tRump voters seeing how he overwhelmingly carried that segment in 2016.

    2. @Mary S. Do NOT vote for anybody that isn’t on the ticket because those type of votes are completely wasted and do not count. We all need to take a position – Biden or Trump.

    1. @HOME TEAM
      Black Lives Matter Protests Didn’t Contribute to the COVID-19 … › health-news › black-lives-matter…
      Jul 8, 2020 – We are just seeing a surge of cases from the first wave after we had flattened the curve.” In New York City, where the protests led to a citywide …

    2. @buck smith REAL WORLD PROOF! COVID-19 prevention in a Missouri hair salon

      When two stylists at a Missouri hair salon tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19, researchers from CoxHealth hospitals, Washington University, the University of Kansas, and the Springfield-Greene County Health Department worked together to trace contacts, investigate the cases, and publish their findings in the MMWR.

      One of the stylists developed respiratory symptoms but continued to see clients for eight days. The other, who apparently became infected from her co-worker, also developed respiratory symptoms and continued to see clients for four days.

      The salon in which they worked had a policy requiring both stylists and their clients to wear face coverings, consistent with the local government ordinance. Both stylists wore double-layered cloth face coverings or surgical masks when seeing clients. The median appointment time was 15 minutes and ranged from 15 to 45 minutes. More than 98% of clients wore a face covering—47% wore cloth face coverings, 46% wore surgical masks, and about 5% wore N-95 respirators.

      When customers were asked whether they had been ill with any respiratory symptoms in the 90 days preceding their appointment, 87 (84%) reported that they had not. None of the interviewed customers developed symptoms of illness. Among 67 (48%) customers who volunteered to be tested, all 67 tested negative for the virus that causes COVID-19. Several family members of one of the stylist’s subsequently developed symptoms and received a diagnosis of COVID-19.

    1. @Crystal Giddens ” the history of mankind, never has an asymptomatic person been quarantined”. In the past, an asymptomatic person would not have been identified (most likely) as infected so why would they be quarantined?
      I know two people who were ‘quarantined/self-isolated’ but were asymptomatic. They were identified because of mandatory testing due to their profession.

      You do not understand virology much. If you are asymptomatic but you test positive for the virus, it means you are shedding viruses, otherwise the test would not detect the virus. If you are shedding, you are dispersing; therefore, you can be ‘deadly’ and should be quarantined.

      And concerning your ‘never been quarantined in history’ drivel:

      ” Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), also known as *Typhoid* *Mary,* was an Irish-born cook believed to have *infected* *53* *people* with typhoid fever, *three* *of* *whom* *died,* *and* *the* *first* *person* *in* *the* *United* *States* *identified* *as* *an* *ASYMPTOMATIC* *carrier* of the disease.[1] Because she persisted in working as a cook, by which she exposed others to the disease, *she* *was* *TWICE* *forcibly* *QUARANTINED* by authorities, and died after a total of nearly *three* *decades* *in* *isolation.*

      Seem ‘historic’ to me…

      Further, viruses are far more transmissible than bacteria (e.g. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi), so….

    2. Crystal Giddens
      We have (or I have) never experienced a pandemic like this before. I do take it seriously because that is what I prefer to do. That doesn’t mean I have to ‘grow up’ as you put it ( I am 70 years old LOL) I can deal with it however I see fit and hope for the best.
      I hope the best for you as well and perhaps one day this is all a bad memory that might teach us what we need to know. Stay safe.

    3. @VP A-Team In the recent past, doctors did not recommend testing for asymptomatic patients. Test cost money! We are now spending 1 billion per week for unnecessary tests. *Norway* COVID-19: *Widespread testing ‘has no purpose’, Health director says lockdowns were unnecessary*
      by News Desk –
      May 28, 2020
      Europe, Headlines
      By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews
      Norway’s Institute of Public Health announced this week (computer translated) that it does not recommend testing large groups of healthy people, such as all employees in a company, for COVID-19. Now that there is little spread of coronavirus in Norway, such testing has no purpose.
      Based on results from mathematical models, the reproduction figure in Norway is estimated to be 0.65 (0.39-0.94).
      Stoltenberg warns against another lockdown
      Norwegian Institute of Public Health chief, Camille Stoltenberg, said in an interview (computer translated) she warns against such a shutdown again – even if the infection rates should increase…
      *“Our assessment now is that we could possibly have achieved the same effects and avoided some of the unfortunate impacts by not locking down,* but by instead keeping open but with infection control measures,” she said.
      The closure of Norway has had serious economic consequences: high unemployment and a sudden stop for the Norwegian economy.

    1. i dont believe we can keep blaming Russia………the usa lies all the time to us…………Putin could care less about us…………………..we need to blame the united states federal government because they are the culpable ones.

    2. Trump needs even more to ask for additional relief funds for his business allies:
      PLEASE READ my latest investigation report on how Trump distributed $3 TRILLION ($3,000,000,000,000) 1st pandemic stimulus funds that his administration received to combat coronavirus [under CARES Act, Paycheck Act, and Coronavirus Preparedness Act]
      While majority of funds were transferred to big business owners, $100s of billions were paid against orders which were never filled for testing, PPE, contact tracing & virus spread containment, etc. That is why there are 205K deaths, 7.1M infected and 50M jobless!
      (Downloadable PDF FORMAT of the report is liked in the comments section of the video report – there are more reports on the channel on Trump’s propaganda, conspiracy theories and financial corruption)

    1. “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire
      “Herd Mentality” = cult45

  5. We love America. We really do. But how misplaced is it to have the highest statistical pandemic death rate in the civilized world, while also having a large segment widely perceived as stubborn and antagonistic as its cause, AND having that segment speaking to our “greatness.” #AmericaOrTrump

    1. It’s not just Trump that’s the problem. It’s the people that believes in him, the enablers that allows Trump to use these people, and the social and economic system that created a society that made it possible for a moron like Trump to be President.

  6. These people should wear a sign, saying,
    “I attended a trump rally ”
    And they’ll realize, they have no friends outside of their trump cult!

    1. @Stewart Mckirdy You European Communists need to realize–the USA is a Center-Right nation. Find Jesus, stewart…He Loves you.

    2. @Mr. Precedent Read up on the contagious Hong-Kong flu of 1968-1969. No one wore masks, or “distanced”, and businesses didn’t close.

    3. The saddest part about this pandemic is that it has truly laid bare the idiocy and the intense level of brainwashing that’s really going on within Trump’s conspiracy-addled cult.

  7. Funny how Chump calls out everyone except Russia. Kind of odd that Chump has never said one negative word about the former head of the Communist KGB (Putin). Can we all say “PUPPET”

    1. Most humans are really DUMB, trump supporters are a big example 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  8. He doesn’t care, otherwise he wouldn’t even consider having rallies, but this is what narcissistic sociopaths do: they want love and adoration regardless of the circumstances, Trump is walking filth

    1. Chito keep lying to yourself! If it makes you feel better! Take your meds and tell your doctors about the radical left!

    2. j. wright you’re a member of a cult that worships a lunatic that once looked directly into a solar eclipse without eye protection and proposed nuking tornadoes, anything you say think or believe is meaningless and irrelevant

    3. @Thomas Perry and you’re a member of the tinderfoot pancies of the left ! if you dont get what you want you will have temper tantrums burn eevery building down but not before stealing everything out of there first cult better known as the new leftist radical democratic party

  9. There is no “love for America” at a Trump Rally.
    There is only and only “hatred and bigotry” which are not American values.

    1. When Rump said herd mentality, I knew he was projecting. Exactly, that rally was a perfect example of herd mentality. Those red hat sheeple are as smart as sheep being led to the slaughterhouse. Oh well. 🙄🙄😷

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