Despite Washington Post’s reports of employing undocumented workers at his own organization, Trump ordered the largest ICE raid in history, leaving children pleading for their parents. Trump defended his hypocrisy saying ‘it’s a way people did business.’ Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin joins Ari Melber, and talks about the power of pictures for social change.
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Trump Hires Undocumented Workers, Defends Raid That Left Kids | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
How about a raid on Mar o lago or any number of his other places? Without a heads up. Oh no, we can’t have that. What a piece of
we have for a president!
Prosecute the employers, not the workers
How about we deal with the elephant in the room, Trump. Everybody knows if you get rid of the leader the rest will fall.
Cindy Yeager A raid in Mar A Lago will only destroy the families of the undocumented workers. You want the horrible situation that happened in Mississippi to happen to the innocent in Mar A Lago?! I hope people start realizing that any ICE raid will only hurt hard working immigrants and their families, not the business owners.
So ICE taking the hard line, just like what the Nazi SS did. The SS were just doing their job. They are enforcing Hitlers rule. ICE is enforcing Trumps rule. Hmmmmm…
@Liberty Liberal whats your point?
@Liberty Liberal i don’t want leftists or jihadi coming America. Economic migrants are depressing the wages of all races in America. Stop with the virtue signaling.
The optics of this are very bad but half of the 700 returned to their children the same day. The purpose of the raid on the Mississippi chicken processor was to stop social security numbers from being stolen.
You can’t force an ogre to care.
When will ICE make a raid on one of Trump’s property’s?
They won’t. Because they love Trump.
Why would that do that. You can not bite the hand that feeds you.
Properties, not property’s.
The pigs doing trump’s evil will could have quit their jobs. They chose to hurt children. Punishment is deserved.
Children are hurt everyday in America when their parents are arrested for breaking the law. The parents hurt their children, sad but true.
@ray ray But social services are usually brought in to look after the children…. where were the social workers when this raid occurred ? The children weren’t even considered ! That’s how cruel ICE and the WH were. Now we also know that trump uses undocumented workers, and has been doing this for decades… so he is a 100% hypocrite. I’m so happy i don’t live in trumpworld.
The little girl crying is the reason the trump administration doesn’t allow cameras at their detention centers. Trump and his Administration are probably infuriated the video of the little girl crying for her father got out.
We are destroying the world which is causing the migration in the first place. And now we are destroying ourselves. And nobody cares.
MAHA, Make America Hate Again, Trump’s hypocracy knows no bounds.
Trump supporters love it
The more children crying the happier the Trump supports 
A majority of people don’t want to see the children hurt but American kids cry when their parents are taken away for breaking the law too.
@ray ray Shut up you heartless troll.
@ray ray Yep, send Melonia home.
American people please vote this psychopath out in 2020
They won’t.
They want. Because Trump and McConnell are making laws everyday to eliminate all black and brown people from America by any means necessary
Ya know, we all comment how bad trump is, but we do nothing! It’s time to March on DC. It’s all our fault. As in Germany, good people did nothing. What are we doing?
You are right. Because Trump and McConnell are making laws everyday to eliminate all black and brown people from America by any means necessary.
Agreed. Americans should realize (again), that there are many more ways to influence politics than just voting once every four years.
Corporations know this: Their lobbyists work 24/7, all days of the year!
It is time to put an end to this madness and deal with the elephant in the room. He is not just destroying this country but he is destroying the entire world. We must rise up and impeach if we want to save ourselves.
@Spring4030 Zxqa6519 So what have you done to stop him?
Absolutely inexcusable that ICE did not inform other government or charitable organizations to help with the children. This is literally the definition of child abuse. Is that who we are as a nation?
@ray ray Just like the people who worked at the orange baboons clubs. Weren’t you paying attention to the video or are you just trolling. This fat baboon has been hiring illegals and H2B visa people for decades and has been caught. So this hypocrite is a do as I say not as I do kinda guy!!!
@Sunrise Sunset Just ignore ray ray. He’s an alt-right troll. And a stupid one to boot. Naturally, he thinks he’s Ben Shapiro. Good job trying to talk some sense into him, but he’s not in any position to listen or learn. The best we can hope for now is that someone he knows and respects IRL will shame him into some common sense…
@Jay Bloodworth Thanks for the info!!! I suspected it was useless so thanks again for the confirmation!
There is no defending what Trump is doing. Trump acts and speaks with no forethought or plan. He is not a leader.
SUPREMACY SUPERIORITY STATUS: Wanna wish we were whiteouts – whitewalls – whitewashed: “white supremacists”. Expressly every existing European Ethnic emigrant, commonly called classified Caucasians, categorized Caucasoid citizens of the United States, hereon, North Americas continental geographical land-location. Those who’ve taken off their white-hoods and robs, and those wearing them, still surreptitiously secret supremacy status, supposed superior sovereign societies. The major mainstream media, anchors and news reporters, journalists and columnists, signing their nationalized names as; “white/Caucasian” are also; “white Nationalists”; = Notorious negative Neo-Nazi Neanderthals. Undercover Ku Klux Klansman and Klanswoman, Undisclosed and unidentified, “domestic terrorists” too!!
He will go down as the most grotesquely unqualified and morally objectionable president in history. George Wallace of presidents.
And America elected this lunatic.
The people took to the streets with George Wallace, the people fought back. Now people do nothing but complain and wait for somebody else to solve their problem.
smh after 2 mass shootings and this is what he’s focusing on. We’re living in dark dark times.
End of Babylon!!
He’s following Hitler’s playbook.
Heart breaking what is happening to the children and the ripping apart of families. Know the whole world will be seeing these images an it will be the shame of America
This is not Trumps fault. He can not do what the people won’t allow. And everybody seems to be ok with it.
Why not kick out illegal Russians , start at Trump Tower ??? Hippocrit! Dictator Trump Terrorist of children!!
If we keep waiting for someone else to take care of our problems than we are the ones who are going to die.
He has the nerve to Pledge Allegiance to The Flag. The only allegiance he has is to Trump Ltd.
@April I was looking for that–thanks for posting
Slavery was also a way that people did business. Totally inhumane. The devil is in the White house.
Still separating children from their parents as a deterrent.
Still making children suffer for his political purposes.
But mostly his inaddicoussies!
you break the law you get separated.
Ok so Melanie came into the USA illegally, lied on forms… so lock her up and send her back to her master Putin. Barron can sit and cry on the steps of a church.
Or maybe Barron wouldn’t notice
Yes.. She came to do nude photos. Lesbian photos too. This is fact! I could only imagine Michelle Obama doing that and still being a ” representative of a First Lady” Melania must be on Valium to be handling this.
Boy you frigging republicans must really be proud. This is being done to pander to your racism.
@KB Peters I didn’t I have no reason to if you like I’ll post it again
@shyam vijay
You can if you wish and I will re-post my response back to you.
I just wonder where it went.
here it is with some more examples
@KB Peters let me give you some more examples..
Implementing a Republican healthcare plan called romneycare instead of universal healthcare
Expanding us military engagements overseas while supporting the excesses of the Saudis and Israel is
Bailing out wall street
Mass deportations
Need i go on about how Republican lite Obama was..he has admitted it in an interview
Expanding the military budget
Increasing the surveillance state powers .. Allowing fracking ..and so on
greatest president since Lincoln, lo and behold Trump.
The sad thing is, trumps base will defend his hypocritical actions.
White agenda!!
We are supporting him too by doing nothing.
@Spring4030 Zxqa6519 if Congress can’t stop him, what can we do?
Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. There is no goodness in him but all evil and wickedness. He is a foreshadow of the antichrist