Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire traveled with the president Tuesday to Arizona, and he joins Morning Joe to discuss the rally in Phoenix. Aired on 6/24/2020.
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Trump Holds Event In Phoenix Amid Spike In Virus Cases | Morning Joe | MSNBC
At this point I would feel safer if the Coronavirus itself gave a speech about how it’s going to save us from Trump.
It’s speaking in numbers
Greg hilarious
@Lilac Lizard It must like maple syrup and pea-meal bacon. It’s just giving Canada a passing glance. Of course, in all fairness, Canada doesn’t have a nut at the wheel telling us it is “going away”. We have a Prime Minister……some agree with him, and some don’t………that’s politics, and that’s fine, but he isn’t a nut-job. Trump, he needs to be worried about squirrels grabbing him………
Just sayin’
@G Guest lol I hope squirrels don’t like mushrooms or he’ll be in even more trouble!
You guys still got a pretty raw end of the stick though, due to your southern neighbours. You’ve done great under those circumstances, but watching from Australia, we’re really feeling for you guys! Your continent should have had the same result as ours! Starting position there was even better than ours was, but squirrel boy changed all of that
stay safe & keep that border closed!!!!!!!!!
The Coronavirus may do its talking by infecting a bunch of people at this gathering.
Then the rest of Arizona and the country will wake up and realize Covid Trump is a true danger to American Democracy!
Would anybody be offended if I called it the orange man virus? He has decided to spread it around.
Orange Plague!
The pResident evil virus.
Isn’t Trump the big, fat orange virus?
– Bonnie Robinson
Is this all a distraction while he and his thugs and kids loot the country and line up taking the country by dictatorship? I wonder what an Electoral College Elector’s vote costs this year?
@Chris Paschal “Putin wins, all the time, all the winning. Every winning Putin has, he has all the wins. Why does he have all the wins? Because nobody could’ve seen it coming. I have the best people, the very best, trying to brief me on things but I don’t care. Why listen to them? The past is the past. I can tell in a quarter of a second whether I can make a deal with him or not, and I have made the best deal, the very best. I have sold our country so I can get rich, even richer if one could be richer because I am the richest.. I am very rich. Nobody saw that coming… not even I even though I see it all coming, I know everything, there is nothing that I don’t know but I never saw it coming… it just happened, I’m rich and America is great again, say hello to your new President…wait, why is Putin our President I thought it was gonna be me, what happened here?”
Christianity Under Attack! Why A Trump Win In November Won’t Save You Or America.
@Koniving So what you’re saying is America is STUPID!!!
@Chris Paschal He got into office so that should say something. I’m a conservative and I voted for Hillary specifically as the lesser of two evils because I’ll be honest, I thought that incoherent mess when someone tries to translate it to a dictator would get us all pulled into another war and killed. But according to Bolton’s book (and many of Trump’s own words and praise directed at them), Trump loves dictators. To quote Trump, “I think he’s doing it right. He has great respect from his people, they love and revere him, you don’t hear anything bad, I wish America was like that.” Trump about Kim of North Korea.
@Koniving Again, America has too many idiots.
Unfortunately our jails are filled with many Black men, how comfortable you think orange man gonna feel in there.
“Orange man.” Sounds like an elementary kid on a playground. He’s not going to jail.
Let’s not forget the man who filled the jails with so many “blacks”. Joe Biden
@Robert Andrews So you think trump is going to be successful in removing all investigations ongoing against him? His lawyer already is in prison for his part in individual one’s crimes. Try dealing with reality, buddy.
Trump is sucking up to Russia for a reason, he will take off for Moscow when he gets the hammer.
These are white Christians, who think they are better than everyone else. This is why they cheer. Not all white Christians are like this BTW, this is the white Christian base that think he was sent here by god.
@Isaac OLEG always open to critic
@Tyrone X just trying to make some things clear, it is very difficult not to judge, we better be ready to accept that we are judging persons , without wanting to. ( first “is he/she dangerous ? may I run ? confront ? as do animals in the free) but also making a mix with aspect, tone of voice, attitude, eyes … an open mind is a big plus
Yeah their the Dum Dums.
Andrew Sep… those are the offspring of a far right proud racist christian base he panders to… every organization and industry in this country have some form of racism and corruption that need to be weeded out.
@Cleon P. lol or like being judged as corrupt in the manner they presume to judge everyone else
Donald is a narcissist. When people with NPD feel they are being rejected they will reject you first, in their minds, so they are not at fault.
Totally agree. Trump has a serious case of NPD which has no cure. Congress needs to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office ASAP. Trump can and will continue to do crazy things for the next 6 months.
Impeach me will you? How about a little xmas present that keeps on giving
Edward you are the first person i see call him Donald.

Most definitely! However, Trump is much more than a mere Narcissist, He is a Malignant, Malevolent Narcissist and a Psychopath of the first order, completely devoid of conscience. He considers having a conscience to be a weakness that he will NOT indulge in! In his set of guiding principles, having a conscience is a character fault, a weakness and a liability to be exploited by others. He either never had one or he cauterized his long, long ago.
Totally agree. It is going
to get much worse.
He’s talking to kids in Arizona
Next time grade school
Kids love playground talk and so does the president
Unless he’s trying to poison their minds… I wouldn’t want that moron within a 100-mile radius from my children!

Trump is a HATEMONGER. Point Blank.
Grown ups are trying to survive another day. No job, no $$, no relief. Find food & a place to sleep. C-19? Trump & family & GOP congress aren’t worried about you. Trump thugs got the best paying job, best medical
(we are denied) food, homes cars. There not hurting. Nope not a one of them.
I’d be worried that he would bully them & take their lunch money.
Trump is relying on the uneducated, the ill informed and the bigoted to keep his self-serving circus on the road.
@foreigner fan 477,000/9,240,000 X 100/1 = 5.162% seems this bozo knows how to work out a percentage and you just spout ignorance. Best wishes to you too
@Barry Walls Experts say that more than 20% have had it. Then add asymptomatics and those who just stayed home. You are an uneducated tool. Cheers
@foreigner fan
We’ve got this one locked in.
It’s 202y that’s scary.
He doesn’t have near the numbers this time around. The republicans pigs will be squealing in 142 days.
Absolutely agree. And, the mob appears to becoming smaller and smaller.
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters”
– Albert Einstein
Sounds like all the cable news
Great quote. Thank you for repeating it and the author.
thank you for posting that great quote by Albert Einstein
When they show you, who they are, believe them
quote by : Miaya Angelau [sp] sorry
*@Ann van de Kew* An excellent truism, especially in light of the venue of Trump’s typical and robust rabble rousing in Arizona!! May I expound a bit upon the foundation from which Einstein drew that wise and profound tidbit of wisdom? I promise that It is well worth the short read!
, Peace Out

, Pandy

As Always
In a political sense, Trump seems intent to spend the next few months digging his own grave.
And then he’s going to cry like a baby when he has to get into it on November 3rd.
No, he already knows he can’t be reelected. The remaining months will be spent robbing the US treasury and smashing the White House china.
He’s lost and wants to cause as much spiteful chaos he can!
He’s goin after the GOP. No one will be spared
@Bruce strkland hey, bruce, you trying to cheer me up? it’s working!
When he loses I will help set his
on the curb
That’s s dead on point
He needs to golf..he didn’t realize what kind of job this was because he has absolutely no idea what he is doing. It was a status he can now add to his other imaginary accomplishments.
Han/ det är en SVINPÄLS ! ……………
He’ll go down as the 45th President of the United States. You’ll go down as just another loser.
@C-Mo 313 What a brilliant comment! Wow!
Lol!! He cheats at golf too!! People that have golfed with him say he carries an extra ball in his pocket (The Only balls he has) and puts it where he wants it to be not where it actually landed!!!

@C-Mo 313 he will be remembered as a mistake. As a national embarrassment. A buffoon
What we are witnessing is the big lemming is finally in free fall and grasping at the cliff side as he heads to the big orange splat. His supporters are following him over the Tulsa cliff, disillusioned and maybe even infected. The apologists and the enablers are tied to his destiny. #FinallyFreeFalling
The lemmings with the ladders, and ropes, defenders and the cheaters are closing their eyes and turning away, fatigued by the futility of saving the lead lemming and now themselves. The last hope is to change the reality, to effect the after effects, to eliminate the ones who can clean the stain, who can change the history even the history of the big lemming in New York He knows this lemming emperor is really naked now and falling.
In trump’s world. It is either me or America!
He’s in McConnells face
The President is a international embarrassment
@Alisha Monique lol
Alisha Monique. Unfortunately you are correct. Our scholastic score’s are lower than in some so called third world countries.
Alisha Monique Corporate crook betsy devos is in charge of the Department of Education.
You want to believe it.
The rethugs have been dumbing down America for decades! As the nazi’s knew, an uneducated population is easier to control. Can you say Betsy DeVos?
Trump is such a shame for US. The whole world is laughing at him and his crazy statements. Enough is enough.
Jota Dias well your President is just as bad. COVID19 deaths in Brazil are spiraling out of control and your President acts like a thug.
The FACT is that the majority of voters are moderates despite what party extremists want people to believe. If it were not true, they wouldn’t need to campaign at all. Dedicated partisans don’t need someone to remind them how to vote. It’s simple logic to determine that partisans are full of BS.
So, moderates get stuck having to make a choice which is more like a prediction. However, since politicians all lie, they cannot make an accurate prediction. Dishonesty in government robs them of their Constitutional power. This is why I have always believed it should be a CRIME for a politician to lie.
That being said, many moderate Conservatives voted for Trump because they could not stomach Hillary and/or they believe all of Trumps antics were just campaign stunts that would end. Many moderate Dems could not stomach Hillary and didn’t vote.
Many moderate Conservatives are now faced with the reality that Trump is out of control and truly a very horrible person. They will consider that more strongly than they did last time. They may not vote Dem but what may happen, is they may not vote at all. “Lesser of two evils” is an illogical choice and some people with real moral values will chose not to select either!
When you consider all of this, I think Trump is in bigger danger than Biden. Trump needs every vote he got last time and I don’t believe he has it. Biden will have more moderate support than Hillary. Do the math….
Biden doesn’t need to fight with Trump. All he has to do is let Trump bury himself with his tired old games…
The whole world is laughing at us as well.
We need to show the world we haven’t lost our minds in 2020.
Vote Biden .
Let’s Flip the Senate Blue.
When’s the next big MAGA rally? I want as many tickets as I can get and sit back slurping a few cold ones and watch the POS make a fool of himself again.
*@Christopher Ahlner* In the spirit of clarifying matters I hope you do not mind if I put a finer point on your statement. Iron sharpens iron! Like many others I have often made the mistake of singling Trump out the same way your statement above has done and I still struggle to remember not to forget to be exact and clear on this point ALL the time, lest the lesson be only half taught and half learned. Let us always fully strive to beckon our fellow Americans, and indeed all people of the entire world, and call out from the Steeples and rooftops this vital point: *Donald J. Trump is not ruling up there all alone! He is not merely the current POTUS, he is positutely, absotively the Defacto Leader of The GOP Republican Party. Where he leads they eagerly and joyfully follow, no matter what* As Always,
Peace Out
, Pandy

He is at last openly unhinged outright just mad and careless…HE WILL NOT GO QUITELY.
And that’s when the war starts!!!
@Timmy Robinson and thats when the MAGA trash get what they deserve
He’s saying it’s rigged as he betrays us.Treason is punishable by death.
@Never Again you are so correct all u.s. military and our allies [if we have anymore left] will really need to come together after the nov 3 election.
@mm devolange nope. Just dotard
@orphan 200 no, they’re that greedy, selfish and bigoted
@Blue Bull69 because they aren’t traitors. Trump and McConnell are
That’s right the treasonous Democrats are going down.
If the crowd in the Church is excited about racist terms doesn’t say much for their RELIGION!
Well Jesus did say “For there will be many who come in my name..but i say unto they are not of me”…in other words their “False prophets”…i wouldn’t even call them prophets..just False, Fakers, Liars, and pretenders.
@darth otxoa BOOOM
Sure it does. They’re antichristians. Worshiping the antichrist. What do you expect of them?
Rather than waking up and smelling the coffee, these sad souls have chosen to drink the Koolaid.
When churches start hosting political rallies, they should lose their tax-exempt status.
@mksrookies *Peaceful Protestors* do not burn churches. Radical Extremists of the worst kind burn churches and should be rigorously pursued, criminally charged, tried and sentenced according to the Laws that exist concerning that criminal activity.
@slactweak Of course peaceful protesters don’t do those things you wrote about, it’s the right wing groups such as the boogaloo boys, the proud boys and other assorted right wing thugs who started the looting and fires, it was the right wing boogaloo boys who killed the federal agents in Washington, not anyone protesting police violence.
No church deserves tax-exempt status.
@Nick Walker actually, as a Christian, I agree. They were never intended to run as businesses for profit. And, I get rebuked for my posture on that all the time. Oh well.
@Nick Walker I’m wondering if you know exactly WHY Religious organizations are afforded tax exempt status. If you don’t know, then you’re merely ignorant and that can be remedied. If you DO know, then you’re being disingenuous.