Trump Hits Biden And Mocks Social Distancing At Packed Rally | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

With a lot of folks ditching masks and social distancing, the president went to North Carolina and held a crowded rally attacking – not only his Democratic rival – but pandemic guidance. Aired on 09/08/2020.
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Trump Hits Biden And Mocks Social Distancing At Packed Rally | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Trump Hits Biden And Mocks Social Distancing At Packed Rally | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. This was a gathering like going to the circus and throwing peanuts to the Orange elephant…The only reason these idiots attend
    is to enjoy the stupidity and have a good time.

    1. _”I can tell what is a heffalump (elephant)”_ — Benito _”Da Cheeto”_ Dogzilla
      _”I can tell what is a crocolator”_ — anonymous rotting jack-o-lantern impersonator
      _”I can tell what is a humpy horsey camel”_ — The Velveeta King
      (I love camels too, but I had to quit smoking.)

    1. If you can believe that sort of nonsense you can be led to believe anything and this is exactly the problem and trump knows it… he knows these people are gullible idiots and they’re proving him right every day

  2. About young people, he says: “let’s get some of that immune system”. Is he projecting again and planning to eat kids? or just take their immune systems outright?

  3. At 1:30 in vid, “let’s get some of that(their) immune system.” What a moron. Not a minute of common sense or decency from this guy.

    1. @old grey cat What? Does that mean something? You have used words, but what point are you trying to make with them?

    2. @Jojo Berkanhead Not heard of QAnon theories? (Edit: QAnons in Q tshirts often at Trump rallies, they support him. Group rated as domestic terrorism risk because may attack nonTrump politicians, celebrities, and random people on basis of weird conspiracy beliefs including child torture by powerful.)

    1. @Brown Privilege trying to sound educated but misunderstanding *dialect* . You don’t know the AAVE, previously referred to as Ebonics or BEV. There’s also Appalachian or Mountain English. Bet you think you’re smarter than everyone, especially black folk. So does Trump, but that’s not accurate.

    2. @S Miller Ebonics is spoken all over the nation, not just specific areas.
      Intentionally mispronouncing words and butchering the english language due to ignorance is not dialect.

      You people are completely delusional.

  4. Slowest learner of his class. Incapable of learning from mistakes as in his undeveloped mind he has never made one.

    1. Lex Luthor : Do you really believe that. Bankrupt numerous times, lost a billion in a decade, has had his assets removed, (boat, etc.)Charity has been shut down because of misappropriating funds. You conclude that this is him being successful??? He says he is!!! Remember!!! HE LIES!

  5. I guess wait for a week and see much more Covid-19 will be traced. He hates the Chinese and loves Putin. Yeh, great.

  6. The outlandish lies that this crowd cheered just stuns me. They chanted we love you. A cult that needs help.

    1. Saying that they love our president means that they’re in a cult? Obama had more of a cult following than Trump does. If you said anything bad about Obama, you’d be called a racist and be silenced by Obama the dictator.

    1. And did nothing for blacks..didnt even stop police people wanna blame trump..cant wait til he win again

    2. @only on YOUTUBE you should take that carrot out of your mouth . trumps dividing this country you are obviously uneducated to see it

  7. 5 convicted felons in this “law and order” president’s administration! More than any other in American History. Bannon might make it 6!

    1. @Randy Smith A loser just like the American heroes buried in France whom Trump refused to visit because it was raining and he was worried his orange dyed head would get wet. Well, those soldiers went forward when it was raining bullets.
      Republicans for the Rule of Law. Biden-Harris 2020.

  8. Looks like Wussolini has been grifting again and now his campaign is nearly bankrupt, just as he’s done with America.

  9. The way he reads those speeches, it’s like it’s his first time seeing it 😂😂 they don’t even show him the speech before it spews out his orange face 💯

  10. “Vote for the candidate backed by violent left-wing rioters, or vote for the candidate backed by David Duke and white supremacists in general”

    1. @M D stop repeating Trumps lies and actually fact check him. Wow…didn’t you Trump supporters ever learn not to trust someone who keeps lying to you? Check the CDC report close to 45000 U.S. Covid deaths are under the age of 65 and that includes children….even a year old babies. Get educated

    2. @james han Underlying conditions! They were not healthy to start with, that’s why they died!
      Get educated!
      Or eyes to see what I wrote the first time.

    3. @M D I assumed you were hopelessly dumb like most Trump supporters, but I can see now that you’re just misinformed. So maybe this won’t be a waste of time.

      Trump understood the virus was dangerous. He even said himself it’s 5x more deadly than the flu. With that knowledge he admitted to playing it down. Trump has been wrong about everything so far about this virus because he continues to ignore science….injecting bleach, the voodoo doctor who believes in space demons, opening back up Easter, only old people over 65 die, hydrochloriquine and more….

      Then he hides away Fauci and Burks who are the experts because their truth was going against him wanting to reopen? By the way Fauci said back in March we should expect about 200,000 dead…he was right

      Anyway Trump has been wrong at every turn and now you’re still going to trust HIM? We still don’t fully understand this virus. We were told kids can’t die but some have…what else do we not know about this virus…I’m not taking chances with my family

  11. ANNOUNCER: Yeee Haw! Great act Mr president. Next comedian coming to the stage is Johnny the Reb followed by Larry Curly & Moe.
    Then buses will line up ready to take you back to the trailer parks.

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